Chapter 5: Wow! heresy!

NewD’s biggest advantage is its overwhelming freedom, but that doesn’t mean it’s solely about experiencing this freedom. Since it claims to be an RPG, it has a status window, inventory, quests, and raids as its end-game content. And currently, the final content in NewD is the demon, Tagirion, who appears in the Castle of Klipoth. Today is the reset day for the entrance limit to Tagirion. So, as usual, I began recruiting party members for the raid in front of the Castle of Klipoth.

“[Tagirion Raid Recruitment. Absolutely no heretics allowed | Inquisitor | Traveler]”

…Huh? What’s this? Strange. Why isn’t anyone applying? NewD is currently incredibly popular among gamers. So, it’s common for applications to pour in at lightning speed the moment a recruitment notice for the final content, like Tagirion, is posted. Sure, my party doesn’t accept heretics, so it’s probably less popular than others… But still, there’s no way I’d have this much trouble getting people to join, right?

“What the…”

It’s not like there’s a shortage of people around, either. While it’s true that the Tagirion raid is end-game content and this place isn’t as bustling as a big city, it’s definitely not so empty that raids can’t even run. Could there be a bug in my recruitment notice? Thinking that, I checked other parties’ recruitment posts, and the moment they were created, they filled up instantly.

“Seriously, what’s going on?”

[A player named Se-ah has applied to join our party. | Spearmaster]

Just as I was frowning at the situation, unable to comprehend it, the first application finally came in. It was a familiar nickname I had seen several times while doing Tagirion raids. When I accepted the application, a system message reading ‘Party’ appeared over the head of a girl in the distance. She must’ve noticed me as well because she started walking toward me, and when she reached me, she bowed her head in greeting.


[Inquisitor: Hello]

I responded with the usual party chat greeting, and she gave an awkward smile before speaking up.

“So… I didn’t come to do the raid today. I actually came to tell you something…”

Tell me something? What could it be? …Wait a minute. Could it be? The unusually slow recruitment. And the phrase in my recruitment post, ‘Absolutely no heretics allowed.’ Does this mean… all the players in NewD have become heretics?! No way. If that’s true, this isn’t the time for a raid. I’ll be even busier than when I was working in the real world.

“Um… Inquisitor?”

[Inquisitor: Yes]

“There’s been a post about you on the NewD community and the official website’s free board… saying you’re a hacker…”

[Inquisitor: What?]


What is she talking about? A hacker? Me? Why? What reason would I have to use hacks? The absurdity of the claim made me frown.

[Inquisitor: So, you’re saying there’s a rumor that I’m a hacker?]

[Inquisitor: And that’s why no one’s joining my raid?]

“Yes… I suppose so.”

…Honestly, I have no idea how to respond to this.

To think that there’s a faction trying to frame me, one of the most innocent players, as a hacker.

Of course, there’s no need to guess who it might be.

It’s definitely those cultists.

[Inquisitor: Could I get some links to that community and the free board?]

“Ah, yes. Just a moment, I’ll send them right over.”

With that, Se-ah sent over more than 10 links in the party message chat.

The first was a link to a post on the official website targeting me.

The rest seemed to be reactions from the community regarding it.

【New Dimension Gallery】

【Title: Inquisitor <<< This bastard is a hacker, just look at the video on the free board】

[Posted by: ᄋᄋ]

(1vs3 battle scene.mp4)

This is ridiculous lol

【Upvotes: 531 / Downvotes: 490】

ᄋᄋ: lol I knew this would happen

Loo: There were always some questionable moments whenever I met him in AOS mode.

HeadSmashedPriest: Doesn’t look like he’s hacking though.

└HeadSmashedPriest: It could also be that they’re just really bad at the game.

└HeadSmashedPriest: If they scream and charge in, and can’t dodge, aren’t they just idiots?

└NewDimGalleryUser1: You defending him is pretty suspicious lol

Loo: Didn’t you already have some beef with him?

└HeadSmashedPriest: Personal beef is personal beef, facts are facts.

oo: China hasn’t even managed to make hacks, and he’s using them?

