Chapter 12: The Beginning of a reversal of fortunes (3)

A new post was uploaded on the Masked Instructor channel’s community tab.

  • Hello, everyone. I’ve seen the various opinions shared by journalists and others regarding the ‘External Mana Utilization’ method I mentioned in my first video. Among them, the remarks by Helmunt Academy’s President Baek Jooseok stood out the most.
  • President Baek Jooseok stated that I am a freelancer and an amateur, and he criticized the External Mana Utilization method I shared as a flashy but practically useless technique in real combat. I never expected that the information I shared with such a big heart would be disparaged like this. However, I think this is due to my own shortcomings. I only explained how to utilize external mana but never showed how it could be mastered and applied in real combat, which is why such debates have arisen.
  • So this time, I’ve decided not to just talk about it but to show it directly. I will prove to President Baek Jooseok, the many instructors who belittled me, the media, and all the people leaving hate comments, that the mana utilization method I shared is more than useful in real combat.
  • To prove this, tomorrow, I will start a live broadcast and head to an A-rank dungeon. I will clear the A-rank dungeon alone. Using none other than the mana utilization method that so many people criticized. For those worried about me editing or manipulating the video, fear not. The entire process will be shown live from start to finish without any omissions.
  • I will do my best to ensure that those of you who applied to be my disciples will not be seen as fools tricked by a fraud but as visionaries who recognized the best instructor first. See you tomorrow at 8 p.m. live.

I couldn’t help but be impressed as I read the post written by Seol Eunah, who had one of her guild members write it for me.

‘Wow… It’s written really well.’

As expected, the response to the community post was explosive.

  • Wow… Is he really going into an A-rank dungeon alone? Does anyone even exist in Korea who can solo an A-rank dungeon?

ᄂ There are a few. Even the Baal Guild Leader can do it alone.

ᄂ But the Baal Guild Leader is a swordsman. Is there a magician who can do it?

ᄂᄋ There are many.

ᄂ Then name one. Tell me.

ᄂ You find it yourself. Why are you coming at me?.

  • I’m feeling so proud. To think there’s someone like this in Korea. If he proves it live, I’m going to apply as his disciple immediately.

ᄂ You Fuck. Do you really believe this? I’ll bet my neck that he’ll delete his channel and disappear tomorrow.

ᄂ I’ll bet all my money that he’ll lie about doing a live stream, then post an edited video tomorrow.

The general opinion was that people couldn’t believe it. Which was understandable. After all, magicians generally had difficulty clearing dungeons alone.

‘This is actually perfect.’

The more people think it’s impossible, the more intense their reactions will be when I succeed. The more they doubt, the higher my reputation will soar after I clear the A-rank dungeon by myself.

‘Hmm… I need to plan how to act once I’m inside the dungeon.’

I spent time thinking about how to elicit an even stronger reaction, mapping out my movements and the spells I would use.

Before I knew it, the day of the live broadcast arrived, and it was already afternoon.

  • Ding-dong.

I was adjusting my condition at home when I heard the doorbell ring.

“Who is it?”

Seol Eunah spoke into the intercom.

“It’s me. I told you earlier via text.”

‘Oh, she’s already here.’

I put on my mask, which I had taken off, and opened the door.

  • Creak.

Standing outside was Seol Eunah. Beside her stood a pretty girl with short pink hair and a bright smile. I already knew her name.

After all, I had seen her in a video not too long ago. She bowed her head and greeted me.

“Hello! I’m Jang Hyena, the operator of the Issues and Curiosities channel! Thank you for accepting my interview request!”

An interview request email had come from Jang Hyena through the email linked to my NATUBE channel. Seol Eunah had checked it in advance, discussed the general details, and brought Jang Hyena to my home.

Since she seemed more knowledgeable about guild and channel collaborations than me, I had entrusted her with full authority.

Jang Hyena looked around the interior of my house curiously.

“Wow… but this house is really impressive. Do you live here alone?”

“Yes, I just moved in recently.”

After being expelled from Helmunt Academy, I moved quickly, so there were barely any furnishings or belongings in the house. The only things I had were a few magical tools, a computer, and some odds and ends. Because of that, the already spacious house felt even more vast.

Jang Hyena, looking around curiously, seemed to realize something and spoke to me.

“I’ve already discussed this with Seol Euna, but in exchange for agreeing to the interview, we’d like to offer you 20% of the revenue generated from the video. Is that okay with you?”

“That’s fine. I’m not doing this for the money.”

“Also, just to be safe, we’ll have several mages and swordsmen on standby around the area. Our filming crew could be at risk, after all. Of course, if you request assistance during a dangerous moment, they can help you. But keep in mind, everything will be broadcast live, so please only ask for help in a real emergency!”

As she spoke with bright, eager eyes, I smiled and responded.

“I doubt I’ll need any help.”

“Really? Do you have something you’re confident in?”

