Today was another ordinary day of streaming. But the rate at which the number of viewers was increasing was unusual.
The unusual events didn’t stop at the number of viewers and spread to the chat.
-q3p4t5e8: Aren’t you going to moan today?
-ElementarySchoolAfternoonSnackThiefKimJeongYeol: Is this the stream where cyber prostitution is taking place?
-TalkOfTheTown: I’m from Ruriweb
The number of viewers, which was around 80, exceeded 300, and suddenly the frequency of offensive nicknames increased, and spamming began.
Seeing the chat being spammed with ASCII art made me dizzy.
From ‘Muya Ho’ to ‘Sans’ to ‘Man’ to otaku girl emotes and Pepe the Frog, it was enough to make me lose my mind.
“Stop the mindless spamming!”
But do spammers stop when you tell them to? I was in the middle of a serious game, so I couldn’t do anything about the stream.
‘If I minimize the screen now, I’ll ruin the game.’
My sub-account’s tier had already reached Platinum 2. It was a lower tier than where I usually stay, but now it had become a tier that could no longer be called smurfing.
In fact, since I was being matched with players from Diamond 3 to Platinum 2, it was basically the same tier I usually played in.
-q3p4t5e8: When are you going to moan? When are you going to moan? When are you going to moan? When are you going to moan? When are you going to moan?
[gtech donated a whopping 1,000 won!]
The text-to-speech function, which reads the donation message aloud, was saying “s*x s*x s*x s*x s*x” in an old man’s voice, making me feel actually dizzy.
“Ah, this is not that kind of stream. I don’t moan.”
[MintChocoRejectorKimJeongYeol donated a whopping 10,000 won!]
-Do the moaning reaction for me too “please”
“Thank you for the 10,000 won, MintChoco-nim. Hey! I told you this is not that kind of stream. That was an accident caused by the rashness of youth, an accident.”
-TalkOfTheTown: I’m from Ruriweb
-SusaekdongCatMomKillerLeeJeongWoo: Rashness of youth ᄏᄏᄏ Judging by the way she talks, the streamer must have had an abortion, right?
DesirableGirl: What’s with these
-q3p4t5e8: Retired
-povc123: If she’s retired, does she get spearwoman’s allowance?
JoseonMouseMeatMerchantKimJeongYeol: The reaction is stingy
KidnappedAndForcedToEatDogFoodLeeJeongWoo: Baby killer Ruffian
The level is different from usual. The guys I usually deal with are kids pretending to be
, but these guys are
whose souls are truly rotten. Guys who would be diagnosed with a mental illness 100 out of 100 times if they went to a psychiatrist.
“I’ve never had
, so stop slandering me with weird things.”
-HonTa: Hey, this heroine is a ‘virgin’
-TalkOfTheTown: I’m from Ruriweb
KidnappedAndForcedToEatDogFoodLeeJeongWoo: Ungae?
GimbapHeavenSweetRadishKillerKimJeongYeol: She’s a virgin, unicorns please enter
-SusaekdongCatMomKillerLeeJeongWoo: Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!!
-NamBongRe: Ah ᄏᄏ These days, you can get pregnant just by holding hands and sleeping together ᄏᄏ
Why do only these mentally ill people flock to me in my life?
It’s something I can’t understand at all.
In the meantime, I was doing a 14 split when I defeated two enemies who came to stop me in bot lane and recalled.
Originally, I should have pushed up to the inhibitor and then recalled, but I had no choice but to save the
I had already reached Platinum 2 on my sub-account. Although it was a lower tier than where I usually stay, it was now a tier that could no longer be called smurfing.
In fact, since I was being matched with players from Diamond 3 to Platinum 2, it was basically the same tier I usually played in.
-q3p4t5e8: When are you going to moan? When are you going to moan? When are you going to moan? When are you going to moan? When are you going to moan?
[gtech donated a whopping 1,000 won!]
The text-to-speech function, which reads the donation message aloud, was saying “s*x s*x s*x s*x s*x” in an old man’s voice, making me feel actually dizzy.
“Ah, this is not that kind of stream. I don’t moan.”
