Chapter 2: A Guild like Family(2)

The opposite of a genius

The opposite of a genius is not an ordinary person but a dullard. Realizing the harsh reality at an age when one wants to believe they are special is a very painful experience. But there was no other choice. I had the ability to remember something once and even implement more than that.

In front of real geniuses, I was particularly bound to be compared. I couldn’t manifest any form of swordsmanship. I could only draw the sword from its scabbard. Nothing more than that.

A talent that doesn’t even permit a light swing of the sword. A talent that couldn’t cut anything with a sword. My instructor evaluated me as having a talent that seemed to be hated by the sword itself.

How much better it would have been if I had been born with ordinary qualities. At least then, I would have received some reward for my efforts. I used to curse the heavens with such thoughts.

But amidst the unending despair, I eventually realized the truth.

I was merely running away from it.

The only swordsmanship allowed to me. It was nothing more than drawing the sword from its scabbard. It wasn’t even worth calling swordsmanship. But I had to accept it.

If this was my only talent, then I would turn it into a weapon that no one could rival.

To prove it to everyone who mocked me.

Of course, it was all just a concept!!


The city of heroes and legends. It’s not an exaggeration to say that most of the stories about heroes who defeat monsters, vanquish demons, and win over beautiful women come from here.

And true to its name, Gideon continues to see numerous heroes writing their own legends every day. But where there is light, there is inevitably darkness.

While some live the brilliant life of a hero, others are forgotten in misery after their deaths. It’s only natural. Not everyone can become a hero.

The city of heroes and legends.

Otherwise known as…

The graveyard of heroes and legends.

Therefore, at the very least, we must strive to ensure our own graves are not dug. Isaac thought this as he walked with his guild members. The existence of the monster that blocks the path of heroes was such a being.

Monsters that can turn a hero’s life into a disaster in an instant, no matter how powerful the hero might be. Even if the opponent is the weakest monster, a goblin, there is no reason to let down one’s guard.

Even the weakest monster, the goblin, is a reality that ordinary villagers cannot handle properly. That’s why heroes exist. To deal with monsters.

“At least it’s fortunate that the distance is short.”

“I heard that higher guilds can travel easily through spatial movement.”

“How can you be full after just the first bite?”

“I-I know! I just said that!”

Sofia blushed and flared up at Hans’s rebuke. As Isaac said, the Iron Shield was a newly founded guild. Naturally, comparing it to a huge guild was meaningless.

“That’s enough fighting. They’re coming.”

Though Isaac didn’t particularly wish to continue watching the sweet, affectionate bickering, it was regrettably not an option. Uninvited guests had arrived. Isaac raised his hand.

Raising his left hand was a signal indicating that enemies had appeared. The atmosphere of the guild members, who had been chatting and laughing lightly just moments before, instantly changed.

“Sophia, what’s the enemy’s position and number?”

“They’ve completely surrounded us. There are about 20 of them.”

“That’s quite a few.”

Sophia, the half-elf, although not as capable as a pureblood elf, could sense movement in the forest far beyond that of ordinary humans. In other words, she was an excellent scout.

“Still, they’re just goblins.”

As soon as Sophia relayed the enemy’s position, Hans moved forward immediately. His hefty greatsword was swung like lightning, and a massive slashing attack followed. The slashing attack that poured forth with the force to split the forest swept away not only the trees and soil in front but also the goblins. Although Isaac already knew, seeing it in person was shocking.

“Sophia, how many are left?”

“Five. They’re even running away.”

“So, they’ve sent scouts.”

“It seems so. How presumptuous.”

To hide his inner agitation, Isaac played the role of a calm commander as much as possible. Indeed, it was natural to tremble when witnessing such a slashing attack firsthand.

However, who was Isaac? He was a true concept enthusiast, willing to risk his life for the sake of concept. Soon, Isaac calmed himself and thought about the next step.

“If the cowards are openly watching us but haven’t fled and instead surrounded us, it means there’s considerable strength in their den.”

“Shall Hans and I go on a reconnaissance mission?”

