“Should we just hit Baron?”
“What if they steal it while we’re hitting it?”
“I’ll mark for you.”
“Aphelios’ weapon is good, though.”
Game time: 25 minutes.
Overall, our team was in the lead, but the opponents were defending staunchly.
“Let’s clear the wards behind us first and then hit it.”
I agreed with the order to hit Baron.
After all, our team’s minions were pressuring all three lanes.
As long as we didn’t get teleported on from behind or have it stolen, it was worth a try.
“Looks like there aren’t any wards?”
Lee Yoochan rotated his red lens around the Baron area and answered.
“Then let’s hit it.”
“Aphelios and I will hit it, and Yoone and Thresh, mark for us.”
Taliah and Aphelios had fast Baron attack speed, and Aphelios’ weapon was Infernum and Crescendum, so Baron’s health was rapidly decreasing.
The opposing team checked the health with a farsight ward and, realizing we were serious, didn’t wait any longer.
“I’ll take care of this myself, so Thresh, don’t pull to me!”
“I can come back with E anyway. Save the lantern and just mark Lee Sin.”
[Beyond the Shroud!]
Using E skill from the side bush, I ran towards the enemies behind the Baron pit.
The opponent’s skills I had to consider were…
‘Chain, Polymorph, Ashe’s ult.’
But LeBlanc wasn’t paying attention to me, and what I had to target was the enemy bot duo.
[Keep them Dancing!]
The enemy Lulu cast Polymorph to check me, but a red rectangle had already appeared in front of them.
A sign that Yoone’s ultimate was finished casting.
[Fate Sealed!]
Due to the nature of Yoone’s ultimate, which is used even when hit by CC, the skill was used even after I became a harmless creature from Polymorph.
By the time the enemy bot duo was launched into the air, Polymorph had already ended.
“Cut the bot duo!”
“Can we get Lee Sin out of here?”
After catching the bot duo in front of the enemy formation’s red buff, I returned with the E skill when the time was up.
Currently, Baron’s health was 1600. We had to avoid a smite fight as much as possible.
“Lee Sin’s out!”
Thresh made a super play in that situation.
He knocked Lee Sin, who was flying in with Q, out of the Baron pit with his E skill, and at that timing, we could take Baron.
“Wow, Nice, Yoochan.”
“If Lee Sin had flown in, it would have been stolen.”
“But even if it was stolen, I had 10 Crescendum chakrams, so I think we would have won if we just fought?”
“Would the opponent fight?”
[ARK wins set 1!]
After that, we won two teamfights and the game ended.
I returned to the waiting room, listening to the casters’ and audience’s cheers.
‘Looks like we’ll win without difficulty.’
It was only the end of the first set, but I felt that the skill difference between the opposing team and our team was quite large.
“Dojin’s alive?”
“Hyung also endured well in top.”
“You really did every play you could do as support.”
All the team members seemed fine…
But one person, Jin Yoosung, who should have been the most excited as usual, had a strange atmosphere.
The bot lane was pushed a bit, but that was a matchup problem, and it wasn’t that the bot duo played badly.
He was usually confident, saying it was the support difference even if the bot lane exploded, so what did he eat wrong?
From experience, there were many cases where a guy like that ruined the game, so I approached Jin Yoosung.
“Don’t worry too much and just do it.”
“Huh, uh?”
“I’m in mid, so what’s there to worry about?”
LCK is the dream stage for all professional players, including those from home and abroad.
But the number of teams is only 10, and the number of players who participate is only 10 per line.
Of course, there would be more if you include substitute players, but there were almost no substitute players due to the nature of e-sports, where injuries and condition problems are not that big.
Only 10 people in one line.
All professional players grind themselves to secure that spot.
‘I can win if only I do well…’
Of course, ARK’s ADC, Jin Yoosung, also bet his life on his LCK debut.
3 years, the time that the family dedicated to Jin Yoosung in a house that can only be called a lower class, to put it nicely.
It was the time it took for Jin Yoosung to enter ARK, a second-tier team.
That’s why Jin Yoosung couldn’t look at Yoon Seoha favorably.
Even though the pro world is all about skill, he didn’t want to believe that he had reached the position he had gained after dedicating 3 years of his life in less than a year after starting the game.
However, that feeling gradually began to disappear as he played in the competition together.
At first, he thought he was picked for the team because of his face, but Yoon Seoha had become the team’s ace before he knew it.
Whenever he saw Yoon Seoha, Jin Yoosung felt himself shrinking.
And today.
‘Can I play here? Am I qualified?’
Jin Yoosung doubted his professional life for the first time due to the atmosphere and momentum that were markedly different from CK.
Would he be able to survive here even if he was promoted?
That thought plagued his mind even after the game started, and he couldn’t play his game.
His usual play style was to take a slightly unreasonable position for an ADC and deal as much damage as possible.
If successful, he would carry, but if he failed, he would hard throw.