[MintChocoRejectorKimJeongYeol donated a whopping 10,000 won!]
-Do the moaning reaction for me too “please”
“Thank you for the 10,000 won, MintChoco-nim. Hey! I told you this is not that kind of stream. That was an accident caused by the rashness of youth, an accident.”
-TalkOfTheTown: I’m from Ruriweb
-SusaekdongCatMomKillerLeeJeongWoo: Rashness of youth ᄏᄏᄏ Judging by the way she talks, the streamer must have had an abortion, right?
DesirableGirl: What’s with these
-q3p4t5e8: Retired
-povc123: If she’s retired, does she get spearwoman’s allowance?
JoseonMouseMeatMerchantKimJeongYeol: The reaction is stingy
KidnappedAndForcedToEatDogFoodLeeJeongWoo: Baby killer Ruffian
The level is different from usual. The guys I usually deal with are kids pretending to be, but these guys are
whose souls are truly rotten.
Guys who would be diagnosed with a mental illness 100 out of 100 times if they went to a psychiatrist.
“I’ve never had
, so stop slandering me with weird things.”
-HonTa: Hey, this heroine is a ‘virgin’
-TalkOfTheTown: I’m from Ruriweb
KidnappedAndForcedToEatDogFoodLeeJeongWoo: Ungae?
GimbapHeavenSweetRadishKillerKimJeongYeol: She’s a virgin, unicorns please enter
-SusaekdongCatMomKillerLeeJeongWoo: Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!! Ruriweb people, please stop spamming!!!!
-NamBongRe: Ah ᄏᄏ These days, you can get pregnant just by holding hands and sleeping together ᄏᄏ
Why do only these mentally ill people flock to me in my life?
It’s something I can’t understand at all.
In the meantime, I was doing a 14 split when I defeated two enemies who came to stop me in bot lane and recalled.
Originally, I should have pushed up to the inhibitor and then recalled, but I had no choice but to save the
When I made it so that only people who had followed 24 hours before could chat, the chat became quiet like a lie.
-MorningRice: That double kill was cool
-DesirableGirl: It’s finally over
LastLightOfNation: I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb I’m from Ruriweb
LastLightOfNation: Ah, I’ve been caught
“Don’t do that again, Light-nim. If you get caught again, I’ll really scold you?”
That person was a viewer who came in the day I got involved with the streamer named Hellboy. As much as it was an offensive nickname, he spammed a lot, but he kept the line, so I didn’t ban him.
I didn’t want to kick out someone who had spent more than a week with me for something like this.
Honestly, I’ve done a lot of spamming too, and it’s fun.
LastLightOfNation: ;
Economics101: Scold me? It’s a reward
“Don’t do anything weird just because you’re envious, Okay, Econo-nim?”
-EunZan: Why did this stream suddenly become a
stream ᄏᄏᄏ
“Hey, what do you mean
? This is not that kind of stream. It’s a skilled LoL stream.”
-EunZan: What’s the streamer’s tier?
“Platinum 2 right now.”
-EunZan: Platinum 2 is a skilled stream ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
They say the average viewer is Master-Grandmaster-Challenger, but another viewer is making fun of me for being Platinum.
That guy probably hasn’t even reached Gold. But again, I wasn’t sure, so I couldn’t challenge him to a 1v1. Just wait until I see any sign of you being low elo. Just you wait.
“I’ll prove it to you with my skills.”
I decided to focus on the game again. But the situation was strange.
I clearly got a double kill while split pushing and recalled to save the
chat and came back to the game, but three enemies were alive, taking Baron, and pushing our inhibitor.
“Wait, I got two kills, so why are three enemies here?”
If I killed two, shouldn’t the remaining four be able to at least go even if they can’t beat three?
Now that I looked at it, it seemed like they had all died trying to force Baron and even lost the Baron.
-JungleIsHell: If you took out two out of five, then three are left ᄏᄏ You’re not good at math, are you ᄏᄏ
“This is dizzying.”
Since I had already used all my spells, ultimate, and items to get the two kills in bot, I couldn’t do anything against three enemies.
I had no choice but to stand in front of the twin towers and be satisfied with just defending the deepest tower.
