Chapter 2: Mom know about VTubers?

“Min-ah, StarzFlow is recruiting for their second generation. How about applying?”
My mind froze for a moment.
Why did the name StarzFlow come out of my mom’s mouth? The only StarzFlow I know is a VTuber agency.
But no matter how much I think about it, I can’t imagine my mom knowing about VTubers.
I subtly sipped my water while glancing at my mom. Sleek, jet-black hair and brown eyes.
Wearing a suit, she exuded a cool and dignified atmosphere, the epitome of an office lady (OL).

It’s hard to believe that my mom, who seems to have no connection to subcultures,
would know about StarzFlow. I must have misheard.
“They’re recruiting for the second generation at StarzFlow.”
Turns out, my assumption didn’t hold up in reality.
“Yes. So why not apply this time? I’ve already prepared the application forms,
so all you need to do is submit them.”

My mom pointed to an envelope on the corner of the table.
So that’s what that was—an application form for StarzFlow?
“How… how does Mom even know about VTubers?”

My question was filled with various doubts, and my mom tilted her head slightly as she looked at me.
With a sharp, expressionless face that could make anyone hold their breath upon first glance. But after 15 years of living with her, I knew better.

Mom wasn’t angry right now; she was just… not thinking about anything in particular.
“Hmm, is it strange for a mom to know her daughter’s hobbies?”
“It’s not that… but doesn’t this feel a bit different from just knowing a hobby?”
“What do you mean?”

Mom stared at me with a blank expression.

It’s hard to believe that this slightly scatterbrained mom of mine is the same person who
appeared on TV for being an elite, capable businesswoman. The gap is unreal.
“Knowing your daughter’s hobby is one thing, but knowing about recruitment notices and inside info…
that’s a bit different, don’t you think?”
“Oh, didn’t I mention? StarzFlow is a subsidiary of my company.”

“I started studying VTubers when I learned you were into watching VTuber streams.
And the more I researched, the more I realized. While it’s true that the VTuber industry has
faced some stagnation, it’s still a market with potential.”

StarzFlow is… a subsidiary of Mom’s company?
I knew that the company Mom worked for had its hands in a wide range of entertainment—games,
anime, manga, dramas, and more.
But to think they’ve even expanded into the VTuber industry…

“So, I suggested to my company that we should venture into the VTuber industry,
and that’s how StarzFlow was created.”
Wait a minute.
Does that mean…
“Have you… spoken with Nacchan before?”
“Are you talking about Nanase?”
“Oh, I personally recommended Nanase. She’s a sweet girl.”
I’m jealous. Seriously, so jealous I could scream!
-My mom helped debut my favorite VTuber?!

Could my mom actually be my hero? Well, even without that, she still kind of is.
“Anyway, what do you think about applying for StarzFlow’s second generation?”
Oh, right. That’s what this conversation was originally about.
“But why do you want me to apply for the second generation?”
“VTubers are your hobby, aren’t they?”
“Yes, but…”
“And isn’t it your dream?”
“…Wait, what?”
Mom looked at me like she couldn’t quite grasp what I was saying. Honestly,
I probably had the same confused expression.

“I’ve seen you leave your computer on while looking up VTuber history or the prices of streaming equipment.”
That was just out of curiosity, though.
“So, I thought you wanted to become a VTuber. The market still has potential,
so I proposed the idea to my company, hoping to support you.”
And now, a shocking revelation:

StarzFlow, the agency my favorite VTuber Nacchan is with, was created because of a mom
who wanted to help her daughter’s… dream?

“I just enjoy watching VTubers. I never thought about becoming one.”
Mom lowered her gaze and took a sip of tea. She had a neutral expression, but thanks to my 15 years of experience reading her subtle cues, I knew better.

Mom was clearly disappointed. The way her lips slightly protruded ever so slightly was proof.
“I guess I misunderstood.”
It’s true, she did misunderstand.
“I just thought you’d enjoy it.”
What is this feeling?
“That’s too bad.”

Suddenly, I felt like I had done something terribly wrong.
“It’s okay if it was just my misunderstanding. I won’t force you. But, Minah,
could you still consider it? Just once?”

“Consider what?”
“Applying for StarzFlow’s second generation.”

Mom was smiling gently as she said this.
“VTubers don’t show their real faces. They stream using characters, right?”
“That’s true.”
“So, I think even if you’re shy, you could manage. And through streaming,
maybe you’ll even improve your social skills.”
My school records were filled with comments about my shy personality and lack of friendships.
Mom knew all of that.
“You mentioned once that you wanted to work on overcoming that part of yourself, didn’t you?”
“So, I think trying at least once wouldn’t hurt. That’s just my thought.”
I’ve seen plenty of people claim they started streaming to fix their introverted personalities.
And every time, I thought, “Where on earth do you find introverts like that?”

An introvert who can put on a whole show for faceless strangers—if there’s a black cat like that,
I’d confidently ask them, “Aren’t you secretly a natural extrovert?”
In other words, I wasn’t confident.
I didn’t think I could stream with my personality. And even if I did, I doubted it would help me change.
“Just think about it, okay?”


How could I refuse when Mom asked so kindly?
I nodded and quietly took the envelope of application forms she handed me.
“But since it’s a subsidiary of your company, wouldn’t applying just be… nepotism?”

“Don’t worry. StarzFlow is full of people who take VTubing seriously. No one will care about my position.
If you don’t prepare well, you might not even pass.”

