Gigantes, the central planet of the giant system.
Kurrung !!
Nowhere can you find green fields or blue seas, only boiling lava fields and black storm clouds covering the sky, a planet where thunderstorms strike, Gigantes.
Even in the polar environment of Gigantes, where it seemed no flora or fauna could survive, there was one race with a sense of self thriving.
It’s hot, it’s hot!]
Where did my leg go?
It was broken by lightning just now!]
A gigantic race with humanoid shapes made of rocks with natural attributes.
The Giants were them.
The Giants, the only species and creatures of the Gigantes, were as huge and strong as their name, which includes the character “giant” (I), indicates.
Depending on the environment they were born in, they could control the powers of fire, lightning, ice, and countless other natural attributes, and the power derived from their gigantic bodies could split the ground and destroy mountains, and even if their bodies were damaged, they could regenerate as long as there was rock material nearby to repair them.
Although the Colossi were born with such incredible strengths, they actually weren’t that useful to the Gigantes.
Your foot stepped on my land!]
[Don’t make me laugh!
This is my land, Fenrir..!]
Since the Colossi were the only race in the Gigantes, the only people they could compare themselves to were their own kind.
[Let’s have a go!]
[We don’t avoid fights..!]
Rather, their greed for their territory was as great as their gigantic bodies, so they fought each other in bloody battles every day, clashing their large bodies over territory.
Every time that happened, the surrounding land and hills were destroyed, and the already poor environment of the Gigantes surface became a desert.
The strong racial characteristics of the Gigantes allowed them to survive in the harsh environment of the Gigantes, but their size and strength were too great, and their unique racial nature was too violent, so the Gigantes were not very advantageous in terms of racial prosperity.
[If we continue like this, everyone will die.
I, Odin, will lead and rule you Gigantes!]
Then, Odin, a Gigantes made of gold, came forward to rule the Gigantes.
Until now, the Gigantes had not formed a group and had only fought each other individually.
When a giant named Odin led his brothers and attempted to attack them in large numbers, they had no choice but to form a group to fight him.
Don’t make me laugh!
I am not under anyone’s control!]
[Let’s destroy Odin, who is trying to suppress our freedom!]
With the start of Odin’s group, the conflict accelerated even more.
Eventually, Odin’s group and those who opposed Odin clashed, and the first war of the Giants began.
The battle started out as a simple one-on-one battle and expanded to ten-on-ten, or even a hundred-on-hundred fights.
[Turn those guys into stone dust!]
[Before the lava in my body cools, I will make them unable to stand on their own two feet!]
In the final war, all the Giants on the planet Gigantes gathered in one place and fought one last battle.
Although their number did not exceed a thousand in total, considering the size of the Giants, it was by no means a small war.
Every time they clashed, mountains disappeared, the ground split, and natural disasters continued to occur, such as changing the terrain of Gigantes.
After hundreds of years of fierce battles and wars.
[I, Odin, am your king]
The final victor was the golden giant Odin.
The giant Odin accepted all of the defeated giants and incorporated them into his tribe, becoming the true ruler and first chieftain of all the giants on the planet Gigantes.
Our brother has become the chieftain!]
Thor, who was nicknamed the Giant Fighter because he liked fighting, was truly delighted that his brother, whom he served as Odin’s younger brother, had become the chieftain.
[I heard a story from the stars.
We will sell Gigantonics and make the land of the other world ours.]
What is that..?]
However, Thor could not accept the first order Odin gave him after becoming the chief.
[Brother, do you really have to buy another world?
By sacrificing all those Gigantonics?]
Odin, who communicated with the gods through a special star spell, sacrificed Gigantonics, the only food of the Gigantes, to purchase the gods’ currency and participated in the auction to purchase another world with that currency.
The problem was that Gigantonics were a limited resource that could only be mined from the Gigantes.
Thinking about the tribesmen who were starving due to a lack of Gigantonics, not only Thor but also most of the Gigantes thought that Gigantonics should not be consumed in that way.
If we continue like this, we will all die because we will run out of food.
In that case, wouldn’t it be better to try a desperate measure to go to another world?]
The reason the wise Odin made this decision was that rather than prolonging his life in vain and becoming ugly, he wanted to buy another world where there might be a new solution and prepare a new survival strategy.
[My stupid brother understood, albeit belatedly.
Thor, who simply thought that consuming Gigantonics was a big deal, understood Odin, who was the chieftain of the Gigantes and the greatest warrior, and attempted a challenge that would put the fate of his race on the line.
He actively dealt with the Gigantes who opposed him and supported Odin.
And after a long time, he participated in the gods’ auction.
When he made the top bid and the purchase was almost certain.
Thor, a member of the Gigantes tribe, got to check out the product… no, the world, through the “tasting” opportunity suggested by the gods of the other world.
I really liked it, I bought it!
This world!]
As soon as he appeared, he burst into laughter of joy at the sight of the clear, open blue sky and the green forest and hills (mountains) in the distance.
Unlike the planet Gigantes, a thunderous hurricane did not rage in the sky, and lava did not explode like landmines on the ground he was standing on.
what is this refreshing stuff..]
