Chapter 18 : Honestly, at this point, you all know I’m not going to kill it, right?

I’ve been teasing them for too long. The viewers’ patience must be running out by now.

I should stop messing around before they get really angry.

“Okay, now I’ll really start the explanation stream.”

-Jerobi: Let’s go, let’s go~

LastLightOfNation: I believed in you~!

-NamdaemunArsonistLeeJeongWoo: Cam on?????

“Yes, I turned it on.”

: It’s not on, Teacher?

-NamdaemunArsonistLeeJeongWoo: Mommy! I can’t see anything! I’m scared!

-YujaTeaUImuChaRickshaw: Turn it on already!!!!

MorningRice: I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind!!!!!

-pikapikapika: Cam on cam on cam on cam on cam on

There’s a rule that you should never actually do it when people say this, but I just baited them with a short delay and then turned on the cam.

Then, suddenly, the chat stopped like a lie.

“Huh? What? Did my internet cut out?”

The streaming program says that the stream is being broadcast normally, and the cam is working fine, so what’s going on?

“Everyone, are you there? I’m here.”

I waved my hand in front of the cam, saying hello, hello. But still, no chats appeared.



And then suddenly, the computer crashed.

It’s been about 5 years since I bought it, but it was like a war buddy that had fought well for me, so why did it suddenly crash?

First, I turned on the computer again, turned on my phone, and went into my stream on Switch.

[This stream has already ended.]

-pikapikapika: Crazy

-JeongWooYaLetsEat: Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!

-Dickha: (A bunch of spam using the
man ASCII art)

Pandaria: I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind! I think I’m going crazy I think I’m losing my mind!

-Grandpa’sHeartThiefLeeJeongWoo: (A bunch of spam using
otaku ASCII art)

: (A bunch of spam using ‘that skull’ ASCII art)

-nadang: Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!

MasterKimJeongYeol: Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go??? Mommy??? Where did you go???

MorningRice: Why would you just show that and leave?

LastLightOfNation: Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian!

-ehgvaw: (A bunch of spam using the Muya Ho ASCII art)

AdBlockAdvocateKimJeongYeol: Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back!

Even viewers who don’t usually spam were spamming the chat of the ended stream, driven by madness.

It didn’t even take a second for a single chat to be pushed out of the chat window, so I couldn’t read anything unless I used the skill to stop the chat.

‘Were they that surprised?’

I turned on the computer, set the chat to 30-day follow-only, managed to calm the situation, and turned the stream back on. The number of viewers had increased even more than before the stream crashed. Roughly 3,500 or more.

“So, there was a brief accident.”

Since it hadn’t been 30 days since new viewers started coming to the stream and there were no subscriptions, no one could chat.

“I thought my computer was fine, but it seems like it’s gotten a lot older and more tired than I thought. I bought this about 5 years ago, so I guess it could be like that. Right?”

[MorningRice donated a whopping 10,000 won!]

-Was what we just saw real? Was it not some weird fishing video?

“Thank you for the 10,000 won, MorningRice-nim. My computer crashed, so I’m not sure, but it was probably me, right?”

I was thinking about what kind of donation reaction I should do this time, when another donation came in.

[AdBlockAdvocateKimJeongYeol donated a whopping 30,000 won!]

-Turn the cam back on quickly, mommy! I miss you, mommy!

“Why am I your teacher’s mother? Anyway, thank you for the 30,000 won.”

What kind of reaction should I do for this one? I was thinking about it when another donation came in.

[Pandaria donated a whopping 1,000 won!]

-Everyone with a big heart is a mom

“If you have big
, you’re a mom, is that it?”

I have a rough idea of why they’re so worked up.

For reference, I like things that are just right, so I don’t really know if having them this monstrously big is pretty.

I’d like it if my girlfriend had a full C-cup.

“Anyway, I’ll change the follow-only chat to 3 days, so please refrain from spamming. If I crash again, I’m just not coming back.”

I’m sleepy because I only got 5 hours of sleep. If it crashes again, I’ll just make an excuse about my computer and go to sleep.

I changed the follow-only chat back to 3 days and turned the cam back on to display it on the stream screen.

-Economics101: That can’t be called a chest. It was enormously large, thick, heavy, and beautiful.

-JungleIsHell: What??? What the hell is that???

-nadang: How is her skin so white?

LastLightOfNation: You
who can’t chat, are you trembling with frustration? ᄏᄏᄏᄏ

MorningRice: Life achievement) Been watching Ruffian’s stream for a week

“My skin is white because I’m a shut-in. Don’t ostracize each other just because you’re all new. I’ve been streaming for over 6 months, you know? You’re all cute newbies, okay?”