[27:05] SnoopyMilk (Zed): What’s Trynd doing? Why did he recall instead of pushing the inhibitor???
[27:12] YonseiMechanicalEng20 (Elise):
Bronze-Silver level decision making
[27:20] CandyFlavoredLove (Janna): If he had pushed the inhibitor, they wouldn’t have been able to get Baron
But it seemed that the teammates, who lost the 4v3 and even lost Baron, decided to find a target for their politics and elected me.
They started the politics by saying that even though I could see three enemies near Baron on the minimap after getting two kills, I recalled instead of pushing the inhibitor.
Of course, they were somewhat right. I also thought I should push the inhibitor, but I quickly recalled because I was worried that the normal viewers would all leave because of the
! If I got 2 kills, shouldn’t they at least not lose in a 3v4 even if they can’t gain an advantage?
Why are they blaming me after losing a 3v4? LoL is definitely a disease game!
“This is dizzying, seriously. I admit that I didn’t push the inhibitor when I could have because I was managing the chat. But are they really blaming me after losing a 3v4? Huh?”
-Economics101: They’re probably embarrassed that they did badly, so they’re doing politics
MorningRice: If you got a double kill, you did your part
“Right? Right?”
Originally, I was going to let it go, thinking that the viewers would recognize my good play.
But the second personality inside me. The ‘guy’ who is the very embodiment of the madman top-lane Tryndamere, woke up, and I couldn’t control myself.
Suddenly, my rage gauge filled up as if I had activated Tryndamere’s ultimate.
[27:35] ThrowUntilChallenger (Tryndamere): It’s
disgusting how you’re doing politics after getting
[27:40] ThrowUntilChallenger (Tryndamere): Look at you blaming me because you’re embarrassed that you lost a 3v4
[27:45] ThrowUntilChallenger (Tryndamere): Do you feel at peace when you blame others for your failed games and your parents for your failed life?
[27:49] ThrowUntilChallenger (Tryndamere): You must be so happy to live so comfortably ᄏᄏ Everything is someone else’s fault, and nothing is your fault, how peaceful that must be ᄏᄏ
[27:53] ThrowUntilChallenger (Tryndamere): Yeah, just keep blaming your parents for your
life and live in self-delusion ᄏ
The way to win a trade. It’s to say what you want to say and then block everyone.
I quickly blocked Zed, Elise, and Janna, so I couldn’t hear their counterarguments.
-Economics101: Here it comes, ‘that chat’
DesirableGirl: Probably over 1,000 characters per minute
LastLightOfNation: The Rift’s stenographer, Ruffian! The Rift’s stenographer, Ruffian! The Rift’s stenographer, Ruffian!
-WhyNot?: Your keyboard sounds really nice today, Teacher. It feels like my heart is being healed.
“Right? I like my keyboard sound too.”
-nadang: What’s with the gap between your voice and your chat ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-Economics101: Unnie, please insult me with that voice too
“Hey, how can I insult my precious viewers. You
otaku. Pervert.”
While that was happening, the last teamfight of the game took place.
To be precise, it was a teamfight where we had to win, but the enemy team would have another chance even if they lost.
It was a teamfight where enemy super minions were pushing into our mid lane.
When such an important teamfight was about to begin,
Donated 5,000 won!]
[YouTube Video]
<No…… don’t force it in……. It’s too big, it won’t go in, okay?>
, wait, this is that thing.”
The mistake was setting the video donation to autoplay after receiving it last time.
Originally, I should have checked it briefly and played it, but I was lazy and set it to auto.
<Heugh! Uheung! Haaeugh!>
The reaction I did when I received the 100,000 won donation, the culprit that got me suspended for 3 days.
“You assassin
If I kept playing that, I might get suspended again, so I had no choice but to minimize the screen and turn off the video donation.
And when I maximized the screen again, my four teammates had disappeared somewhere.
All five enemies were alive and well, so even I couldn’t win a 1v5.
It was a defeat.
! What’s with the timing! Why is that video there? Who uploaded it!”
Why do I have to suffer such unfair things?
I’m so frustrated I can’t live.
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