And on top of that, there’s even an atmosphere of ‘oxygen’ that’s incredibly light and feels good like a drug!
Even though it’s only been a few seconds since they’ve teleported, Thor can’t help but admit that this planet is much better than his own planet, Gigantes.
This isn’t the time for this, we only have so much time left!]
It’s not like he’s going to own the world since it’s not yet a confirmed purchase but a top bid.
It’s just a ‘taste’.
He only has 24 hours to explore this world.
For the Giants who live infinitely as long as Gigantonics exist, this is nothing more than a fleeting moment.
[As much as possible!
I have to see as much as I can..!
Since there were only four giants, including Thor himself, who came to sample the world.
Thor thought that he had to take everything in the new world in as much as possible in order to show off to his waiting Gigantes brothers.
Knock knock..!
He immediately moved the skull on his head 360 degrees and began to look around.
The sight of a forest that continues on forever, the sight of a small toy-like city at his feet… and the Iron Road Castle.
Looking at the castle that was similar in size to himself, Thor paused for a moment, wondering if that giant rock might be a resident of another world.
It’s not a being with a will!
It’s just a boulder…
For a moment, Thor, who had been looking at the giant rock, the castle, lifted his finger as if rubbing his eyes and poked his eye socket where electricity was flowing out.
Then, as Thor removed his hand again and stuck his head out to look at the castle, he observed the small, giant-shaped Metallica citizens who had climbed up the castle.
[Oh my Sosa!
That small thing has a will and moves?!]
The giant of lightning Thor was astonished and even spewed lightning from his mouth at the sight of the residents of this ‘world’ that he had seen for the first time!
Thor couldn’t help but react this way because he grew up seeing only giants bigger than him or at least giants half his size.
Normally, the standard for living and moving things is set for humans, like dogs or cats.
How could he not be surprised when tiny creatures the size of a grain of sand (a rock by human standards), let alone his finger, were moving and doing something among themselves?
want to see it up close!]
Thor turned his eyes and walked towards the castle, like a child discovering a toy for the first time in his life!
With each step he took, the ground would cave in and a large pit would form.
When he had traveled half the distance from the capital city of Metallica to the island where the royal palace was in just a few steps.
[What the heck is that?!
In this world, things like that fall from the sky!]
A transparent crystal formed in the sky and formed into the shape of a giant spear.
It slammed down towards Thor’s chest like a missile–
It pierced Thor’s chest.
Thor’s chest was pierced in part by a crystal spear that could properly be called a spear considering his size.
Thor nonchalantly grabbed the spear shaft with his hand and pulled it out..
He threw the crystal spear to the side as if he was throwing away trash.
It was still a bit like a hole wasn’t left in Thor’s chest.
The moment he pulled out the spear, the hole in his chest was filled with the bluish-green rock that made up his body.
[No matter how much I think about it, it seems like it was attacking me…
Who is it!?]
Just a moment ago, Thor was delighted at discovering the tiny otherworldly beings, but the moment he judged that someone had challenged him to a fight, he changed his mood and roared.
“No one can enter the Iron Lord’s castle without my permission, right?”
The one who blocked Thor’s way was Iris, the princess of the Iron Lord!
Iris had spotted Thor running to the Iron Lord’s castle on his way back from building the crystal dam and had flown over right away!
[What the heck, is there something that can fly in the sky?]
Even though Iris was incredibly small compared to him, Thor looked over at Iris and spoke to her, somehow noticing her right away.
His voice was so loud it made his entire body tremble.
Iris, who was standing right in front of the giant skull with blue electricity splashing from its mouth and eyes, raised her arms without being intimidated at all.
“If you don’t go back… I will punish you for trespassing!”
She once again created crystal spears in the shape of harpoons.
Iris had already consumed a lot of energy producing the crystal dam.
Normally, she wouldn’t have been lacking in strength even if she had pulled out hundreds of giant crystal spears, but now, she was breaking out in a cold sweat after creating just three spears.
[I still have to hold on…]
As the queen of Automatic, protecting the citizens of Iron Road was her reason for existing.
[Because my master is over there.]
Also, her new master, YooSung, was in the Iron Road castle after thousands of years.
Are you using that strange talent again?!
Try anything!
Even if the opponent was an unknown monster like a disaster, Iris could not avoid it.
— Kwaang- -!!
When the crystal spears and swords that Iris threw and swung collided with Thor’s hands and feet and blocked his advance.
“We must help the princess!”
“All nobles and knights with combat ability, support the princess!”
All of the knight- and bishop-class automatics except for the pawn-class automatics of the Iron Lord Royal Castle rushed to help their queen Iris, who was fighting the giant.
Of course, the knights were often blown away without even being able to approach due to the aftereffects of the giant simply taking steps.
“It’s flying.
Hold on!!”
“Damn it!
I’m slashing, but I can’t stop it!”
“But keep slashing!
When you think of the princess who is struggling to protect everyone above, you must never stop attacking!”
Even if they were to cling to it and attack, considering the size of the giant Thor, it would only be an attack that would bite a mosquito.
It’s not that the Automatic Knights are weak.