-DesirableGirl: How could she have been a nobody with such a genius sense of streaming???


HawaiianPizzaLover: She probably didn’t turn on her cam or mic, there’s no way otherwise

: sob! I’m a baby newbie, feed me!

“No, I did turn on the mic.”

Honestly, I don’t know what ‘I in this world’ was doing before I fell into this world.

I just assume that the streaming records are the same as in the previous world, starting 6 months ago.

I don’t know why I didn’t get popular with this face, this chest, and this voice either.

[MintChocoRejectorKimJeongYeol donated a whopping 10,000 won!]

-Teacher, I brought the bail money, please unban me, please

“Was this the friend who said I was a
pig? Okay, you can see my wrist, right? I can grab it with my thumb and index finger, and I can also grab it with my thumb and pinky finger. Okay, proof complete. The ban is, um. I won’t unban you.”

-Economics101: Ah, 10,000 won won’t cut it ᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-JungleIsHell: “Price”

MorningRice: Farewell,
, I won’t see you out ᄏᄏᄏᄏ

Her body is like Fiddlesticks, but her chest is like Sona, what is this? How can that chest be on that wrist?

-DesirableGirl: ‘So’na

“Anyway, let’s start the explanation stream.”

I turned on the explanation program that immediately displays keyboard input on the screen, and showed that the program responded the moment I pressed the keys on the keyboard above the hand cam.

“Okay, if I press Q, Q is pressed. If I press W, W is pressed. You can see that I’m the one holding the keyboard here, right?”

-Economics101: No, how are we supposed to see the keyboard ᄏᄏᄏ

That’s all I can see?

LastLightOfNation: Teacher, why are you resting that on the desk, by any chance?

? Of course I rested them there because they’re heavy.”

The part captured by the cam is above the desk.

To list what can be seen, keyboard, mouse, arms and hands, and
. I had a hard time finding an angle where these could be seen. I still don’t want to show my face.

Since it’s a
summer, I’m wearing a sleeveless top with very thin straps, so my cleavage is visible.

Honestly, it’s not that I don’t want to cover it up, but if I did that, I might really die of heatstroke.


-JungleIsHell: Look at that vulgar word choice ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-nadang: Unnie, my mind is weird;;; Hehe;;;;

-GimbapHeavenSweetRadishKillerKimJeongYeol: You,,, have very pretty,,, milk jugs,,,

LastLightOfNation: Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian!

DesirableGirl: The compliments are making me dizzy….

-MorningRice: Do these
want to get sued ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

The compliments I’m hearing don’t make me feel bad. If I were really a woman, I’d be disgusted, but, well, it’s genetically natural for men to be obsessed with
, right? I understand.

“LastLightOfNation-nim, stick to three lines of spam as usual. If you go over four lines again, I’ll ban you. And also, don’t look at that, look at the keyboard. This is an explanation stream, you know.”

Economics101: I don’t think anyone is interested in the explanation, Teacher?

LastLightOfNation: Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian! Switch’s best
, Ruffian!

-DesirableGirl: If you’re showing it, then telling them not to look, what does that even mean!

-JungleIsHell: The gaze intensity is stealing my gaze! It’s threatening to stab me with a knife if I don’t look!

“Okay, then I’ll just do a keyboard cam. Honestly, you can verify it just by looking at the keyboard, right?”

In terms of angle, if the keyboard and mouse are shown together, the
have to be shown together too, so the aggro will be focused there. So I decided to only show the keyboard.

[Jerobi donated a whopping 100,000 won!]

-Just keep it like this

“Of course, if the chairman says so, I have to do it.”

But I was defeated by capitalism again. And I also. Like. Mo. Ney.

[YujaTeaUImuChaRickshaw donated a whopping 5,000 won!]

-Viewing fee

[tnsgufdlsrksduswogo donated a whopping 1,000 won!]

-Thousand won punch!

[RuffianKnightCommander donated a whopping 30,000 won!]

-Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

Usually, when I block the chat, the kids who can’t chat just don’t chat and that’s it. But since there are over 3,000 viewers, some people are spending a lot of money to chat through donations.

“Hey, are you guys all
? There are a lot of big
videos, so why are you so excited about this?”

-Economics101: There are no big
parental insulters who stream top Trynd on Switch


LastLightOfNation: From this moment on, I appoint you, Ruffian, as the ‘Goddess of the Gaming World’

[guripda1340 donated a whopping 1,000 won!]

FFFFFFF 4 1 1 1 1 1¦¦¦¦ ¦

“Hey, stop with the thousand won punches! I can’t proceed with the stream!”

I raised the minimum donation price to 5,000 won.

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Read : [TS] I Said That a Warrior is not a Concept
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