Chapter 19: Stop Indulgence!

It has been exactly two weeks since the official news about the newly launched streaming platform, Cheez, from Aiver started pouring in.

In the meantime, the funeral atmosphere that had hung between the Twip streamers and viewers has eased considerably, and I felt the same way.

“No, I dodged it! Why am I dying!”

As I continued my usual stream, playing the new game, I couldn’t help but shout in disbelief when I died due to an absurdly unfair judgment.

This game has been controversial since its release, with debates about whether it’s a bad game or not, and from my experience so far, it is indeed a bad game.

What kind of judgment allows an attack to hit when I dodged and the monster just grazed by? This is the kind of trash judgment you’d expect in the classic games I used to play.

【코스모절대지켜】- Hahaha

[백화요란]- Didn’t you fail to dodge?

[tws2425] – I dodged, special <Failed to dodge

【크로마뇽인】 Honestly, I think that was unfair ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

No matter how much I protested my injustice, all I got in return was laughter. How come there’s only one viewer who defends me in this situation? They’re all such trash.

“I’ve already fought this guy so many times, ugh…! I just want to move on to the new area!”

【알파카사냥꾼】 – Already at attempt 71 ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

【제비추리살】 I’ve long surpassed the number of attempts against the King of Death ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

The King of Death refers to the hardest boss from a game I played a while back. After a long journey of 68 attempts, I barely managed to clear it, and it made me tear up a bit at the time.

But now, I’ve surpassed that record? It’s like history is being rewritten. I never wanted a ridiculous new record like this.

【’우백림’ 님이 1,000원을 후원하셨습니다.】

  • Before starting the game: I’ll quickly see the ending within this week. Let’s see my skill!

【선생님께다이른다】 – Skill?

【메기염소개구리】 – This guy is just terminally delusional ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

【지나가던앱등이】 – Info: The total number of bosses in this game is 34, and I haven’t cleared the 4th boss in 9 hours.

Wait, there are that many bosses? Who would put that many bosses in such a bad game? You’d think it was some AAA console game.

“Honestly, the controls in this game are terrible, right? Don’t you guys agree?”

【국힙원탑코스모】 – I don’t know since I haven’t played it.

[코끼얏호우] – Is there a game with better controls than what you’re using?

【루시드드림7】 – Honestly, it looks pretty bad ᄅᄋᄏᄏ

Ugh, it seems like those who haven’t played it are just talking nonsense. But how many people would have played this freshly released game today?

I felt like if I kept making excuses, I would only embarrass myself, so I decided to keep quiet and jump back into the retry. Still, I was confident that, having learned the patterns well, I would smoothly defeat this guy if there weren’t any unfair judgments.


【Mission – Defeat the Martyr Nahirt in 10 attempts (500,000 won)】

As I moved my character for the boss fight again, a familiar sound effect announced the mission.

Wow, isn’t this practically free money? After 71 attempts and having mastered the patterns, they’re offering me ten tries to get 500,000 won?

【집나간개구리】 – Confident that you can’t clear it ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

[해물비빔소스] – Giving a mission like this to someone who has tried 71 times means they think of you as a joke ᄏᄏᄏᄏ

[분홍토끼] – It’s a safe asset~

In that moment, my eyes widened, and the chat continued with the malicious remarks.

But I couldn’t overlook that statement because I momentarily wondered, “Could this mission have really been given with that meaning?”

I mean, logically speaking. Who would give someone who has mastered the patterns after 71 attempts a mission to defeat the boss within 10 attempts for 500,000 won? Maybe if it were 1 or 3 attempts, but…

This is a mission you wouldn’t give unless you were absolutely sure that I couldn’t clear it.

As I thought that, I looked for the viewer who gave the mission…

【코스모절대지켜】 I didn’t mean it that way ᄒᄒᄒ Good luck!

A chat from a person with the 1st founder subscription badge caught my eye. It was none other than the chairman.

Ah, of course, it was the chairman…! I was certain it didn’t mean anything like that. It was just a way to boost my morale, right?

