Chapter 2: Bsilgoal is a talent

Placement matches.

When you first start playing ranked games or a new season begins, you play 5 games to determine your rank.

In my case, since it was a fresh account with no previous season record, it followed the MMR of the normal games I played while leveling up to 30.

Knowing this in advance, I played almost every normal game close to smurfing and received MVP in almost every match.

That’s why I expected to start from at least Gold or Platinum.

[Placement complete: Bronze 3 – 78 LP]

What is this absurd rank?

It was a rank I had never been to since I first started playing LOL in my past life.

Feeling something was off, I searched the internet and found out the reason.

“What? They blocked fresh accounts?”

There was a problem with users reaching tiers that didn’t match their skill level using the fresh account system.

In my past life, I only used the first account I created and the super account given to pros, so I didn’t know, but it seems the game company blocked the fresh account system.

Now, it seemed everyone started from Bronze equally.

Fortunately, the MMR system remained, so I gained at least 40 points for each win and skipped two divisions when promoting.


Maybe it’s because it’s been a while since I played in the so-called Bronze, Silver, Gold (BSG) ranks, but I saw all kinds of strange sights.

[IreliaAkali: Going mid]

Look at this.

This guy, who got the ADC role, didn’t even ask me to give him mid, he just declared he was going mid.

‘Maybe because there are a lot of people.’

In the high elo where I used to play in my past life, I met the same people over and over, whether they were on my team or the enemy team, so it was very difficult to find troll users.

But in the BSG ranks, maybe because they think they’ll never meet again, insults and trolls were rampant.

‘What should I do?’

Normally, I wouldn’t negotiate with terrorists, but right now, I wanted to escape this tier quickly.

[Para: Then I’ll go ADC]

[IreliaAkali: Ok]

TOP: Veigar

JG: Lee Sin

MID: Akali

AD: Kai’Sa

SUP: Blitzcrank


TOP: Garen

JG: Graves

MID: Yasuo

AD: Ezreal

SUP: Xerath

As expected from the BSG ranks, the picks didn’t disappoint.

As soon as the enemy team picked Garen, the epitome of immobility, our top laner picked Veigar without hesitation.

The junglers were Lee Sin and Graves, the epitomes of carnivorous junglers and guaranteed fun.

Mid laners were Akali and Yasuo, the epitome of flashy players.

The supports who picked Blitzcrank and Xerath both had 0 mastery, as if their lanes were switched.

[NoGanksTopOpen(Blitzcrank): No assist if you’re late]

As soon as the game started, Blitzcrank started pinging and running towards the enemy jungle.

The other team members followed Blitzcrank as if they were waiting for it.

Invade, an action where you enter the enemy jungle and wreak havoc when you have a champion that is strong at level 1 or has hard CC.

But in BSG, they just run regardless of the champion.

‘At least we have Blitzcrank.’

Looking at the overall champion composition, the enemy team was more advantageous if a 4v4 fight broke out in the bot lane.

But that thought was short-lived.

[First Blood!]

The enemy Graves was AFK in the tri-bush in front of the jungle, probably watching YouTube.

He used his flash after taking all the damage, but he died to my quickly-leveled W skill.

The BSG rank was a strange place the more I played.

Before the game started, I checked the enemy team’s match history to see if there were any smurfs or boosters, and Graves was a player who was serious about the game, playing over 1000 games in a year.

Considering that pro streamers who mainly play solo queue play 1500 to 2000 games a year, you can see how remarkable that is.

Why would someone who plays that much go AFK in the bush as soon as the game starts?

I probably won’t understand it in my lifetime.

‘Ezreal Xerath… the laning phase will be tough.’

Looking at the bot lane matchup, our team is Kai’Sa Blitzcrank, and the enemy is Ezreal Xerath.

We can gain a big advantage if our Blitzcrank lands a hook, but until then, we have to take continuous poke from the enemy.

In addition, Ezreal’s E skill, Arcane Shift, is a broken skill that can cancel Blitzcrank’s grab.

‘Even though I got first blood.’

