Chapter 25: VLL final (7)

Sheen’s Sheen.

Pressure, who had regained his memories of winning Worlds.

The god of hyper-carrying, Eugene.

The golden flash, Fpot.

Everyone’s peak performance was on display, and they were able to lead the game until the mid-game.

But that was it.

“Can you help me with this?”

“I think we should back off from that.”

“No, we have to do this!”

Unlike our team, which was in disarray, the opponent took advantage even when they lost small skirmishes by rotating players to the side lanes.

By the time it was 40 minutes in, after a lost teamfight, the gold difference was 4800.

It was almost a 5000 gold difference.

‘They’re definitely good.’

The opposing team, ‘We’re Good at LOL Even When We’re Retired,’ were all players who had retired due to personal reasons.

They were players who still boasted consistent skill and popularity.

It was no surprise that they had beaten a 2nd division pro team in the LCK content.

“They’re taking Baron?”

“I have my ult, I can teleport in 10 seconds.”

The opposing team started taking Baron after taking down Sheen in the side lane.

It seemed like they were really trying to solidify their lead now.

The opposing team’s composition wasn’t slow at taking Baron either, and it was being taken down surprisingly quickly.

“I’ll try to steal it, don’t use your ult on me, Sheen.”

Pressure spoke with a determined tone.

The current gold difference was 5,000. If they failed, the game could spiral out of control to the point where they couldn’t do anything.

‘What should I do?’

4,000, 3,000, 2,000.

As Baron’s health kept decreasing, I racked my brain as much as possible.

What was the best decision I could make right now?

What if the steal failed?

What if I made the right decision but failed due to a lack of mechanics?

“I’m going for the steal!”

When Baron’s health reached 1800, Pressure used his Sound Wave from behind the pit and flew in.

Of course, the opponents stopped dealing damage and tried to stop Pressure with their skills.

“I’ll burst it!”

I used Azir’s long range to my advantage and helped with the burst from behind the Baron pit.

Suddenly, Baron’s health was at 980.

Additionally, even if you were CC’d, you could still use the Smite spell.

[An ally has slain Baron Nashor!]

The message that they had successfully stolen it appeared, and the team members shouted urgently again.

“Retreat, retreat.”

“Let’s go back and fight at Elder.”

“Azir, just get out of there!”

Everyone wanted to regroup, but I saw a different angle.

‘It’s a Baron, so their health is quite low.’

Out of the three types of Barons, this was the strongest one, dealing damage equal to 20% of the target’s current health. This meant that the opposing team’s health was generally low.

Plus, the sand soldiers I had just placed in the pit to take Baron.

And the enemy’s main damage dealers had just used their flashes in the previous teamfight, and my flash had just come off cooldown.

This was an opportunity.

“Kai’Sa, look for an angle to use your ult!”

I used E and Q to fly in, then quickly used the flash-ult combo.

The opposing team, who thought the fight was over after stealing Baron, couldn’t react to my Emperor’s Divide and got swept away.

“Sheen, use your ult on Kai’Sa! I have Zhonya’s!”

With most of the enemies now in a near-death state after being poked by Azir’s ultimate and two sand soldiers.

“Hyung, watch me!”

Eugene’s Kai’Sa used her ultimate to dive into the middle of the enemy team and used her Q skill.

In this game, Kai’Sa’s build was AD, and like the skill’s name, 12 missiles rained down like a torrential downpour.

With my Zhonya’s active finished, I used my skills, which were back off cooldown, to stab the enemies. The result.

[Wiped out!]

They had won the teamfight perfectly.

“Can we end it if we go mid?”

“It might be a bit close?”

With the opponent’s third turret still alive, the fastest to revive would be the opponent’s bot duo.

Wondering if they could end the game, I told the team members.

“Try to save the cannon minion. I have Nashor, and if Kai’Sa uses E and pushes, I think we can end it.”

Even if the opponent’s bot duo revived, it would take at least 10 seconds for the other remaining team members to revive.

“If Sheen uses W and pushes, we can definitely push it.”

“Okay, let’s listen to Seo-ha.”

“Then I’ll go in front and tank?”

When the third turret and inhibitor were destroyed, the opponent’s bot duo revived and blocked our path.

Their goal wasn’t to catch us, but to buy time until their teammates revived.

But there was no reason to let them.

“I taunted him!”

Sheen moved forward and taunted Ashe, while the remaining team members focused their attacks on the turret.

By this time, the turret was practically non-existent.


Only after the blue screen appeared did the tension finally ease.

‘…We still have one game left.’

There was still one game left.

“Steal? Steal? Wow!! Pressure!”

“I’ll have to see the replay, but it looks like Para’s Azir helped with the burst.”

