[Han Byeo-ri is going to Grandmaster LOL]
[If a Diamond local doesn’t overturn the bus, that’s a carry]
10 consecutive wins.
We got another surrender before the 20-minute mark, precisely 5 hours and 24 minutes.
“Wow… he dealt 60,000 damage alone?”
Han Byeo-ri was amazed at the result screen after the game.
He froze the lane against a Grandmaster top laner, called the enemy team, and then won a 2v1 to destroy the game.
If the enemy team didn’t want to come top, he went into the enemy jungle and wreaked havoc.
How can he do this 10 times in a row without making a single mistake?
[He’s probably a pro, right?]
[Of course, he made a Grandmaster top laner look like a noob, he must be a pro]
Han Byeo-ri’s current rank was Master 190 points.
The seemingly impossible goal showed hope after just 5 hours.
[Han Byeo-ri: Shall we go to the next game quickly?]
[Para: Ok]
‘Are we really going to Grandmaster?’
With a cheerful heart, the next game was found.
The moment we entered the pick screen.
[HyerimV: Why are there two Master noobs;; I dodged and got kidnapped again]
The user in the support role suddenly started to get angry.
[HyerimV: Wow, two fresh account noobs are duo?]
[HyerimV: You got carried hard by your boyfriend LOL]
Feeling strange, I entered the support’s name into the match history website.
The tier was Grandmaster 700 points.
But looking at the match history, he had lost 6 games in a row.
‘He lost his MMR by losing streaks, why is he taking it out on us?’
Para’s MMR was excessively high, and Han Byeo-ri’s MMR was also good due to the winning streak.
It wasn’t strange to be matched with 600 or 700 point players when you’re over 100 points in Master.
[HyerimV: Ah, we lost]
[HyerimV: I can’t believe I have to play with Master noobs LOL]
And when I looked at the pick screen again, Para was assigned to ADC instead of his usual top lane.
Han Byeo-ri, judging that it would be difficult to win, sent a private message to Para.
[Han Byeo-ri: Should I dodge?]
[Para: No, we can win. I’m good at ADC]
I wanted to press the exit button right away, but I couldn’t catch the timing due to Para’s strangely confident chat.
[Support Lee Sin incoming LOL]
[Are you ready, Lee?]
The game started with the support picking Lee Sin.
TOP: Aatrox
JG: Karthus
MID: Yone
AD: Ashe
SUP: Renata
TOP: K’Sante
JG: Viego
MID: Zoe
AD: Aphelios
SUP: Lee Sin
‘He really picked Lee Sin.’
Maybe he didn’t want to throw the game.
As soon as the game started, Lee Sin bought a support item and ran to defend against the invade.
HyerimV(Lee Sin) pinged danger.
HyerimV(Lee Sin) pinged danger.
HyerimV(Lee Sin) pinged danger.
He even pinged the jungler and top laner who were AFK at the fountain, probably having a smoke.
Even though he picked Lee Sin, a support is a support.
The early game started with a normal laning phase.
[An ally has been slain.]
Lee Sin leveled Q at level 1, and as soon as he hit it, he flew towards the enemy and gave first blood.
[HyerimV: Why didn’t you follow up?]
What kind of nonsense is that?
It’s true that Lee Sin is strong at level 1 if he goes to the lane instead of the jungle.
But this is bot lane, it’s not a solo lane.
‘The enemy is Ashe and Renata. If you go in at level 1, you die.’
Looking at the match history before the game started, HyerimV was a support user.
Even so, he was acting like a child, expressing his feelings through his actions.
[HyerimV: GG]
After chatting for over 10 minutes, Lee Sin stopped coming to the bot lane after his 7th death since I didn’t respond.
‘It’s better this way.’
It was better not to have Lee Sin who kept pushing the lane mindlessly.
The champion I picked, Aphelios, has one of the best late-game carry potentials among ADCs.
I was planning to slowly farm CS…
[Han Byeo-ri(Zoe) pinged danger.]
[Han Byeo-ri(Zoe) pinged danger.]
[Han Byeo-ri(Zoe) pinged danger.]
Numerous pings were coming from mid, and the enemy Yone disappeared from the map.
The mid-jungle 2v2 fight in the early game heavily favored the enemy.
There was only one action the enemy could take against the solo Aphelios.
‘There are 3 waves including the cannon minion.’
The act of going in and killing a champion hiding in the enemy team’s tower.
Usually, dives are attempted when there are many enemy minions, so the return is high if successful.
You get gold and experience from killing the enemy.
The enemy loses the experience and gold from all those minions, creating a huge gap.
‘He thinks I’m an immobile ADC.’
Aphelios has only two attack skills, including his ultimate, and he’s immobile without any movement skills.
Instead, he has the great advantage of being able to choose from 5 weapons to suit the situation.
