[Challenging PVP Ranked Matches]
[New Dimension | 23 viewers | 2:01:21]
When you start PVP ranked matches in New Dimension, you go through 10 placement matches.
The system uses your normal game history, last season’s rank, and your performance in the placement matches to assess your skill level.
Since I’ve never attempted PVP ranked matches before, the most important factors were my normal game history and the win rate in the placement matches.
A viewer pointed out that my win rate in normal games was 52 wins and 103 losses out of a total of 155 matches.
Honestly, that’s a pretty low win rate.
The reason it took so long to find a match initially was because of that win rate.
Since I didn’t even have a 50% win rate, my MMR (Matchmaking Rating) was completely messed up.
On top of that, since there aren’t that many players in PVP for New Dimension, it naturally took even longer to match me.
…But because of the long wait times, I ended up facing an opponent in the B rank right from my first placement match.
Thanks to winning that game, my next opponent was also in B rank.
Moreover, in placement matches, you’re awarded a ton of points just for winning, and for someone like me who hasn’t done ranked at all, if I keep winning, moving up in rank is supposedly easy.
Especially if I’m matched against players with a higher rank than my MMR.
Of course, that’s assuming I win.
Anyway, as of now, my PVP record stands at 10 matches, 10 wins — a 100% win rate.
(A Rank, 98 points)
In other words, there’s no need to explain why my rank is high — it’s obviously going to be.
– Wow, your first rank is A with 98 points lolol
─ Is this a new record?
– Damn, that’s crazy
– Just 4 more wins and you’re in S rank lol;
“How high is that really…?”
But since I had no information about how ranking works, no matter how much praise I got from the viewers, I didn’t really feel it.
– You can check your stats later on a site
─ You’re in the top 0.5%, my friend
Top 0.5%.
That’s actually higher than I thought.
Plus, if I win one more match, I can do a promotion match at 100 points for A rank, and if I win 3 more times there, I’ll be promoted to S rank.
And starting from S rank, 100 points isn’t the cap; you can keep gaining points, and if you make it into the top 500 players, you’ll reach Ex rank.
I can’t say I didn’t have the thought of pushing for S rank right now.
But after streaming for nearly 2 hours, I felt more tired than I expected.
When I play New Dimension alone, I don’t feel this way, but keeping track of the chat’s atmosphere was more mentally exhausting than I thought.
Consistently interacting with viewers was also part of the reason.
So I think I’ll stop here for today.
“I’ll end the stream here for now…….”
– ?
─ Are you kidding us right now, friend?
“If I win just 4 more times, I’ll reach S rank, but they’re messing around?
For some reason, the atmosphere in the chat has turned hostile.
Do they want to see me reach S rank that badly? But right now, I’m too exhausted, so no way.
‘Goodbye, everyone…’
After setting the screen to show my avatar in full armor from the front, I waved goodbye and ended the stream.
– ‘You little ***, seriously’
– ‘Open the door right now, I’m not kidding’
– ‘A small streamer quitting already?’
– ‘Time to go snipe him on the forum lol’
As soon as I left, the chat burst into flames, perhaps disappointed by my departure.
Well, I was a little disappointed too, but I was tired, so there was no helping it.
Anyway, before getting out of the reverse capsule, I checked the stats.
Today’s average viewers: 18. Number of followers: up to 23.
It was growing much faster than I expected. Of course, the influence of the NewD forum was big, but at this rate,
I might escape being a ‘small streamer’ pretty soon, right? Even if I didn’t want to get my hopes up, my imagination kept running wild.
After getting out of the reverse capsule, stretching, and sitting at my desk, I booted up my computer. Sure, I could check the forum and YouTube from the capsule too, but browsing the web is always more comfortable on a computer.
First, I opened up the NewD PVP stat tracker that a viewer had told me about earlier. I searched my nickname, and all my past PVP records popped up.
[Inquisitor – A rank (Top 0.48%)]
[Overall record: 165 games, 62 wins, 103 losses]
[Ranked record: 10 games, 10 wins, 0 losses]
Someone said earlier that I was in the top 0.5%, but it’s actually 0.48%.
I heard A rank is at least the top 5%, so A rank must range from the top 0.5% to 5%. Seeing it as numbers made it feel like a big achievement.