“Team ‘Talent’, they managed to steal Baron and put out the urgent fire. Now, the remaining task is at the Elder Dragon…”

“Uh… uh? A toss!!!”

“Para goes into the middle of the enemy team and scoops up all five of them! And Eugene!”


[Wow, super toss]

[How can he see that angle?]

“Eugene, kiting! Kiting!”

“And Para’s finish!”


[Para just has a different way of walking]

[But wasn’t the opponent just stupid for getting caught while going home?]

[If he made a mistake there, he would have just died and the game would have been over]

[Seeing the angle there is crazy, who are you to criticize when they got caught LOL]

[Can we end it here?]

“Team ‘Talent’ is pushing in mid for now. Do you think they can end it?”

“The lane isn’t that great, but they should try.”

[I don’t think they can end it]

[They probably can’t end it?]

[If they save the cannon, it’s over]

[Ashe has Runaan’s, it’s over, right?]

“Count and Lucia are trying their best to resist.”

“Sheen’s performance isn’t that great considering he picked Sheen, but I’ll take care of the finish! Sheen-saeng’s two-man taunt hits.”

“And the game ends like this! GG~”


[Queen Seo-ha is a famous Azir master, from today onwards, that’s what I’ve decided]

[Crazy… crazy… crazy…]

[5,000 gold? Who cares LOL Just one super toss and the game is over]

[But out of 10 people, only she really saw that and went in, that’s legendary]


“Seo-ha, that was really nice.”

“Wow, how did you see that in the end?”

“It’s crazy, really.”

“Honestly, I deserve some credit for immediately ulting and going in, right? Acknowledge it.”

As soon as they entered the waiting room, the team members were full of praise for me.

Honestly, even I thought it was a perfect play.

A play that made me wonder if I could have done it in my past life.

‘I probably couldn’t.’

In my rookie days, I wouldn’t have seen the angle, and as I gained more experience, I probably wouldn’t have even been able to press Zhonya’s and would have just exploded.

That’s probably what would have happened.

“Seriously, everyone, if we’ve come this far, we have to win… right?”

“It’s more nerve-wracking now than the last game of Worlds.”

“Isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration?”

“We have to.”

Perhaps because they won the fourth set, the atmosphere had shifted back to our side.

The team members had also regained some of their confidence.

At this moment, it felt like everyone was aiming for the same goal.

“Then, does everyone have a draft in mind?”

“They’ll probably ban Sheen.”

“I think Kai’Sa will be banned too.”

“Do you want to pick Jinx for ADC and just lie down?”

While the team members were discussing the draft, I offered an opinion.

“How about Maokai in the top lane?”


Maokai. Although he was an immobile champion, he could play the AP role and had decent frontline potential.

“I think the opponent will probably pick an AP champion for the top lane too, maybe Gragas or Ryze.”

“I know how to play Maokai, but…”

The reason I told him to play Maokai was simple.

Even in my past life, when I faced a strong top team, I used this strategy. If you drag the opponent’s ace, the top laner, into the jungle, you can have a 4v4 teamfight.

Then you win.

It was a simple formula.

“Then if an AP champion comes out, I’ll pick Maokai.”

“Seo-ha, do you have any picks you want for mid?”

“It’s the last game, so I’ll play for the team.”

“I’ll just pick whatever is left and share with the opponent.”

With that strategy in mind, the 5th set draft began.

The opposing top laner banned Sheen and picked Gragas.

It showed their confidence that they could break through anything as long as Sheen was banned.

In fact, except for the early laning phase in the 4th set, the top laner had the lead in every game, so it was a natural decision.

“I’ll play Maokai then?”

“Let’s go to the room of truth.”

“These days, it’s not that, it’s ‘Domain Expansion’.”

“What’s that, you nerd.”

Since the opponent who lost the 4th set chose the blue team, we were automatically the red team.

We could choose one more after picking Maokai.

“Then should I go with Wukong?”

“It’s better to just go for a teamfight composition.”

Our team’s jungle pick was Wukong, a champion capable of strong engages after level 6.

The opponent also picked Nidalee, as if they were trying to pick up the pace before that.

“Then for mid, should I pick what we talked about earlier?”

“That seems like the best option.”

“Or we could take Ashe.”

“I think they’ll probably leave Ashe open and split Jinx, so it’s okay to pick the ADC later.”

The draft was going as expected before the start.

And I was able to put together the composition I had mentioned beforehand.

“We got mid.”


“Wow, a triple solo kill…”

“It’s amazing that they let her get that fed and then try to gank to relieve the pressure.”

“If they don’t solve that, they won’t be able to win the side lane until the end of the game.”

“Nice. The opponent is breaking down now that it’s the 5th set.”

If the expected draft came out.

It was time for my solo stage.

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1 month ago

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