As I sipped the bitter espresso, we discussed plans for the future.
“The most important issue right now is finding someone to replace me as KR Märchen’s costume designer. Of course, I can still work on designs while doing VTuber activities, but my turnaround time will definitely be slower.”
“I’ve been thinking—what about training a successor? Or perhaps teaching someone to mimic your art style, like Auka does?”
“That’s a possibility, but my art style is pretty distinctive. If someone were to replicate it, I imagine deadlines would take at least three times as long.”
“Hmm, then maybe an assistant role could help?”
While various ideas were exchanged, the three of us knew the truth.
Finding an illustrator as skilled as Muil wasn’t likely. Replacing them wasn’t something that could happen anytime soon.
Still, as they say, keep digging and you might find a solution.
Well, not a solution, exactly—but the best option we had for now.
“The best course of action would be to train someone as your successor and have them assist you.”
“Yes, we’ll have to manage that way until someone comparable to me comes along.”
“But are you really okay with this? Balancing it with VTuber activities, too?” Tsupi asked with a worried expression.
Smiling slightly, I nodded. “As long as you extend the deadlines a little, I think I can manage.”
“Just don’t overwork yourself!”
Overwork is my normal state, so don’t worry, I thought silently as I took another sip of espresso.
“So, does that mean we’re done talking?” Eunhye, who had remained silent throughout the conversation, hesitantly spoke up.
“Not entirely, but mostly,” I replied.
“Yay! Then let’s have cake! Tiramisu, please!”
“I’m fine with that. What about you, Tsupi?”
“Sounds good. Eunhye, you know what to do.”
“Ugh, fine. I’ll be right back.”
As if on autopilot, Eunhye stood up and walked to the counter after being summoned by Tsupi. Watching her retreating figure, I couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for her.
“Heh. I may boss Eunhye around a lot, but she’s my favorite team member. I treat her almost like a little sister.”
“That doesn’t sound like a good thing.”
“What? I’m really nice to my actual sister, you know!”
“I doubt she’d agree.”
I shot a pointed look at Tsupi, who awkwardly avoided my gaze.
Now that I thought about it, should a manager team leader really have this much free time? Don’t you have to manage the current generations? I couldn’t hold back my curiosity.
“Shouldn’t you be checking on the KR VTubers? Managing all the way up to the 10th generation must be a ton of work.”
Tsupi chuckled at my question, amused. “Do you know how many people are on my team?”
“Uh, no.”
“Including me, there are 22 people. Minus me and Eunhye, that leaves 20. Each pair manages one generation. That’s why we haven’t hired more managers.”
That made sense. With that kind of structure, the team would run itself as long as the leader handled the major decisions.
With that mystery solved, my curiosity shifted to other topics. I was about to ask another question when Eunhye returned.
“Ta-da! Let’s eat while we talk!”
Eunhye placed the tiramisu on the table. It looked delicious, but after everything I’d eaten today, I was still pretty full.
Maybe just one bite.
While I debated, Tsupi suddenly held a forkful of tiramisu in front of my mouth.
There was no way I, Muil, could refuse food being fed to me—especially by someone pretty.
Satisfied with the dessert, I soon found myself feeling drowsy.
“By the way, are you going to design your VTuber avatar yourself?” Eunhye asked, having devoured half the tiramisu on her own.
Had she not asked, I might have fallen asleep right then and there.
“Probably. My specialty is costumes, but I can manage other designs to some extent too.”
“By the way, how about your RP (roleplay) and stage name?”
Eunhye, who had seamlessly transitioned into work mode, felt a bit unfamiliar, but I answered as best as I could.
“Hmm. I haven’t thought about the RP much. Maybe something simple, like an incompetent illustrator. For the stage name, I think I’ll stick with Muil.”
Tsupi looked at Eunhye like a proud parent admiring their grown child. Though, judging by their ages, they probably weren’t that far apart.
“Muil sounds too masculine. How about something cuter or prettier?”
“Then let’s reverse it and go with Yuwol. How does that sound?”
“What’s with your reactions?”
Eunhye’s dissatisfaction was met with a casual response from Tsupi, which caused me to let out an involuntary gasp of admiration.
As expected of Märchen’s lead VTuber manager. Come to think of it, Tsupi had named most of Märchen’s VTubers, aside from the 5th and 7th generations.
When it came to naming, Tsupi was in a league of her own.
“It’s getting late. Let’s continue this discussion next time. Muil, I’ll give you a ride home.”
“Then I’ll gladly accept.”
“Me too, team leader!”
“You live five minutes away. Just walk.”
By the time we left the café, it was almost dark outside. The three of us hurriedly exchanged goodbyes as we stepped out.
“I’ll be in touch again soon.”
“Sure. Be safe, Tsupi.”
Eunhye parted ways as soon as we left the café, and thanks to Tsupi, I got home effortlessly.
After seeing her off, I stepped into my dark apartment and collapsed onto my bed without even bothering to shower.
So much had happened today. I was exhausted.
-[KR Märchen Live Gallery]-
[Title: The 50-person waiting screen is a real mess]
Can anyone even watch all 50 streams?
Likes: 315 / Dislikes: 213
– Feels a bit over the top, lol.
– If I were a dragonfly, I could watch 50. Heck, even 500.
ᄂ Dragonfly? …What?
ᄂ Please live in the real world, sir.
– Just pick one stream, watch for an hour, and by then, the most popular ones will start standing out.