“Thank you for the mission, Chairman…! I’ll show you that I can clear it this turn, so keep watching, okay?”

【아리사조아】 – Death flag ON

【폭삭내려앉은꽃】 I’m going to confess to her once this war is over.

【소주맛핸드크림】 – I can see the future; is it just my imagination?

【옆집사는하니】 – I don’t expect anything from this turn. Just please clear it within 10 attempts.

Why are they already getting impatient?

It has been exactly two weeks since the news started pouring in about the new streaming platform, Cheez, launched by Ava.

In the meantime, the funeral atmosphere that had been lingering between Twip streamers and viewers had eased considerably, and I felt the same way.

“No way, I dodged! Why did I die?”

While continuing my usual broadcast and playing a new game, I was dumbfounded when I died from a ridiculously unfair judgment.

This game had sparked a lot of controversy about whether it was a good game or not since its release, but at least from my experience playing it now, it was definitely a bad game.

What kind of nonsense is it that I dodge an attack and the monster just brushes past me, yet I still get hit? This is the kind of trash judgment you’d expect from a classic game I played in the past.

【코스모절대지켜】 – LMAO

[백화요란] – Of course, you didn’t dodge, right?

[tws2425] – I dodged, but still got hit, so it’s “not dodging.”

【크로마뇽인】 Honestly, that was an unfair hit. LMAO

No matter how much I complained about the injustice, the only response I got back was laughter. How could there only be one viewer defending me in this situation? Such trashy people.

“How many times have I killed this guy? Ugh…! I want to move on to the new area!”

【알파카사냥꾼】 – Already 71 tries, LMAO

【제비추리살】 The King of Death has been tried many times already, LMAO

The King of Death refers to the toughest boss I encountered in a game I played before. After a long struggle of 68 tries, I barely cleared it, and I almost shed tears after defeating it.

But now, I’ve already surpassed that record, so history has been rewritten. I certainly wasn’t hoping for this kind of new record.

【’우백림’ 님이 1,000원을 후원하셨습니다.】

  • Before starting the game: I’ll quickly see the ending this week. I’ll show you my skills in the stream.

【선생님께다이른다】 – Skills?

【메기염소개구리】 – This guy is just a chronic liar, LMAO

【지나가던앱등이】 – Info: There are a total of 34 bosses in this game, and currently, after 9 hours, he still hasn’t beaten the fourth boss.

What, there are that many bosses? Who would put so many bosses in such a trash game? You’d think it was some AAA console game or something.

“Honestly, the controls of this game are so bad, right? Don’t you guys agree?”

【국힙원탑코스모】 – I don’t know; I haven’t played it.

[코끼얏호우] Is there even a game with good controls in your hands?

【루시드드림7】 – Honestly, it looks pretty trash. LMAO

Ugh, it seems like the ones who haven’t played are just flapping their mouths. Still, how many of those who have played this brand-new game just released today would there be?

I thought that if I kept making excuses, I would just embarrass myself, so I decided to keep my mouth shut and jump back into the retry. However, I was confident that if there were no more unfair judgments, I would smoothly take him down since I had memorized all the patterns.


【Mission – Defeat the Martyr Nahirt in the next 10 tries (500,000 won)】

As I moved my character for the boss battle again, a familiar sound effect rang out, and the mission window appeared.

Wow, isn’t this practically a freebie? After struggling through 71 tries and mastering the patterns, they’re giving me ten tries to defeat the boss for a 500,000 won mission?

【집나간개구리】 – I’m sure you won’t clear it, LMAO

[해물비빔소스] – Seeing this mission given to someone who has already tried 71 times means they see him as a joke, LMAO

[분홍토끼] – Yeah, it’s a safe asset~

As my eyes widened in surprise, the malicious comments from viewers kept coming.

But I couldn’t ignore those words, as I also briefly thought, “Is that really the intention behind giving me the mission?”

I mean, logically speaking, who would give a 50 million won mission to someone who has mastered the patterns after 71 tries? At most, 1 or 3 tries would make sense.