They have the power to be considered high-ranking forces with expert-level proficiency in mana handling by the standards of this world.
[Don’t bother me!]
The problem was that Thor was a monster that could not be measured by the standards of this world.
With a single kick, Thor destroyed dozens of the Automatic Knights that were attached to him and blew hundreds more away.
Then he turned his head again and followed the new form of Iris flying around with his eyes.
At that moment, the crystal hammer that Iris swung struck Thor’s head, causing him to fall backwards.
To something small like you…!]
Thor’s eyes rolled back as Iris, who is smaller than a grain of sand, continued to stop him and even attacked him.
He ignored the projectiles Iris was throwing and stretched out his arm towards Iris at a speed that was hard to believe was coming from such a gigantic body.
Iris barely managed to dodge Thor’s hand, but.
The next moment, Iris, who was electrocuted by the electric sparks that burst out around Thor’s hand, staggered in place, unable to fly at high speeds like before.
I finally caught her!]
Thor, who could not miss Iris’s condition, opened his skeletal mouth wide and laughed, but when he moved his hand to grab Iris again,
Dozens of shield magic layers surrounding Iris’ body blocked Thor’s touch.
What the heck is this?!]
Thor, who was hardened by the heat, tried to destroy the protective shield surrounding Iris by emitting electricity from his entire body, but since the protective shield that defended against high-circle magic was layered in dozens of layers, it was not easily destroyed even by a giant’s strength.
[You worthless bastards!]
In the meantime, green vines sprouted from Thor’s hand and instantly covered his arm in green, blocking even his arm’s movements.
<<<Princess, come to your senses!>>>
<<<We will support you!>>>
The next thing you know, a Bishop-class automatic was heard coming from the Iron Road fortress, and the voices of the nobles of the Iron Road shouting over the loudspeaker magic.
Woke up Iris, who was in an emergency halt state.
Iris briefly moved her eyes to examine the defensive magics cast in front of her and Thor’s fingers that were slowly squeezing them to break them, trying to assess the situation.
Stay still there!
I’ll break this right now!]
Iris furrowed her brow as she looked at the blue-green giant skeleton shouting something while focusing on her inside the round shield.
“This is totally exciting.”
She hugged her body with her arms as if she were terrified and grabbed both of her shoulders so that her fingers couldn’t be seen.
The fingers hidden behind her shoulders moved quickly as if unraveling a thread.
Tsk tsk…
In the sky right above Thor’s head, crystals began to form secretly.
Four long square plates were formed first, and then they were attached to each other to form a square pillar with an open bottom.
Tsk tsk
And thus, the crystal prison that would confine Thor was completed.
[All broken…!]
Thor, who was focusing on the shattering spherical shield despite the giant crystal prison that had formed right above his head, was about to laugh in victory….
Kwaddeok –!!
In that moment, the arm that was sticking out from the edge of the falling crystal prison’s floor was severed.
What the heck!?!?]
He let out a scream and began to run wild inside the crystal prison that had confined his body, emitting blinding electricity.
However, it was Iris’ crystal that did not break even when it collided with Thor’s arm.
The moment she came down, Iris slammed down with all her might, so she couldn’t easily escape.
“I’m tired…”
Iris, who had used energy beyond her limits and was unable to even maintain her wings to float, began to fall from the air like a doll with her strings cut.
The Knight Automatics ran, but they were too far from where Iris was falling.
“Levitate magic!
Damn the output_!”
The Bishop Automatics tried to use levitation magic, but they had no energy left because they had just used all their strength.
“Oh my!
Our princess!”
“Th_what are they doing?!”
Even the Metallica citizens were sighing and screaming as they watched Iris fall.
A silver figure quickly rose from the top of the castle and flew straight to Iris.
The silver figure arrived at Iris’s spot in an instant and stretched out its hand to grab Iris’s body, holding her close with both arms.
It fell again at high speed and landed with both feet absorbing the shock.
“Is Iris okay?”
YooSung asked as he opened the front of his helmet.
“Uh, me.
Are you okay?”
“I think I used up too much energy for a moment.
I went into standby mode…
There’s no problem…”
“Thank you for your hard work.
And just..
rest for a moment.
I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
YooSeong left Iris, who was bursting with doubt, in the hands of the knight who arrived first, Automatic.
He closed the front of his helmet again.
He kicked the ground hard and started running towards the crystal prison where Thor was imprisoned.
The ‘Titan Suit’, which amplifies human physical abilities and senses by hundreds of times.
It is equipment that recreates the suits worn by space soldiers in a certain sci-fi movie.
It is a full-body suit and has an adamantium frame inserted to recreate a metal skeleton.
When equipped, it connects to the spinal column, so it maximizes the body’s strength, stamina, endurance, and overall senses.
‘I’m glad I brought it with me last time since I almost got hit by Iris.
With strength far beyond humans, the ground cracked whenever his feet touched the meteor’s form moved forward as if it was stretching.
And when he arrived at the crystal prison where Thor was rampaging in real time.
The meteor turned its head and
looked at Thor once before slamming the ground again.
I can’t catch that
Gaining momentum, it passed the crystal prison and ran towards Metallica.
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