Due to the jungler’s strong insistence on leashing, I couldn’t even back to buy items.

And my level 1 skill was W, a skill with a 22-second cooldown at level 1, so I couldn’t push the lane quickly.

I expected a difficult laning phase, but that thought didn’t last long.

[An enemy has been slain.]

To explain the situation, Ezreal, who had both flash and E at level 3, got pulled by Blitzcrank.

How can Ezreal with flash and E get pulled by a grab?

‘That’s BSG for you.’

After that, all sorts of bizarre plays tormented me throughout the game.

A Veigar who got solo killed by Garen.

An Akali who died by moving forward when she could have lived by just backing off.

The enemy Ezreal who sold all his items and started running mid after dying three times in a row.

I realized once again that this was not a place for humans.


[You have been promoted to Diamond 1.]

With about two weeks left of vacation, my current rank is Diamond 1.

I was maintaining a win rate of over 80%, so I expected to reach Master soon.

The problem is.

“…It’s boring.”

It’s not fun.

Statistically, the Diamond Master tier is in the top 1% of players.

But that’s only for normal players, it’s a meaningless statistic for me who used to compete with monsters in the pro league.

To exaggerate a little, I felt like whether it’s BSG or Diamond Master, it’s just a matter of luck who gets promoted.

“But I still have to do what I have to do…”

Since LOL isn’t a game where you can pay to raise your rank, all I could do was just play the game.

I queued up, pressed the accept button, and started the game.

‘Han Byeo-ri?’

I saw a familiar nickname on the enemy mid.

That nickname and the champion being played is Zoe.

Just in case, I checked the internet streaming platform.


The enemy mid laner was Han Byeo-ri, a streamer who was very popular for maintaining a high Diamond rank despite being a female user.

‘Talon first pick and she picks Zoe?’

Zoe is basically a strong laner, but Talon isn’t a champion that plays the laning phase.

It’s Talon, one of the three champions known for being easy to play, along with Katarina, and Akali.

Laning phase?

I have no intention of doing that.


[5000 won per kill this game]

“Oh my, 5,000 won per kill? Mission accepted.”

Streamer Han Byeo-ri thought she was lucky today.

She didn’t know why, but her stream, which usually had around 1,500 viewers, was over 3,000 today.

‘I knew I should live kindly.’

In addition, the donations kept coming in.

Even the 5,000 won per kill donation mission that just came in was a great deal.

The champion she mainly plays is Zoe, a champion that gets kills based on strong laning and snowballs the game.

‘At least 3 kills.’

If one game is 30 minutes, there’s a high chance of exceeding the minimum wage with just this mission.

That’s what she thought.

[An ally has been slain.]

[An ally has been slain.]

[An ally has been slain.]

The enemy Talon, as if he had no intention of laning, just threw his W skill at the minions and kept roaming to other lanes.

His roaming timing was so perfect that her allies kept dying.

As the item difference grew, she started to lose the mid lane.

[MenheraCaitlyn(Caitlyn): Why is Zoe’s CS so low when she’s just staying in mid?]

[qwer5353(Renekton): Why is there a level difference in mid lol]

“That’s because you guys keep feeding kills every time you go!”

As she started to get angry, the chat started to heat up.

[Queen Byeori is pretty even when she’s angry]

[Talon is so good at sniffing out kills]

Then, a donation arrived at the right time.

{á„‹á„‹ donated 10,000 won}

The enemy Talon is a fresh account with an 80% win rate though?

“What? 80% win rate?”

She had just died to the enemy Talon’s one-shot combo, so she went to a match history website and checked the enemy’s record.

“Oh my god… he’s just a solo queue smasher.”

On the match history website, wins are blue and losses are red.

The enemy mid laner, Para, had lost once every 10 games, and even in the games he lost, he got MVP.

Since the game was already over, they quickly surrendered, and the first thing she did was.

[Crazy lol Crazy lol]

[Send a friend request~ Send a friend request~]

[Is this the appearance of Han Byeo-ri’s new brother?]

Send a friend request to Para.

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1 month ago

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