Chapter 13: Corporate Invasion

I thought that if I continued broadcasting, the chat window would eventually be filled with thousands of people.

It was unfounded confidence, but isn’t ambition something that you have to have big?

I thought that having tens of thousands of viewers, doing what I want, and making tens or hundreds of millions of won a day might not be something that could be achieved in a day or two, but it was definitely possible.

And now, that wish has come true.

But in a slightly different way.

“No, teacher, I told you not to give it to me.”

“Teacher, you have theory, but I have practice.

I will play my own mahjong!”

[oo donated 1,000 won.] – You’re really bad.

Please listen to what I say if you brought someone.

“You don’t know! Do you not know?”

= My wisdom tooth is all broken, Jaehyun, pay for my dental insurance =

Is this guy doing this on purpose???

= Kim Jaehyun, play your own mahjong!

Kim Jae-hyun, play your own mahjong!

Kim Jae-hyun, play your own mahjong!

Kim Jae-hyun, play your own mahjong!

Kim Jae-hyun, play your own mahjong!

Kim Jae-hyun, play your own mahjong!

Kim Jae-hyun, play your own mahjong!

= Calling people over and saying it’s my own mahjong aaaaaaa

Right now, I’m broadcasting in front of thousands of viewers – viewers of other people’s broadcasts – while receiving donations of hundreds of thousands of won – receiving training from other people with 1,000 won punches.

It’s been about a week since those weird guys who only look for hackertubers started appearing on my broadcast.

They were bustling for a day or two, but now it seems to have died down a bit.

For a day or two, they would spam me with anything I said, and would catch me and spam me, causing a fuss, but later, either because they got tired of it or because my broadcast was fun, they just sat down and quietly said things like, “Hukwakyapya”

I’ve become their gallery owner before I knew it, so when I turn on the broadcast, there are usually around 100 viewers.

Since the broadcast starts at a set time every day, now when it’s time, they sit in the gallery and run around, and the amount of money they shoot seems to be a bit more than that of the kids playing mahjong.

In many ways, they are the ones who have increased the viewership, and I’m grateful for that.

Despite that, the reason I don’t go on the broadcast in full virtual YouTuber mode and continue playing mahjong is, well, I think it’s because I like mahjong.

Virtual YouTuber broadcasts are fun in their own way, and it’s okay to read the chat here and there and earn a thousand or two thousand won, but in the end, people want to do things that interest them, and I’m no exception, so I play mahjong even though I know it doesn’t help the broadcast much.

Today was just another day.

Since I made Together my base, I don’t go to the Mahjong Gallery that often anymore, so I’d read a few posts about Mahjong on Together and some related bait and tricks, and then start playing the Single-Horn Rank while thinking, “Hey, I’ll play a round of Dan-Geon today-.”

It was just an ordinary day when I started playing the Jak-Hon Rank.

Unlike CheonX Bonghwang-Tak, where I have to be in serious mode, my X-Hon Rank was at a low level, so I just played Dongpung-Jean with Tenari without thinking, reading the chat and responding.

I still don’t know what to do.

“You still don’t know what to do? It’s been about a week since you guys started broadcasting.

Isn’t it time you got interested in Mahjong and learned about it?

In China or somewhere, they said that mahjong is the most fun thing to do while sitting at a table.

It’s so fun, so why doesn’t anyone else play it?

I mean, you’d lose half your life.”

He blew out cigarette smoke after saying that.

The sight of guys shouting “Wakya Pya” every time a “Hoo” sound enters the mic is now familiar.

On the screen, a mature, short-haired character with horns is squinting.

Although her face could easily be mistaken for a male character, the size of her chest clearly proves that she is a woman.

I chose this avatar after much deliberation, thinking about it for a few days after turning on the broadcast and thinking about it on my own, and I was proud that the response was good.

= Why should I really benefit from something like that…

We are enough to play this kind of trash game =

I started it a while ago and it was fun.


= Do you answer questions about mahjong?

I tried it for the first time yesterday, but there are so many things I don’t know;;

“Questions? I’ll answer them all.

Isn’t there a saying? The thing that veterans like the most is training newbies.