This is a mission that can’t be given unless there’s a certainty that I won’t be able to clear it.

With that thought in mind, I tried to find the viewer who gave me the mission…

【코스모절대지켜】 That’s not the intention behind the mission, haha! Good luck!

A comment from someone wearing the 1st subscriber badge caught my eye. It was none other than the chairman himself.

Ah, as expected, it was the chairman…! I firmly believed that it wasn’t meant that way. It must have just been a device to boost my motivation.

“Thank you for the mission, Chairman…! I’ll show you that I can clear it right in this turn, so make sure to watch closely, okay?”

【아리사조아】 – Death flag ON

【폭삭내려앉은꽃】 After this war, I’ll confess to her.

【소주맛핸드크림】 – I feel like I can see the future; is it just my imagination?

【옆집사는하니】 – I don’t expect anything this turn; just clear it within 10 tries, please.

Why are they already freaking out?


Fortunately, I still have some potions left. As long as I don’t die in one hit here, I’ll have more chances, so there’s no need to recklessly rush in and take risks.

There is, however, a skill that can result in instant death, but as long as I don’t take my eyes off the enemy, it shouldn’t be a problem to clear it.

【로드롤러다】 Oh

【츄우츄우】 Has the King arrived?

【하얼빈즈】 – Seems doable ᄅᄋ

The viewers were making a fuss, and it was clear to anyone that I was in a position to clear it, but I remained calm and kept my eyes on the enemy.

Okay, if I rush in and dodge just two big attacks, I can land about five normal hits. Let’s go for it.

Just as I steeled my resolve and tried to move my character forward, a message popped up.

【’코스모절대지켜’ 님이 10,000원을 후원하셨습니다.】

  • Speaking of which, I heard there’s a meeting for Cheez tomorrow, is that right?

“Oh, the Cheez meeting? I was just about to announce that when I finish the stream…”

I reflexively responded to the donation message that came in with the familiar chairman’s nickname. It was such a routine question that I momentarily forgot I was locked in a life-or-death battle with the boss.

And that was a painful mistake in a battlefield where life was at stake every second.

Swish. Whoosh!


The boss, wielding a massive sword, approached me with unexpectedly agile movements and thrust his shining sword forward, stabbing my character in the abdomen.

It was an attack with a huge motion that should have never hit me, but my momentary distraction was significant.

Furthermore, that attack was one of the powerful patterns I had previously mentioned, capable of instant death.



As my character fell, a dark and heavy message appeared before my eyes.

I rubbed my eyes, wondering if I had seen it wrong. But no matter how much I tried, the result didn’t change.


【코끼얏호우】 – ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

【알파카사냥꾼】 – The chairman’s donation timing is insane, LMAO

【지나가던앱등이】 – Just die already, LMAO

【코스모절대지켜】 – I’m sorry….

Accepting the reality, I stood up and screamed, while the chairman, who had sent the donation, repeatedly apologized in the chat.

However, the confusion consuming my mind did not dissipate.

Of course, it was my fault for letting my guard down by speaking up when I could have just answered later…! But even so, wasn’t the timing of that donation a bit too perfect? It felt like it was intentionally meant to distract me!

Could it be that someone like the chairman didn’t want to give me the mission fee and triggered my distraction with a donation? What could possibly be the reason? It didn’t seem like a good time for such a donation to anyone watching.

“Chairman, why…!”

【코스모절대지켜】 – I’m sorry, I’m sorry ᅲᅲ

No matter how much I asked why, the chairman didn’t provide a specific answer.

Even if he had just replied, “I was just curious, so I asked,” I could have accepted it, but his blind apologies felt like he was saying, “I did it on purpose.”

Even though my character was already dead and there was nothing to be done, I was left wondering what the reason could be.

Did I perhaps do something to upset the chairman?

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4 months ago

hey, duplicate contents and it’s missing all the translated names compared to before, it’s hard to get context (like with Chairman, i couldn’t tell it was her dono before it got mentioned much later)