“Yes, the external mana technique I posted in the video. I’ll use it to cast spells continuously. In theory, with the external mana technique, I can keep drawing mana endlessly.”

“Is… is that your strategy?”

“Yes. Is there a problem?”

“No, no… I was just wondering… you’re not secretly using high-level artifacts or dark magic, right? No tricks?”

“Why would I use something like that? I don’t need it.”

The truth was, with her millions of subscribers, she had seen all kinds of people. Naturally, she assumed there was some exaggeration in what I posted on the community channel. She probably thought I’d secretly use an artifact or some hidden device to make it look like I was clearing the dungeon solo. In short, she had her suspicions about possible manipulation.

“Wow… so you’re really going to do it without any tricks?”

“Of course.”

At that moment, she suddenly pulled out a hidden camera and shouted.

“Everyone! Did you see that?! No need to worry about any manipulation now!”

Jang Hyena had already activated a broadcast camera without me knowing before coming into the house. Next to the camera, a live chat window rapidly filled with comments.

  • LOL I was nervous it might get caught LOL
  • Crazy… but is he really going to do it without any tricks?
  • Mission accomplished! No more worries about manipulation.
  • Nah, he’ll just fail and embarrass himself later.
  • LOL No tricks, but still hasn’t succeeded yet.

The chat was moving fast. Even though we hadn’t left for the dungeon yet, the number of viewers was approaching 500,000.

“Everyone! This is Jang Hyena! I’ll be recording every single part of this event! A live broadcast with no manipulation! This is Jang Hyena, the one who covers all the issues and solves all the mysteries! We’ll be back after a short commercial break!”

  • No, take us with you!
  • Bring us along! Bring us along!
  • Pik

During the brief screen transition, Jang Hyena bowed and apologized to me.

“I’m really sorry. There was a big issue about manipulation before… and the viewers are super sensitive about it… sniff…”

“Oh! And don’t worry, I only recorded the audio. No visuals were broadcast, so there’s no need to worry about your house’s location being exposed!”

She looked at me with worried eyes, but I gestured that everything was fine and spoke.

“Yes, it’s fine. I don’t really mind.”

“Wow… thank you so much! I’ll treat you to a meal sometime!”

“That’s really not necessary.”

‘Because I already knew.’

I’m not an idiot. There was no way I’d miss the faint sound coming from the hidden camera. That’s why I played along, not surprised at all. Besides, I had confirmed through ‘Clairvoyance’ that nothing was being recorded.

I smiled and said, “Alright, let’s head to the gate. People must be getting bored waiting.”

At that moment, nearly everyone at Helmunt Academy was watching the live broadcast streaming on Jang Hyena’s channel. After all, the person involved in a controversy with their academy’s principal was making an appearance, so they were curious too. They wanted to see if the external mana technique could really be used in a dungeon, and if it was effective in real combat.

Naturally, Baek Juseok, the one who started all of this, was also watching the broadcast.

‘Tsk tsk, what a fool. What does a mere creator, who isn’t even an official instructor, know to make such a spectacle? Well, at least it saved me from a troublesome situation.’

He sipped his coffee with a leisurely smile.

‘I was worried that there’d be some noise after kicking out Choi Juwon, but luckily, this timely issue came up, and I’m relieved.’

‘Now, no one will care about the intranet situation anymore. Especially if this fool of a creator fails. My credibility will soar, and so will the reputation, prestige, and trust in our academy.’

‘It was worth going out of my way to agree to that interview request.’

With hundreds of thousands of people watching the broadcast, he was certain Masked Instructor would fail and eagerly awaited time to pass. The gate he was entering was an A-rank dungeon with a high danger level. Even if he somehow survived the A-rank dungeon, Baek Juseok was looking forward to seeing him face the final boss and fail in despair.

Just before 8 p.m., in front of the A-rank gate.

Somehow, reporters and people had gathered in droves to watch Masked Instructor. Despite the thousands of people, Jang Hyena confidently started shouting, familiar with the situation.

“Everyone! Thank you for waiting!”

“At last, everything is ready! While mages and swordsmen will accompany us to ensure the safety of the filming crew, we promise there will be no direct intervention unless Masked Instructor requests it! And of course, we’ll be using magical tools capable of aerial filming to capture every angle in real time, so there’s no need to worry about any manipulation!”

“Now, let’s hear some final words from Masked Instructor! Please, say a few words!”

Looking around, I saw thousands of people staring at me. Countless magical devices and cameras were all focused on me. I glanced at the large floating filming tool in the sky and shouted.

“I’ll prove it. Who the real amateur is.”

Though I didn’t name him directly, everyone knew I was talking about Baek Juseok. Cheers erupted from the crowd.


With the cheers behind me, I stepped into the gate and entered the dungeon.

Author’s Note : Please comment on any suggestions regarding the translation errors, etc. We will further improve the translations. You can comment without being logged in.

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4 hours ago

Thanks for the chapters