I like teaching newbies too.

There are too many fake newbies in the mahjong gallery, not real newbies, so it wasn’t that great.

Sirchi, you’re saying that watching mahjong is so boring?

Then why do you watch my broadcast?

“I can tolerate people swearing at Nana viewers.

But I can’t tolerate people saying that mahjong isn’t fun!”

After jokingly banning me for 1 minute, I rest my chin on my hand and continue playing.

Dongfengjeon had already entered Oras, and was in 2nd place with a 6500 point gap.

I can do whatever I want at the top, and it doesn’t matter if I hit Oras.

My mindset as a lyricist to play each game seriously is limited to CheonX, so in X-Hon, I just play carelessly and if I get demoted, I get demoted, and if not, I live in that mode.

= Can’t you do a single unit match in serious mode?


“The reason I don’t do it is because it seems boring if I try to broadcast and play in real mode, and the second reason is that it’s too hard to do on a broadcast.

I played a game once before, and when I play in real mode, I play while fully utilizing Yomi (guessing the opponent’s cards by looking at the cards), so honestly, even the leader of the first team has a really hard time concentrating.

I can say that, but I don’t do it because it seems impossible to type comments and read the chat.”

One of the mahjong pros said that Yomi is rarely effective.

However, as a human being, I want to find the basis for my own cards.

[Mahjong Newbie donated 1,000 won.] – What should a newbie do if he wants to improve his skills?

“I don’t know what level a newbie is, but for example, in my opinion, even a title is a newbie.

You have to be able to write to some extent to be considered established as a lyricist, but this is just my standard, so I’m just saying, and usually, people would consider someone who writes lyrics to be a newbie.

“When you’re a beginner, you don’t even know what a yakuza is, and when you get to the stage of composing, you know the yakuza roughly but don’t really know the yakuza efficiency, when you get to the stage of making a sakuga you know the yakuza efficiency but don’t know oshihiki (reference 1), and when you get to the stage of making a title, you know roughly how to do it all but it’s not all complete.

When you get to the stage of writing or hancheon, you get more or less skilled in it and even develop your own style.

For example, there are people like Horixchi who play mahjong based on probability theory and people like TsuXda who play occult mahjong.

If you look at it rationally, HoXuchi’s mahjong seems right, but if you look at it in reality, it’s not true at all.

That’s because Tsuxda is a pro who plays mahjong really well.

He always sits around saying things like Chitoi.

On top of that, both Super Phoenix (reference 2) and NAGA (reference 3) have only reached 10 Dan.

But there are more than 20 people who have reached Cheonbongwi.”

No, teacher, I asked a newbie about improving his skills, what on earth are you talking about?

= Excuse me, but what is Oshihiki and pae-yul-hyeol, you f*cking nerd? =

This person seems normal, but when he talks about mahjong, he gets really excited and starts speaking in dialect, which is funny, but I can’t understand what he’s talking about.

“Ah, listen. This is the problem for you guys.

This is something that can’t be explained simply, so you keep making it short and stuff..

Hey you idiots, so you’re better at mahjong than me? Huh?

You never asked Shisui-sama? Go out there and raise your hands and stand there for five minutes.

Anyway, in my opinion, if the questioner is a writer, then it would be good to study pae-yul-hyeol while watching a lecture on pae-yul-hyeol and study what Oshihiki is.

But the important thing here is that studying all these things doesn’t mean that you’ll win or lose, escape being a newbie or not, or go up or down in rank.

What’s important is whether the person playing is having fun and enjoying it.

Do you play boring mahjong that doesn’t suit you just to raise your rank?

I think about it quite negatively.”

= Aren’t you telling me to just play however I want? You’re being sarcastic. =

Just play a0aaaa =

Hmm, The host is a bit boring =

There’s a streamer who answers a thousand won short question with a bowl of rice?! =

You’re the one who gives great answers, so why do my ears feel like bleeding?

“Ah.. I’ll hold it in.

I could talk on this topic for another hour, but I’ll just let it pass.”

After smoking one, he throws it in the trash can.

The round he was playing is already over, and the time is a bit ambiguous to play another round.