And the weapons I was holding now were Severum and Infernum.
Severum provides lifesteal and movement speed, and Infernum deals massive area damage.
As expected, when the enemy minions reached our tower, the hiding Yone appeared.
Behind him came Ashe’s ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow.
My summoner spell was Barrier instead of Cleanse, so I used my remaining flash to dodge the Crystal Arrow.
At the same time, Renata poured all her skills on me.
Did they not check the spells?
They didn’t expect me to flash the Crystal Arrow, so Renata poured all her skills on the ground.
Of course, Yone used his ultimate on me to follow up.
There was no way to avoid this, so I had to take it.
‘It’s overstepping to dive without going back home.’
Yone’s only item now was Berserker’s Greaves, a tier 2 boot.
This alone couldn’t kill me with Barrier at once.
When Yone’s ultimate’s airborne ended, I used my remaining skills.
Infernum R, Infernum auto-attack, Infernum Q.
Yone and Renata, who were inside the tower, were hit by the ultimate at the same time, dealing massive burst damage.
[Double Kill!]
A double kill for me.
Ashe, who was using W outside the tower, stopped moving, as if she was petrified.
[Triple Kill!]
I easily got a triple kill.
It was easy after that.
Aphelios, who swept up kills from the beginning and had The Collector and Infinity Edge at 16 minutes, was a god.
After a few teamfights, Karthus, as if he was also petrified, sold all his jungle items and started running mid.
With a satisfied heart, I typed a chat.
[Han Byeo-ri can’t even breathe because she got a former season Challenger mid LOL]
[But Yone is crazy, that level 2 gank dribble was insane]
[Even if she gets sleeped, he just cancels it with E]
Was it because of the 8-hour stream, or was it because she met a former season Challenger Yone?
Or was it because of Karthus who ran mid as soon as he ate the enemy blue?
Han Byeo-ri’s Zoe was 70 CS and 2 levels behind the enemy Yone.
Yone, who pushed all the lanes, suddenly disappeared from mid.
She quickly pinged, but as expected from the high elo, Yone was already visible in the bot lane.
The remaining cooldown of Teleport was 120 seconds, so she knew she couldn’t do anything even if she ran to the bot lane now, so she quickly cleared the lane and prayed.
A huge victory came from the bot lane.
[Triple Kill!]
Instead of avoiding the dive, Aphelios killed all the enemies, pushed the tower, and started to exert influence in mid.
[Para(Aphelios): Baron, I have good weapons]
At the 20-minute mark, Aphelios suggested taking Baron after killing the enemy jungle.
Baron Nashor is an object that gives an overwhelming buff but is difficult to kill.
There was even a saying that taking Baron gives the enemy team a chance to make a comeback.
But the enemy jungle was dead, and Aphelios’s weapons were optimized for hunting objects.
No one opposed Aphelios’s order, and everyone started to take Baron.
[Big And Heavy(K’Sante): We might have to fight here?]
However, the allies’ health was greatly reduced by Karthus’s ultimate as soon as he revived.
To make matters worse, Renata initiated a fight, and three allies were instantly killed.
Only Han Byeo-ri’s Zoe and Para’s Aphelios, who had about half health left, remained.
Thinking that at least one person should survive, I was about to retreat.
Aphelios used his ultimate and charged into the enemy with a yellow spark.
The ultimate he used was the Crescendum ultimate.
In addition to the four Crescendum he was holding, nine more were added, and 13 Crescendum illusions appeared around Aphelios.
[Quadra Kill!]
Aphelios rampaged through the enemy and dealt monstrous DPS, killing all the enemies.
I thought the game wouldn’t end because the remaining champion was Karthus, who wasn’t bad at clearing lanes.
[BigAndHeavy(K’Sante): What is that]
[BigAndHeavy(K’Sante): Karthus: Refillable Potion]
[BigAndHeavy(K’Sante): Karthus: Refillable Potion]
[BigAndHeavy(K’Sante): Karthus: Refillable Potion]
The enemy Karthus threw the game, and it ended.
Aphelios sent a chat to Lee Sin.
[Para(Aphelios): Lee Sin, how’s my masterpiece?]
Lee Sin, who had been whining since the pick screen, couldn’t say anything.
[The top laner is back to normal]
[Give me a shot of cider here! Give me a shot of cider here! Give me a shot of cider here!]
[Looking at the chat, that guy is also a jerk LOL]
[Severum Crescendum is god… Severum Crescendum is god… Severum Crescendum is god…]
[How’s my masterpiece…? How’s my masterpiece…? How’s my masterpiece…?]
You think this chapter was thrilling? Wait until you read [TS] We became childhood friends for a limited time! Click here to discover the next big twist!
Read : [TS] We became childhood friends for a limited time
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