“What? I’m an assistant mod? I never agreed to this!” I angrily messaged Hwajuyeon.
[What? I never agreed to be an assistant mod! Did you just appoint me on a whim?]
[Hwajuyeon: Absolutely not. When an assistant mod request is received, a window appears to accept or reject it.]
[You’re lying!]
[Hwajuyeon: Or perhaps you accidentally accepted it? It happens sometimes.]
Reading her message, I remembered a notification that had appeared and quickly disappeared. I hadn’t paid attention, but that was probably it.
[Ah, I accidentally accepted it. Is there any way to undo it?]
[Hwajuyeon: Nope. Anyway, please post something quickly. Everyone’s freaking out!]
[But I really…]
[Hwajuyeon: You already accepted. What can be done? Since you’re doing it, why not do a good job?]
[It’s unpaid labor…]
[Hwajuyeon: What? No, you get paid regularly, and it even counts as work experience for future jobs.]
Hwajuyeon’s persuasive words began to sway me. The salary was good, but the work experience was even better. I stared at the screen with trembling hands.
[Hwajuyeon: So it’s better to just do it, right? We even have meetups here; it’s great!]
I wondered if managing an online community actually counted as work experience, but I figured someone with experience would know better, so I decided to trust her.
They pay and it counts as work experience; I had no reason to refuse. I sent a positive reply to Hwajuyeon and turned my attention to my laptop.
[Assistant mods ignore casual users f*ck][6]
[This assistant mod doesn’t seem right either.][2]
[Aren’t assistant mods only chosen by the head mod?][9]
[No post in 3 seconds, and I’m launching a tactical nuke.][15]
What the hell? This is terrifying! Especially the last one. I started typing immediately.
[[Question] Title: Hello][23]
[Author: Kim Jia]
Excuse me, does anyone know how to remove the blue tag?
[Likes: 5 / Dislikes: 2]
[All Comments]
00: Newbie’s slow to greet.
00: This assistant mod needs training. Their profile is pure.
Loo: I just checked; zero posts, zero comments. A bug? Why did the head mod appoint this person?
00: They must have impressed her.
00: Them?
oo: If you’d been one second later, I’d have launched that tactical nuke.
Kim Jia: Phew. I lived.
00: You’ll see lots of tactical nukes managing the late-night gallery, so don’t worry.
Kim Jia: Ah?
ThisPostWasWrittenByACat: lolololololololol
Approx.YuriFlower: What? Run!
Kim Jia: It’s too late…
My belated post quickly became the center of attention.
[Title: Jia-lez, you’re the new assistant mod?][7]
[Author: 00]
Let’s see what our new assistant mod can do!
[Likes: 12 / Dislikes: 4]
[All Comments]
00: Hey, don’t do that.
00: Season 1 assistant mod getting destroyed lol
Loo: Crazy b*tch lololololololololololol
Loo: Does the first person to use a tactical nuke get to be the first to ban someone?
00: That’s pretty good.
[Title: This assistant mod is a complete newbie][12]
[Author: OnlyVirginMTF]
I checked their profile; it’s totally clean.
[Likes: 3 / Dislikes: 0]
[All Comments]
00: It could be a secondary account.
OnlyVirginMTF: I’ve been in this gallery for 10 years; secondary accounts are obvious; this one’s real.
Loo: Crazy gallery person.
Loo: Old hag…
OnlyVirginMTF: fcking btch, I’m not an old hag.
NotAVirgin: Look at them, smelling a newbie lol
OnlyVirginMTF: I don’t associate with non-virgins.
[Title: What if we launch a tactical nuke now?][14]
[Author: 00]
Give the new assistant mod their first experience; be the first to get banned by a newbie.
[Likes: 1 / Dislikes: 1]
[All Comments]
00: Oh, I like this.
OnlyVirginMTF: lol
00: Seriously? Don’t joke lolololololol
Kim Jia: No, don’t…
Loo: The newbie’s here lol
OnlyVirginMTF: This is like seeing a newly-adult college student reject someone’s advances; it’s hot.
00: How do lesbians know these things so well…?
[Title: Is it just me, or is the new assistant mod hot?][19]
[Author: 00]
After seeing the crazy assistant mods, the polygamous assistant mods, the furry assistant mods, and the colluding head mod, this normal newbie is something else.
[Likes: 26 / Dislikes: 0]
[All Comments]
00: Wow, the mods are all idiots.