In 15 minutes, the class president can never be beaten, and Dongpung needs to finish quickly for that to be possible.

Some diehard mahjong players are already disappearing, saying they’ll see you tomorrow.

What’s the second part today?

“Well.. I was originally going to continue playing Snake Xier Seo Xiver from yesterday, but I don’t feel like playing them.

Do you have any recommendations?”

Let’s scratch our chins and pass the ball to the chat window.

They start recommending content to each other.

Let’s play Yeongdo Defense, Let’s play SXcraft, Let’s play Utawaku, Let’s do VR Chat, etc.

First of all, I really don’t want to play T-shirt Craft.

T-shirt is coming from Arcadia with a club CC =

How can you still play a game that’s been out for over 30 years?? =

It’s true that SX is fun to watch. =

These days, some other YouTubers are playing T-shirt. How about learning T-shirt and merging?

“T-shirt is a bit like that.

The hipster inside me is telling me not to play games like T-shirt.

It’s too mainstream.

I rebel against that atmosphere and will never play T-shirt.

And aren’t the games too intense?

Your hands, head, and eyes are all busy.

I like static games like mahjong, so I don’t really like moving my hands around.

That’s why I never play things like ReXre.”

My main game is mahjong, so I like easy-going games.

Competing against people, using your head, and having both skill and luck…

I really liked MoonXS, but it was too long so I didn’t really like it.

HasXstone has too much going on so I didn’t really like it.

Maybe mahjong is my destiny after all…

= A virtual YouTuber resisting the mainstream (mainstream otaku)

= If that’s what you say, teacher, then that must be it;

= Things like Utawaku and VR are mainstream among virtual YouTubers, so don’t you do those too?

“Oh! Ttalta is the bad mainstream, while Utawaku is the good mainstream.”

In the end, what’s important is how I feel.

What can I do if I don’t want to do Ttalta?

If you can’t stand it, just go look for another room.

Or there’s another way.

I’m using a time-honored method that’s been passed down since ancient times.

He keeps asking for money.

= He hasn’t been talking about money lately, right?

[Cranch donated 1,000 won.]

Do you also offer 1:1 mahjong lessons?

While I was wondering what to do and wondering what to do, I received a donation.

1:1 coaching?

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Are you talking about reviewing?

Or something like sticking around for a day and doing it continuously as a full-time tutor?

I think that could make some money.

50,000 won, 80,000 won a day, holding you for hours on end, coaching you, and picking out content…

But this must be a broadcast content that only I and the devils would like.

“1:1 lecture? What are you talking about?

Are you asking for coaching instead of review?

Review is done if you just bring your passbook, and coaching is possible during the broadcast, but it will be difficult because there are so many reviews piled up.

Offline or online coaching is not possible outside of the broadcast.”

Offline coaching?

(Pink dumpling cone)

= Off-pako cccccccc

[Message deleted]

= You’re meeting offline?


= I should go buy a rope.

= Okay, that’s fine…

Leave us alone and be happy.

“The kids are having a fit again.

Didn’t you hear what I just said that offline and online coaching outside of the broadcast is not possible?”

Some chatters reacting to this muttering that the kids must be ignoring me on purpose.

I’m not doing it on purpose; I’m sorry mm, but it’s a familiar ID from malicious chat.

We’re not malicious;;

Look at this;;

= Hey, if the mouse goes there;;

= Please save me ππ

Now, it’s a pattern that even feels formal.

They nitpick over ridiculous things and make a fuss with the unicorn concept, and if you say anything, they either act as if nothing happened or pretend to cry and send malicious chats in the opposite direction.

The process flowed so well that it felt like a gag corner.

After waiting for a moment while exchanging words with the malicious people, another donation came in.

[Cranch-nim donated 5,000 won.]

Jaehyun-nimis learning mahjong right now and needs someone to teach him.

Are you talking about Geunju?

= Jaehahahahahahaha I saw him getting married the other day.

= What company; Pardan-nim, who got a taste of What company’s viewers…

Oh my god;

[Message has been deleted.]

= Thousands of viewers are just talking nonsense in a public place;

“If it’s Jaehyun, it’s the Jaehyun I know, right?

