Chapter 16: VLL preliminary (3)

“Wow, a solo kill!”

“When the ‘Talent’ team is in a difficult situation overall, a solo kill like that can really boost the team’s morale.”


[Isn’t that just Actor playing badly?]

[But the build-up was really good, though. Baiting out the flash, freezing the lane, going back, and then going for the solo kill right away]

[He was a bit careless, but Para set the tone]

[Is Queen Seo-ha a god? Is Queen Seo-ha a god? Is Queen Seo-ha a god?]

[Stop simping for her]

“That was truly a sharp play worthy of a Challenger rank 1.”

“The first game of the preliminaries, and Para makes her presence known with a cool solo kill!”

It was just one solo kill, but it was perfectly timed to stop the game from slipping away.

“Uh… uh? Oh! Another solo kill~”

“The ‘Is LPL a Joke’ team’s draft, which focused on snowballing through the bot lane, is backfiring.”

“Para’s laning, even with the lead, is definitely at a level that even active pros can’t ignore.”

Ryze, with his long lane in the top lane and his ranged CC.

With these two combined, Ryze started over-farming, going beyond the enemy turret.

“Shouldn’t Manjae come and take care of this?”

“He could make that judgment, but I think they’re probably going to focus on the dragon because of the stacks they’ve accumulated.”

“It seems like Sylas has decided that it’s hard to solve the top lane on his own, as he immediately runs to the dragon after respawning.”

A fight was brewing around the dragon.

“There’s going to be a big fight around this dragon.”

“I think that even though Ryze is fed, Lucian and Nami’s burst will be stronger at this timing.”

“I agree. The problem is that there’s no champion who can tank Lucian’s poke with his ultimate.”

Thus began the standoff in front of the dragon.

“Both teams are engaged in an intense mind game… Actor initiates out of nowhere!”

“Rakan uses his ultimate for a wide-area charm! But Jhin reacts!”

“Ah~ Malphite used his ultimate, but Kuku dodges it with flash!”

As various skills were fiercely exchanged.

“Para suddenly charges forward!”

Judging that the enemy’s skills were all on cooldown, Ryze took an aggressive position and started dealing damage.

“Team ‘Is LPL a Joke,’ if they don’t back off now, they’re all dead.”

“Even though the Rod of Ages stacks aren’t fully stacked yet, it feels like Ryze’s carry potential is already kicking in.”

“Of course, the growth is important, but I think Para’s judgment was excellent.”

“That’s right. Taking an aggressive position based on the health items when the enemy’s skills are all on cooldown. Not just anyone can do that.”

[Wow, is Ryze the team captain already?]

[LOL These pros have such a poor level of play]

[LOL That’s why they couldn’t find a team]

[Stop with the flame wars]

[LOL;; If you want to have a flame war, go to the gallery]

[? The gallery isn’t for flame wars?]

“Amazing, Para!”

“I think this is the epitome of a top carry. Three people come to the side lane, and she takes one down and escapes. She’s showing us plays like this.”

[Captain Queen Seo-ha! Captain Queen Seo-ha! Captain Queen Seo-ha!]

[She sucked in three people on the side LOL]

[How does a mage have 3800 health? Is that a bug?]

[Do you think Archangel’s and fully stacked RoA are a joke LOL]

She shook the side lanes, drawing the enemy’s focus to her, and then slipped away.

Yoon Seo-ha was showing the perfect example of a well-fed top laner, without making a single mistake.

“Ah~ Team ‘Is LPL a Joke’ starts taking Baron.”

“Isn’t this too emotional of a burst? It seems like they don’t like Ryze playing in the side lane.”

“Team ‘Talent’ also uses Ryze and Malphite’s teleports as if they’re going to take a stand here.”

Unable to stop Ryze in the side lane, Team ‘Is LPL a Joke’ started to burst Baron.

“Ah~ This is where the weakness of Lucian and Nami comes in. Lucian, who went for Rapid Firecannon instead of Navori Quickblades, is a bit slow at bursting Baron.”

“Team ‘Is LPL a Joke,’ they have to fight here! They can’t go for a smite fight.”

As the casters said, Team ‘Is LPL a Joke’ stopped bursting and looked for a fight, but.

“Lucian’s kiting! Kiting! Ah, Nami is a set with Lucian, if she gets caught like that… Team ‘Talent’ gets the ace!”

The key to Lucian and Nami, Nami, was instantly killed by Nocturne’s ultimate.

After that, it was just a massacre by Ryze.