Loo: Try making some sense lol

MouthFighter: Watching him move, looks like definite hacking to me.

└MouthFighter: Even with system compensation, can you really move like that?

└NewDimGalleryUser2: It’s a bit pathetic to assume others can’t do what you can lol

└MouthFighter: Are you him? Why are you butting in lol

【Title: It’s clearly hacking, so why are some people defending him?】

[Posted by: ᄋᄋ]

(1vs3 battle scene.mp4)

Do you seriously think a human can react that fast?

If you genuinely believe that, go get yourself checked into a mental hospital.

【Upvotes: 351 / Downvotes: 132】

oo: I’d fail 100 out of 100 attempts lol

NewDimGalleryUser1: Doesn’t seem like hacking to me.

HeadSmashedPriest: Just admit you want to burn it all down because you’ve got nothing better to do, idiot.

└NewDimGalleryUser2: It’s obvious you just want to stir the pot even though you don’t have any solid proof.

ᄋᄋ: Opinions seem more divided than I thought.

【Title: Honestly, why do people think this is actual hacking?】

【Posted by: HeadSmashedPriest】

(1vs3 battle scene.mp4)

Ambushing them while shouting = They’re idiots.

Lowering his head in the middle = Predictable move.

Parrying with a warhammer = Difficult but not impossible.

I genuinely don’t understand what makes people think this is hacking.

“Think before you speak, based on your own skill level.”

【Upvote: 269 / Downvote: 331】

ᄋᄋ: I asked some guys I know, and they said it’s definitely a cheat.

└HeadSmashedPriest: ᄋᄋ, I asked some guys I know too, and they said it’s definitely not a cheat.

NewbieGaller1: But wouldn’t it be good if that damn Inquisitor gets caught? Then the priest users would benefit.

└HeadSmashedPriest: I’ll smash the head myself, if necessary.

└NewbieGaller1: Oh… okay.

No need to see more of this.

I was wondering who reported me as a cheater, but it must have been those guys who suddenly picked a fight last time.

Instead of finding the problem in their own weakness and shortcomings, they blame others.

What a bunch of fools trapped at the peak of ignorance.

This must be what they call the Dunning-Kruger effect, right?

Oh well, never mind.

Anyway, there’s no need to dwell on this.

And really, it’s not something I even need to explain.

They’re insisting that a play that clearly isn’t cheating is somehow a cheat.

Didn’t a lot of people already react, saying it doesn’t look like cheating?

This really isn’t something I need to worry about.

Rather than that ridiculous and baseless accusation, I’m more intrigued by this ‘HeadSmashedPriest’ character.

I’ve faced this guy many times, and he’s left an impression—quite a strong one among the enemies.

Maybe that’s why?

He’s someone who seems capable of looking at the situation objectively.

…How unfortunate that someone so smart is among the enemies.

But seeing how clever he is, I’m sure he’ll repent someday.

Until then, I’ll do my best to help him.

“Hey… are you okay?”

Since I hadn’t said anything for a while, Se-Ah, seeming worried, quietly spoke to me.

[Inquisitor: I’m fine. Thank you for telling me.]

“Oh, okay. So, what do you plan to do from now on?”

[Inquisitor: It looks like this controversy will die down in a few days, so I’ll just wait.]

“Ah… Hang in there. I have to go now, I’ve got a raid with my friends.”

[Inquisitor: Alright. Thanks.]

〔Se-Ah has left the party.〕

After Se-Ah left the party and I had nothing to do, I immediately left Klipoth ‘s Castle.

Even if this controversy dies down soon, it’s probably not a good time to go raiding right now.

Of course, I do have some favorable opinions on my side, but joining a raid when people are accusing me of cheating? That’ll definitely get some attention.

It’s a shame, but I don’t feel too attached to it.

I wasn’t raiding for the loot or anything anyway, it was just part of the content.

There’s plenty of other content in NewD to enjoy besides raids.




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Reply to  Admin
5 days ago

I’m not a professional, but I think the correct translation for “Klipoth” is “Qliphoth”

7 days ago

thanks for the chapter

7 days ago

“I know you heard the rumors”