“Really. Even when they were selecting Nanase, opinions were extremely divided.
To be honest, just reading those documents, you wouldn’t know that you’re my daughter. Only the representative would probably know.

” Well, if Mom is so adamant about it, I guess it must be true. But opinions were divided even
when selecting Nacchan? StarsFlow might actually be a bad company…

There are various genres in manga and novels. Among them is the school love comedy genre. This genre involves attending school, meeting various characters, and progressing relationships through events.

Do you know the characteristic of the protagonists in such love comedies? It’s the protagonist’s seat.
The seat by the window at the back of the classroom. Only someone who is clearly
the protagonist of a vibrant school life can sit there.

And I have memories of a past life that others don’t have. It’s a complete symbol of being a protagonist, right? That is, I once thought I could definitely sit there…!

“Thank you for your hard work!” “Yeah, take care everyone.”

Of course, I’ve already fully realized reality. Currently, my seat is the right diagonal back
seat in the center of the classroom. It’s the kind of seat where Extras A might sit—fitting for me, who is somewhat voluntarily introverted.

“What will you do about club activities later?” “I want to join the cooking club.” “I’m still thinking about it.”

Scary, those extroverts. Just one day after meeting, they talk so casually.

I used to dream of being like that once.

  • Club activities? Of course, I’ll head home immediately. In other words, I’m part of the Homecoming Club. I need to get home as quickly as possible to watch OnTube, catch up on anime, and read light novels.
  • What? Escaping being an introvert? There’s no way I could do that after spectacularly failing my high school debut.
  • I’m way too embarrassed to ever try.

“Um, Kayano-san?” Just as I was about to leave the classroom after packing up, someone called my name from behind.

“…Yes?” I turned around, calming my racing heart, and saw a female classmate with a slightly stiff expression looking at me.

What was the name of the top-tier classmate who always sat in the back?

“Uh, we’re planning to have a class gathering today. How about joining us? We were going to do it yesterday, but you left before we could ask.”

A class gathering? I’d love to join, but wouldn’t my presence just disrupt the atmosphere?

Well, rejecting such an offer doesn’t seem right either.

“I-I have, um, a prior…” I was about to say that I have no prior engagements and it’s fine.

“Oh, if you have plans, there’s nothing we can do. Then let’s just count you out for today.”

Classmate A said regretfully as she stepped back. She then joined the other kids who were
already gathered, and began chatting and laughing loudly.

“So you had plans…” “Seeing how you rushed off yesterday…” “Just like…”

I heard them whispering, “I heard from a friend who went to the same middle school as Kayano…”

It didn’t seem like she was genuinely disappointed. From the way she left without even listening to the end, it felt like it was just a formality. It had always been like that.

It’s not a lie—I really am a beautiful girl. Sometimes I’m amazed when I look in the mirror.
But I often wondered if the standards of beauty had changed over the 10 years since my past life.

Even with terrible communication skills, I believed that with this level of appearance,
I’d at least make some friends. However, looking back over these 15 years,
I couldn’t honestly say I had any friends.

So, perhaps over time, the perception of beauty has completely changed, and the appearance I once thought was beautiful might actually be considered unattractive.
Of course, I realized it quickly by looking at the faces of celebrities and actors on TV. The reason I’m a loner with no friends is that my communication skills are, in reality, shockingly bad.

…Well, some boys tried to approach me, but their intentions were too obvious,
so I rejected them. Over the past five years since I recalled my past life,
the pattern has always been the same.

New classmates come and talk to me on the first or second day. “We’re planning to have a class gathering. Would you like to join?”

And when I hesitate, they back off with, “Oh, it’s not mandatory, so it’s fine if you can’t make it.”

If I try to say that I have no plans, they cut me off with, “Well, if you have plans, then I guess it can’t be helped.”

And from the next day on, no one approaches me first. No matter how badly I mess up introductions, the final chance to escape being a loner with this amazing appearance disappears.

In other words, sadly, it means I’ve been fooled again today. But even knowing this,
it’s a habit of a loner to keep hoping.


Maybe I’m emitting such a strong aura of being a loner that it can’t even be concealed by appearance. Everyone notices and quickly avoids me.

…I should go home, cry a little, and then watch Nacchan clips before the broadcast starts.

Three weeks have already passed. And during that time…

“Today, Nacchan is cute as always.”

Of course, nothing has changed. My daily routine remains the same: going to school, rarely speaking except to answer the teacher’s questions, spending time alone, and then coming home to watch VTuber broadcasts or read manga and watch anime.


[Well, I usually do broadcasts when I’m feeling lonely. I think of everyone watching the broadcast as friends, so I can comfortably talk about things.]

As I sighed in sadness, Nacchan’s words suddenly came to mind.

Everyone watching the broadcast as friends…

“…Should I apply?”

Yeah. Thinking about it, there’s a saying, “I have friends on the internet,” right? Applying might not be such a bad idea.

If I think about it, there might be things I can talk about because they don’t know my face, right?

More importantly, VTuber viewers are probably otaku loners like me, right? That means there will be more common interests.

In this vast world, there’s no way there isn’t someone like me. And more than anything, it seems like Mom wants me to do it…


  • I’m not doing this because I want to…
  • I’m satisfied with my current life…
  • I’m different from that black cat…
  • It’s all because Mom wants it…

I sighed and took out the StarsFlow application form I had placed on the bookshelf last time.


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