“Wait, Kayak is a girl?”
That’s really shocking; why is she a girl?
Even while Kayak and Munah were streaming, the Abyss gallery was buzzing with real-time discussions about her.
The fact that Kayak was a girl seemed to be a shocking revelation, as the posts in the gallery were entirely about her.
At this moment, it wouldn’t be strange to refer to the Abyss gallery as the minor gallery of streamer Kayak.
The viewer count, which she hadn’t checked, was undoubtedly rising due to the gallery’s influence.
“Reasons why it’s hard to believe Kayak is a dude….”
Most hardcore gamers didn’t even know she played Abyss since Season 0 Beta.
She’s been making the Abyss gallery with the moderates.
She was ranked until about Season 3 or 4.
She constantly posted strategies for Camilla that no one cared about, like a mad scientist.
Before the announcement of the game’s closure, she played over 1,000 games every season.
When there were random posts in the gallery, it was like no one had anything better to do than reply to her all the time.
How could this be a dude…?
“Joodak, come out and clarify quickly.”
You were close to Kayak.
If you don’t want to be impeached, better make a clarification fast.
“I can’t even say this now.”
“I hate Joodak….”
I hate that Joodak, who has a good voice, plays games well, and is witty, has known Kayak for a long time…
I hate that Joodak was duoing with Kayak, who is suspiciously good at playing Camilla…
I hate that after the stream, Kayak will contact Joodak privately…
I just hate him… I hate Joodak…
“The thirst is real…”
“I didn’t even know…;;”
The most surprised person right now is me;;
I played games with her before and had her added as a friend, so when we logged on, we’d say hello and duo together.
It’s true that I dug into the gallery with her and wrote random posts while hanging out.
But I really didn’t know she was a girl;;
I was so surprised while watching the stream that I even took out some calming medicine.
“You have to say something that makes sense; with the way he talks, there’s no way it wouldn’t show.”
“Poor Kayak.”
“Did we eat something bad?”
“Camilla can perform two main roles: Assassin or Bruiser.”
After the game started, I continued with the build explanation to help the viewers understand.
To understand the build, it was necessary to know about the hero Camilla, so I began with a brief description of her.
“So, I judged that we couldn’t lose this game if I take out the enemy team’s ADC, so I went with the Scourge Camilla build to perform the assassin role.
For those curious about the build, I’ve posted a link, so check it out and give it a try.”
[This is moving too fast, Professor.]
[Camilla’s an assassin and a bruiser, and Scourge this and that…]
[Most of the people here probably just use an auto-build, so what’s the point of this explanation?]
[I understand only halfway, and I’m gold.]
[I don’t know about other things, but I like that the teacher talks a lot.]
[If you want Kayak to talk more, mention Camilla. Noted….]
[How did she dodge that leg shot while saying this?]
[She’s really good at this.]
I looked at the chat once and then back at the game screen.
In that fleeting moment, these two actions were executed with no error.
Thanks to that, I could read the chat and communicate in real-time while playing the game.
With such a superior physique, these things become possible.
It would have been impossible before.
Seeing people’s chats and playing comfortably while talking.
“The enemy ADC is Nox. Since he’s an ADC with stealth, make sure to bring a lens.”
Because I had taken the vision trait, I saw Nox, but he hadn’t noticed me yet.
In the dark of night, on a winding terrain, I slowly approached Nox, using the blind spots of vision.
Stealthily, discreetly. Like a real assassin.
Finally, Camilla emerged like a predator, and Nox belatedly reacted, rolling on the ground, but it was already too late.
Surviving against Scourge Camilla at this distance is difficult even for top-ranked players.
“When I turn the lens, I can see him immediately, right? I’ll quickly… put in the combo and take him out neatly.”
[Why isn’t Nox backing off as Camilla approaches?]
[Looks like it’s a position that isn’t visible from there.]
[Did she memorize the map vision as well? This is crazy.]
[How can I follow this?]
After that, the strategy isn’t too difficult.
Return to the battlefield to support the team, or wait at the tower to pressure Nox, or take a bit of risk by infiltrating the enemy base and taking out the respawned Nox.
The choice I would make is the last one.
The Scourge Camilla build was created to take out ADCs and die together.
Its purpose is solely to eliminate ADCs.
So, entering the enemy base like this would be a way to make the build shine even more.
[This is insane. What a crazy take.]
[It seems like you don’t really like ADCs, just like last time.]
[Nox looks startled!]
[Back then, ADCs did some things, you know.]
“I tried to catch him and die, but I got lucky and survived.”
And if I could take out the enemy ADC and survive, there would be no way to lose the game.
This is the standard playstyle for the Scourge Camilla build.
Somehow, it turned into a lecture-like educational stream, but I wonder if people found it interesting.
While thinking about that, the scenery on the screen began to change gradually.
The sun was setting.
Camilla looked back at the sunset, and the phrase “Victory” slowly appeared above her.
I watched that scene with a satisfied expression and opened my mouth.
“How about it? It’s really easy, right?”
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Poor admin, getting harassed because his gaming friend turned out to be a girl.