That guy who plays the last game.

But why does that person play mahjong and how do I know how to ask him to teach me?

Didn’t you look at the mahjong gallery?

These days, I have my own Tgether, so why do you go to the mahjong gallery?”

After I dug up Tgether, the kids who come to my stream keep asking me to translate mahjong issues, so I don’t need to look at the mahjong gallery anymore.

I could guess the situation after seeing a few posts on the gallery.

It seems that they were playing some game and mahjong came up, so I threw them a guide and they started playing it with interest.

The problem is that the difficulty level is too high for beginners to give up, but if you have the motivation to start, mahjong is easy to get into.

I guess it’s because they started having fun after watching a few guides and playing a bit….

“But once you start, you’ve already started, so why are you asking me to teach you?

Don’t the viewers teach you?

Even if you say it’s a small guide, it’s probably something that’s on the Mahjong Gallery notice board, so the person who gave it to you must be a Mahjong Gallery user and have played a bit.

Why didn’t you ask them?”

[Gamer Kim Jae-hyun of the Gongjeonjeolhuui donated 1,000 won.]

You’re telling the viewers that you’re also bad at mahjong and won’t listen to them and that you need to bring in someone who’s skilled.

Oh, that makes sense.

Most of the kids there are terrible, but they’re just confident and stubborn.

= Your personality from when you were a slutty mahjong fanboy is coming out aaaa.

= It looks like you haven’t lost your original intention at all since you say you’re the best when it comes to skills.

I respect you.

“What can you do when these are facts without exaggeration?

Saying I’m the best is an exaggeration, so say I’m in the top five.

Then I think that’ll be right?

You have to state only facts.

Anyway, is that why he wants to learn from me, or are you guys just sending messengers?

He has no intention of learning, but he goes to me and says ‘Ahem-I’m a streamer named Pardan who’s a 9th dan in CheonX, do you want to learn mahjong from me?”

What the hell is CheonX, you f*cking nerd?

What more could you possibly get hurt by?”

= ?? What the 9th dan?

You’re only 8th dan.

= When did this b*tch get to 9th dan?

= Why were you secretly playing mahjong while we weren’t around;;

= Did you just do it because you suddenly got angry?

“Hey, didn’t I tell you?

It’s been a while since I got 9th dan.


It’s hard to play a real unit game on TV.”

As I rest my chin on my hand and look at the screen for a moment, chats from what seem to be viewers in the other room start coming up.

It’s not a messenger.

They said it would be nice if there was someone who could teach them.

They weren’t talking about you directly.

“So you weren’t directly targeting me.

It’s not like you’re leaving me out, but if you want to go on someone else’s broadcast, you have to be invited by them.

I guess that person would contact me if they need me?

They have whispers open too.”

After saying this, I take a look at Jaehyun’s broadcast on my phone for a moment.

There’s no sound, but just the chat window alone is enough to tell it’s a mess.

Please bring someone who can teach me, my teeth are splitting, etc.

It’s admirable that he plays mahjong without being swayed by him, but seeing him keep losing, it seems like he definitely needs someone to teach him.

= Went there for a bit and it’s a mess.

It’s dizzy, right?

Should I show him some real mahjong?

“What’s going on, you guys?

You used to throw a fit when we play mahjong past 10 o’clock.

You suddenly want to play mahjong when you have a chance to build up your pride.

Do you know that it’s a bit obvious?

Told you not to say it out loud?

What can I do when it’s obvious?”

[Cranchi donated 5,000 won.]

Is it possible to do a review?

He kept telling me to reply that he didn’t do anything wrong, and “Oh-Do you have a link to the defeat?

You can see it if you give me the link.

I’ll put a link in the chat window, so you can follow this and get the review link.

And I’m a review expert-“

When I sent him a link from the gallery, he said thank you and disappeared again after typing in the chat.

It seemed like he was trying to get the review link from the streamer.

It’s a bit touching to see viewers putting in that much effort.

In fact, it’s not really beneficial to them, but it’s kind of sad that they volunteer to work without pay and spend their own money.

= It seems like the ten-year-old is just picking on us.

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