I saved a child from being hit by a truck.
I didn’t hear any words of thanks.
Because I didn’t have the luxury of having a conversation due to the mind-shattering pain.
The blood that escaped my body and then touched me again was very warm. Thanks to that, I didn’t feel cold.
Even when I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry.
So I comfortably closed my eyelids and probably died thinking about what would happen now.
And, I—
“Please, save the world.”
I met a goddess who said that.
I was very embarrassed.
…When our eyes met, she immediately apologized, knelt down, and slammed her head on the ground, which was even more embarrassing.
After talking to her, I realized she wasn’t the kind of useless, troublesome goddess often depicted in novels.
After listening to her circumstances, I understood she was cornered and summoned me as a last resort.
Why me?
To this question, the goddess replied with incomprehensible words like the strength of my soul, my limitless potential, and that I was ultimately the most suitable.
In the end, I accepted.
Because I was promised all the support I could get, along with a promise to be revived.
But it was a little disappointing that I had to return after everything was over.
Deep down… I was hoping for a happy otherworld life like the ones I saw in games, comics, and novels.
She coaxed me, saying I was special and that only I could do it, but honestly, anyone else would have fallen for it too.
Of course, she promised me compensation so I wouldn’t be disappointed, so I agreed to return.
And so, I became a hero, carrying the goddess’s mission.
Honestly, I was worried, but it stayed at just that, worry.
I let my guard down.
I still regret it.
Back then, before the goddess apologized and knelt down.
I should have knelt down first and said I’d quit being a hero and just die.
Or I should have killed myself as soon as I became a hero.
But it’s already too late.
You’ve got to see this next! [TS] Awakened to a life of play will keep you on the edge of your seat. Start reading today!
Read : [TS] Awakened to a life of play
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