Jin Yoosung didn’t have the confidence to do that kind of play in the promotion match he had bet his life on.
[It is clear that ARK won the first set, but ARK’s bot, Plea, needs to have a little confidence]
Even the sound from the analysis desk that was turned on when he returned to the waiting room.
It was a moment when it became difficult to hold on to his increasingly shaken mentality.
“Don’t worry too much and just do it.”
When I raised my head, I saw Yoon Seoha.
The same expressionless face as usual and his eyes that looked red.
Jin Yoosung felt pathetic for even thinking that he was pretty in this situation.
“Huh, uh?”
He made a dazed voice because he answered so suddenly.
He didn’t have any romantic feelings because he thought they were on different levels, but he felt embarrassed to show this side of himself in front of a girl.
However, Yoon Seoha didn’t care and said.
“I’m in mid, so what’s there to worry about?”
“Just do as you usually do. I’m holding on in mid, so what are we supposed to do if the ADC is being passive?”
Too confident, an remark that would have made people think, ‘What is this guy doing?’ if someone else had said it.
‘Is he telling me to play aggressively like I did in the league?’
The mid will win anyway. So it doesn’t matter if you throw or not, we’ll win.
When those words came out of Yoon Seoha’s mouth, it sounded like a matter of course.
“What if we lose? What if the mid collapses, and I play like usual and I get blown up too?”
“Then we lose, I guess.”
Jin Yoosung burst out laughing at Yoon Seoha’s listless answer, which was different from his sharp impression.
The team members’ gazes were directed at the two of them, but Jin Yoosung didn’t care and laughed even louder.
“You’re the one who said that? Don’t regret it later.”
Even though it was a conversation with a girl who was younger than him, Jin Yoosung felt much more at ease.
‘He’s kind of like a senior.’
To be exact, it felt like he was getting advice from a professional senior when he was a trainee.
“Finally showing the power of the LCK! TH!”
“I thought they would hand over the 3 dragons without difficulty, but they suddenly ambushed and caught 3 opponents and even ate the dragon!”
“Do you think they can end it?”
“For now, Para and Plea are still alive, but what choice will they make?”
“TH has decided that Baron is not necessary and is advancing to the mid lane.”
[This will end]
[It’s over]
[Oh yeah yeah Para did well? So what ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ There’s a 100 CS difference in top]
[Olyun VS Jason, that’s normal]
[Cut ARK simps ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹]
“Still, Azar and Jinxshu, who have 3 core items, are able to defend.”
“But isn’t TH’s condition too good?”
“That’s right. The moment Byae’s ultimate enters one of the two, they have to see that they die…”
“In that moment, Para makes a decision!”
[Wow, 4-man ult]
[He passed them all over?]
[Isn’t it normal to just clear the line?]
[Even if you pass that over, it’s over if Azar dies]
“For now, he greatly reduced the opponent’s health and died!”
“Plea, can you stop it?”
“Arin’s Flash!”
[Wow, Cleanse reaction]
[0.1 reactionã„·ã„·]
[Caught them all]
“With a knife-like Cleanse reaction, he catches Arin and activates Jinx’s Get Excited!”
“Chasing Syndra and Lulu who are left!”
“Scatter the Weak! But he avoids it with Flash!”
“He’s not just avoiding it, he’s jumping forward!”
“ARK is raising an ace!”
LOL Gallery
Title: Para 4-man ult…JPG
(Azar uses his ultimate to pass all TH champions who are attacking ARK’s inhibitor, dealing damage and dying)
This is real worldline twisting
Jinxshu set the stage ã„·ã„·
ã„´Didn’t the ADC do well?
ã„´Usually, they try to clear the line, but the twins go out and the Nexus gets focused and they lose
ã„´á„…ã…‡ The way he goes in is different
LOL Gallery
Title: Plea 0.1 second Cleanse reaction
(Jinxshu pops Get Excited, reacting in 1 second to Arin’s Charm Flash)
His physical is also out of the 2nd division ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
What is ARK doing…
ã„´It’s just 3rd place without Para
ã„´Para nunna is riding the bus, overhyped ã„´ã„´
ã„´This set, the ADC did so well ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
ã„´á„…ã…‡ That’s why those overhyped people cause a galder cup
LOL Gallery
Title: Para Legend ㅇㅇ
(A GIF of Yoon Seoha taking off his headset and sweeping back his bangs after the end of the 2nd set)
If it’s more beneficial to watch Para’s play and face than the galder cup, give a push ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
ã„´How is that even a human face? Is it AI?
ã„´She’s my wife
ã„´Get out
ã„´If they get promoted, they will be the top LCK sponsor
ã„´á„…ã…‡ It’s weird that they don’t sponsor him, he looks like a pictorial no matter what he’s holding
The excitement doesn't stop here! If you enjoyed this, you’ll adore Heroines raised by feeding them buffs. Start reading now!
Read : Heroines raised by feeding them buffs
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