“No, first, we will establish a base in the village. It’s better to prepare thoroughly before going on a reconnaissance mission.”

Isaac, who didn’t want to lose such excellent personnel, eliminated all possible risks. Of course, Sophia and Hans wouldn’t fall to goblins, but.

There was always a possibility. Moreover, if goblins were doing this to heroes like them, what would happen to the weak villagers? Sophia apologized.

“Sorry. I didn’t think of that.”

“Don’t worry about it. Handling such matters is my responsibility.”

“What’s with you today? You’re so dependable.”

“Isn’t this the first request as a master? It wouldn’t be unusual to be resolute.”

“That’s true. It would actually be problematic if you didn’t act this way.”

Sophia was surprised by Isaac’s unusual demeanor, but after hearing Hans’s words, she nodded in understanding. Isaac, on the other hand, was internally startled, wondering if his true intentions had been exposed.

After a few more goblin attacks, which were mostly dealt with easily, they finally arrived at the village, and its condition was worse than expected.

“The smell of blood is overwhelming.”

“The bodies haven’t been cleared away.”

“They probably couldn’t manage it.”

Isaac already knew from the novel that Veltas Village had been completely isolated by the goblins. As a result, they couldn’t even get proper food and weapons, let alone clear the bodies.

Eventually, the nearly exhausted Veltas Village had been largely decimated by the goblins, with only Zeke and his sister surviving.

However, that was part of Isaac’s story, and to others, it seemed as if he had instantly grasped the situation in the village with just a single glance.

“What’s with you, Master? You’re so reliable!”

“It’s my first time seeing Isaac so serious.”

“Have you finished all your jokes? Then let’s go inside.”

Feeling a bit pricked by his own inner thoughts, Isaac hurriedly urged the guild members forward. A village youth, behind a crude barricade made of stacked wood, shouted out.

“H-Halt! Who are you?!”

“I’m Isaac, the Master of the Iron Shield Guild. We’ve come to resolve the goblin extermination request.”

“Iron Shield? Does that mean you’re from Gideon?!”


Apparently, the name “Iron Shield” was still not widely known. The man seemed unfamiliar with it, so explaining that they were from Gideon was much quicker for now.

Seeing the situation was even more desperate than expected, the crudely constructed barricade door quickly opened. Isaac and the guild members entered the village.

The village’s condition was far worse than anticipated. The exterior was littered with bodies, and inside, there were many injured, most of whom looked utterly exhausted.

“It’s like looking at a defeated army.”

“Hans, refrain from making such remarks. These are people who have risked their lives for their families and have endured until now.”

“I spoke inappropriately. My apologies.”

Isaac’s cold voice pierced their hearts like an arrow. Hans, reflecting on how the guild master had not put down his weapon even in such a desperate situation, thought his earlier remarks had been inappropriate.

‘He must have matured from sitting in the guild master’s position. He’s certainly more serious than before.’

Isaac used to be a man with a light demeanor. Hans had wondered if someone like him could effectively handle the role of a guild master, but it seemed he had been overly concerned.

‘Did I just say something a bit cool?’

If one could read Isaac’s mind, they might have dismissed the evaluation made just moments ago. Anyway, thanks to the guidance from the young men, Isaac finally arrived at the village chief’s house.

“I didn’t really think you’d come. I thought everything was already lost.”

“I’m sorry for the delay. And I pay my respects.”


As soon as Isaac met the chief, he bowed and placed his right hand over his heart. The sudden action left the chief bewildered, but then Isaac spoke:

“The sacrifice of those who fell to protect their families and neighbors will never be taken lightly.”

There was undeniable power in his words, a weight that seemed to engulf the surroundings. The chief suddenly realized what an actual hero was. For some reason, tears began to flow.

“Right! Leave it to us! We’ll crush those goblins to pieces!”

“For now, Dig and I will start by fixing the barricades.”

“Eh?! Isn’t that a huge task?!”

“Shut up and follow along. Newcomers talk too much.”

Stimulated by Isaac’s words, the guild members also began to actively step forward. They were ready to fight to protect the village and exact revenge on the goblins. The battle was just beginning.

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