“The mid lane is also pushed in heavily. If they push forward like this, the end of the game is in sight.”

“Ah~ They use Ryze’s Realm Warp to run to mid.”

“And the Nexus is destroyed.”


[Wow, I just watched Para’s stream, and she’s really pretty LOL]

[She’s so pretty]

[Her mechanics are insane]

[Dodging Nidalee’s spear with a 1-Teemo movement was insane]


“Wow, Seo-ha, you’re really good.”

“I almost said that I wish you could keep substituting for us instead of someone else~”

“That’s true.”

“If we had Seo-ha, we could really make it through the preliminaries, right?”

The enemy top and jungle were active pros, so I was a little nervous, but the game wasn’t that difficult.

“By the way, Seo-ha.”

While everyone was discussing the game, Sheen, the team’s captain, suddenly spoke up.

“What you said earlier was cool.”


He cleared his throat and said.

“I’ll carry.”

It was the line I said to boost the team’s morale.

It was a bit of a cringey line when I heard it from someone else.

But from my past experience, I knew that such small things could determine the outcome of a game, so I wasn’t embarrassed…

“I’ll carry.”

“Oh, that was exactly the same?”

It started to get a little embarrassing as they teased me like that.

‘They’re not doing it on purpose.’

I knew they were trying to lighten the mood so that I, who suddenly joined, wouldn’t feel pressured, so I wasn’t angry.

“Then let’s end it here for today, and see you all tomorrow.”

“Let’s win tomorrow and advance to the main tournament~”

“See you tomorrow.”

“Everyone think about the draft after watching the second match.”

After confirming that all the team members had left, I exited Discord.

‘Oh right. I need to turn on the chat.’

There was a rule that streamers had to turn off donations and chat during matches.

I think it was a minimal measure to prevent stream sniping.

I made the chat visible again and turned on donations.

{á„‹á„‹ donated 10,000 won}

Our streamer is the best, she’s so cool

[She’s really cool]

[I fell for her again]

[Queen Seo-ha’s Ryze is a god… Queen Seo-ha’s Ryze is a god…]

[Ryze doesn’t die! Ryze doesn’t die! Ryze doesn’t die!]

[I am immortal! I am immortal!]

[Captain Queen Seo-ha! Captain Queen Seo-ha! Captain Queen Seo-ha!]

The chat was full of praise for me.

Yeah, even I think it’s cool to come in as a substitute and carry.

Amidst the continued praise, my phone started to ring.


The caller was Han Byeo-ri. She must have been watching the match even though she should have been resting.

“Yes, thank you. I’m grateful for this opportunity.”

I had injured my wrist in my past life, so I was worried about Han Byeo-ri’s condition.

Fortunately, Han Byeo-ri wasn’t a streamer who focused on skill, nor was she a pro.

“Yes, don’t push yourself and rest well.”

Just as I was about to end the call and start chatting.

{á„‹á„‹ donated 1,000 won}

[Voice donation]

“Wow, this is my first time receiving a voice donation.”

Someone used the voice donation feature.

I had never received one during my pro days.

I played it with a curious heart.

[I’ll carry this game.]

It was my voice from earlier.



[Her low voice is just… I can’t hold back]

[Hearing her voice go husky in real time almost made me lose it]


‘Everyone has such unique tastes.’


[LOL Gallery]

Title: Seriously, I think Team ‘Talent’ might make it to the main tournament

Even if she goes top, she destroys them like that. If she goes mid, I don’t think anyone can handle her.

Seriously, I think she could dominate even if she debuted in the LCK

Do you think the LCK is a joke?

LOL Why do you think there are 5 best mids

Even if someone as good as Blow debuts, they’ll get smacked down. That’s the current state of mid LOL

The mid lane is full of veterans

[LOL Gallery]

Title: The reason why LPL is a joke

(GIF of Para’s Ryze solo killing Sylas)

An active pro LOL? A middle school girl who just started playing LOL less than a year ago solo killed him, and he’s on the All-Pro 3rd team LOL

Let’s have a vote here

Our cute middle school girl Challenger rank 1 is good

No, the LPL is a legendary joke of a league

This is bait

Are you saying this is bait right now?

I made it 100 upvotes

You can only upvote once a day

Someone stole my upvote

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1 month ago

If You Notice any translation issues or inconsistency in names, genders, or POV etc? Let us know here in the comments or on our Discord server, and we’ll fix it in current and future chapters. Thanks for helping us to improve! 🙂