Loo: That’s nothing; there have been far worse hypocritical assistant mods.
Loo: How did they get taken down?
Loo: The head mod got bored and dumped them. She hates that personality type.
Loo: The head mod chooses assistant mods based on her preferences, so…
00: I like how they respond to everything.
Loo: lol The newbie is totally giving off newbie vibes; it’s so hot.
00: But don’t you think it’s frustrating that they don’t know anything?
Loo: That’s what’s good about it. Ugh.
[Title: When is the next Yuri Gallery meetup?][26]
[Author: OnlyVirginMTF]
Can we see the new assistant mod at the meetup?
[Likes: 42 / Dislikes: 3]
[All Comments]
Hanna: Don’t get your hopes up.
OnlyVirginMTF: Since the head mod only picks those she likes, their looks are guaranteed.
Hanna: No, you won’t be there anyway, so don’t get your hopes up lol
OnlyVirginMTF: fcking btch.
00: Wow, discrimination against casual users.
OnlyVirginMTF: If you don’t like it… you know what to do.
00: I’ll make a regular account out of spite.
OnlyVirginMTF: Yeah, and you won’t post anything. I know.
The posts were getting weird. They kept mentioning wanting to have s*x with me.
As I worried about handling this, a new post appeared. A bright orange tag next to the nickname. Hwajuyeon’s post.
[[★]Title: Jia is mine; touch her, and you’re dead.][62]
Hwajuyeon…? I appreciate her stopping the gossip, but that statement is extremely open to misinterpretation. What will people think of me?
[Hwajuyeon: Did I do well!]
[Hwajuyeon: (Duck emoticon with sparkling eyes)]
Whether she knew or not, she sent me a cheerful message. It was a kind gesture, so I was grateful.
[Thank you…]
[Hwajuyeon: (Shy rabbit emoticon)]
[Hwajuyeon: Oh, by the way, there’s a group chat for the moderators. Please join!]
[Hwajuyeon: I’ll send you the link now.]
[Hwajuyeon: https://nhvnovels.com/novels/i-became-the-main-admin-of-the-lily-community/ Password: 6969!]
She sent a flurry of messages followed by a link. Is it okay to create a secret group chat like that? This community is bizarre.
I wanted to ask about it, but I was too afraid. Hwajuyeon must have a reason for remaining in power for so long.
I hadn’t spoken to the other assistant mods, and I was scared. As an extreme introvert, could I adapt? I felt increasingly negative.
I tried to politely decline.
[I don’t know anyone…]
[Hwajuyeon: That’s fine!]
[Hwajuyeon: You’ll meet everyone at the meetup anyway, and the other assistant mods will like you.]
[The meetup?]
[Hwajuyeon: Yes, you have to attend as an assistant mod!]
My refusal was easily dismissed. And I had to attend the meetup. I’m bad at refusing… so I accepted.
I clicked the link; it was a password-protected group chat. I entered 6969 and joined.
[Baek Hwayeon: Oh, hello.]
[Cho Hyeseol: What? New assistant mod?]
[Hwajuyeon: Yep]
[Hwajuyeon: This is Kim Jia, our new assistant mod. Please treat her well.]
[Cho Hyeseol: Wow, Hwajuyeon rarely says that. Welcome.]
[Baek Hwayeon: Unnie, don’t get involved this time.]
[Cho Hyeseol: Does Hwajuyeon have a crush on Ji-a?]
[Baek Hwayeon: No! Unnie keeps flirting with every new assistant mod, and they all run away.]
The group chat seemed incredibly friendly. The conversation flowed quickly; it was hard to keep up. I was staring awkwardly at the chat when I received a question.
[Baek Hwayeon: Anyway, how did you become an assistant mod, Ji-a? How did you end up at an unpaid job…]
[Baek Hwayeon: Didn’t you know? They don’t pay anything to manage the community.]
[And the work experience…?]
[Baek Hwayeon: Work experience? What’s that?]
You’ve got to see this next! Heroines raised by feeding them buffs will keep you on the edge of your seat. Start reading today!
Read : Heroines raised by feeding them buffs
If You Notice any translation issues or inconsistency in names, genders, or POV etc? Let us know here in the comments or on our Discord server, and we’ll fix it in current and future chapters. Thanks for helping us to improve! 🙂
Thanks for the chapter!
thanks for the chapter
maaan, unpaid, and the link to the group lol