ᄂ That’s actually smart.
[Title: “A”]
(5th Participant’s Stream.mp4)
Likes: 4,123 / Dislikes: 52
– How is the first word of a broadcast just “Ah”?
– A…
– The way they moved on like nothing happened was hilarious.
– The sheer presence in that “A.”
ᄂ Is this normal for a regular person? Competing with this level feels impossible.
ᄂ It’s normal when you’re living the life of an everyday person.
ᄂ You jerk.
ᄂ Lololololol.
– Märchen2: Lololololol.
ᄂ What exactly do you do, Märchen2?
ᄂ Märchen2: “Dirty jokes.”
ᄂ *snickers intensify*
[Title: Does anyone know about Participant #5’s past life?]
“There’s no way this person is just an ordinary participant. They must have a past life…”
Likes: 74 / Dislikes: 814
– Dtya?
– Ugh… Dtyadtya…
– Their voice is undeniably GOAT-level.
ᄂ It’s not just the voice—their reactions are hilarious. LOL.
– Dtyadtyadtya~ yayayaya~
– Original shiny Pokémon are always different from others.
ᄂ They’re not a Pokémon, though?
ᄂ Are you okay?
[Title: Breaking News – Participant #5 Breaks 1,000 Viewers in 20 Minutes…]
(Image: “5th Participant hits 1,000 viewers in 20 minutes.jpg”)
Likes: 5,132 / Dislikes: 129
– It’s not particularly groundbreaking, but you can’t stop watching…
ᄂ We call that addicting.
– Once you tune in, you don’t feel like switching to another stream.
– Subscribing now. When are they debuting? I’m ready to donate!!
– Märchen2: Hey, sister~
ᄂ You’re a girl?
ᄂ Märchen2: winks
ᄂ Lolol you fool.
[Title: ???: “The first-round eliminations? Aren’t they all just no-good fools?”]
This is factual.
Likes: 132 / Dislikes: 983
– It wasn’t even an insult, just facts, LOL. How much spice did you sprinkle in?
– Fabrication (severe LOL).
– Facts? Hahaha.
– But it did come off as a little dismissive, didn’t it?
ᄂ Are you Participant #5? No? Then stop assuming things, LOL.
[Title: (Celebration) Participant #5 Plays a Game After 1 Hour and 30 Minutes]
Viewers: 4,000. LOL.
They’re in a completely different world, playing solo.
Likes: 7,193 / Dislikes: 210
– Everyone, step aside. This is my turf now.
– Join the glorious broadcast of Participant #5.
– Is it fun? Should I try Speed Paint?
ᄂ If you can’t draw, I don’t recommend it.
ᄂ Oh, okay, lol.
– Even in a survival challenge, their numbers rival those of existing VTubers.
– They hadn’t even started the game, and this many people showed up.
[Title: LMAO at the Ridiculous Topic LOL]
Production capacity? Are you kidding me?!
Likes: 9,142 / Dislikes: 313
– Lololololololol.
– Gasp!! This is outrageous! Yasuda! Yas!!
– Lololololol.
– I… I feel weird about this…
– My roots hurt too much, #5 sis.
– I’m starting to have strange thoughts…
– Märchen3: Oh…
ᄂ Wait, I thought you were Märchen2? Why is a seemingly composed person here?
ᄂ Märchen3: If I were composed, I wouldn’t even be on this forum.
ᄂ ᄉᄇ True, can’t argue with that…
[Title: Hehe, Tree-chan…]
I wouldn’t mind having your child.
Likes: 2 / Dislikes: 89
– Get lost, you creep.
– This is #5’s fault.
– Lolol, just look at the dislikes.
[Title: Seriously, stop pestering! #5 played one round and left!]
Why are you all swarming in here?
Likes: 813 / Dislikes: 32
– The chaos is real.
– Ugh… antisocial shut-in misanthropic cute girl…
ᄂ Märchen2: Please date me…
ᄂ How about being my secret friend?
**ᄂ Märchen2: Hehngg. **
ᄂ What the heck?!
[Title: Eating Bingsoo Is So Adorably Chaotic]
(Audio clip: #5 eating melon bingsoo.mp3)
I can’t handle this anymore.
Likes: 1,129 / Dislikes: 74
– Wait, why are they leaving?
– Stay right there, Shinji!
– I was planning to eat bingsoo tomorrow, but now I can’t.
ᄂ Lololololol.
[Title: Does This Vote Count Even Make Sense?]
(Image: #5’s Vote Percentage 51.4%)
LOL, does this even seem real?
Likes: 132 / Dislikes: 81
– I’m sorry, but I had no choice but to vote for #5.
– Just accept it and make #5 your oshi too.
– Join the club already.
– Try #5 for yourself—churai, churai.
ᄂ Oh…
ᄂ Please hold your breath for the next 5 billion years.
ᄂ Will humanity even exist by then?
[Title: It’s Official! #5 Secures Debut with 71.4% Votes!]
Congrats, #5!
Likes: 19,282 / Dislikes: 434
– 大大大大大大大大大大大
– 大大大大大大大大大大大大大大大
– 大大大大
You think this chapter was thrilling? Wait until you read Heroines raised by feeding them buffs! Click here to discover the next big twist!
Read : Heroines raised by feeding them buffs
If You Notice any translation issues or inconsistency in names, genders, or POV etc? Let us know here in the comments or on our Discord server, and we’ll fix it in current and future chapters. Thanks for helping us to improve! 🙂