Now that I’ve roughly checked my PVP skill, time for my next daily task: checking the NewD forum. I started by browsing the ‘noteworthy posts’…
【Title: Inquisitor123, hello from a temporary user!!!】 (23)
【Title: Let’s check that guy’s forum history】 (51)
【Title: He’s been the same guy no matter what happens…】 (39)
【Title: Why use a voice changer? Is he actually a ***/gay?】 (19)
【Title: So the conclusion is that guy kicked out all the new users, right?】 (11)
…Hmm. Maybe I shouldn’t check the noteworthy posts today. Just looking at the titles feels like daggers to my chest. Sure, people ahead of their time face persecution, but this is a bit…
Let’s skip the noteworthy posts and check the regular ones to see if there’s any feedback on my stream.
Most of today’s viewers probably came from the forum anyway.
[Title + content[]] [Inquisitor [Q]1
【Title: Why does Inquisitor use a voice changer?】 (4)
【Title: Why are you guys watching a *** who uses a voice changer?】 (2)
【Title: Ranked placement, A rank, 98 points lol】 (4)
【Title: It’s disgusting to think there’s a guy behind that kind of voice】 (6)
Pretty much as expected, I guess.”
The tone and context of the text describe a streamer dealing with hostile comments and criticism from viewers and forum users, mostly revolving around their use of a voice changer and the progress they’re making in an online game.
There’s a lot of talk about voice changers. The most common question is, “Why even use a voice changer?”
But it was part of my strategy. I thought, what if I drew attention by using a voice changer at first, then later revealed that I’m actually a woman after gaining a stable viewer base? It would definitely become a hot topic.
Something like, “The real heretic inquisitor who didn’t give up on converting the heretics on NewD was actually a woman?!” wouldn’t it be like that? The number of viewers would skyrocket. Hmm, this plan I’ve come up with is really perfect.
Anyway, besides that, there was some talk about the PVP rankings too… Thankfully, the vibe didn’t seem too bad.
[Incoming call from Tuni]
While I was looking through the gallery posts, a call from Tuni came in.
Honestly, I’m starting to get tired and just want to throw myself onto the bed, but the caller is my internet streaming mentor. I can’t just ignore them, even if I know better.
I greeted Tuni, trying to stifle a yawn as their voice rang out with a sound effect. I don’t want to make it obvious that I’m tired…
[You were streaming just now, right? I didn’t get to watch since I was streaming too, but a few of my viewers mentioned it.]
“Oh, yes….”
[How’s the streaming going? I feel bad since I’m just a small streamer myself and probably haven’t been much help….]
“Uh, well. I think it’s going okay, thanks to your advice….”
– Should I have taken this call? –
Tuni’s really chatty, probably because they’re a full-time streamer. And in my already tired state, it feels even more draining.
[I was thinking of watching your first stream… or should I say your second? But the timing wasn’t right.]
“…Should I send you the video? I was hoping to get some feedback on my latest streams if you’re okay with it….”
[Oh, um. I’ve got my own things going on, so….]
“I’m sorry….”
[No, no. It’s fine. You’ve just started, so I’m sure there’s a lot you’re struggling with. Hmm… But since you’re relying on me, I’ll try to watch as much of your streams as I can before bed and leave some feedback.]
“Thank you….”
Tuni, you’re really a nice person. If only they weren’t part of that NewD heresy… they’d be perfect.
[Ah. You must be tired from streaming, and I feel like I’ve kept you too long. Get some rest, Lene. I’ll leave my thoughts on Misscord~.]
“Oh, you get some rest too, Tuni….”
And with that, they promptly ended the call. At least they backed off before I reached my mental limit. It’s such a shame they’re part of that heresy.
“I really need to make sure I help her repent next time.”
With that determination, I turned off the computer and threw myself onto the bed.
[Tuni: I have a lot of questions after watching your stream, and I feel like it might be better for me to directly tweak the broadcast settings myself, so…]
[Tuni: Would it be okay if I came to your place, Lene?]
When I woke up, Tuni had sent me a suggestion to meet in real life.
…I want to refuse.
Is there no good way to turn her down politely?
In the dark room, the small light of the phone illuminated, accompanied by a woman’s voice.
[God… resides in your hearts…]
─In my heart, there’s the god Ellun.
[It seems we have a heretic hiding among us. Banned for 3 minutes.]
“…Is this seriously how she streams?”
And from Tuni, who was watching that heretic inquisitor… Lene’s stream, a voice filled with disbelief escaped her.
Can’t believe someone couldn’t understand Lene’s explanation. She really does seem like a heretic.
There’s no better way to explain things so briefly and clearly…
Finally, the voice changer was mentioned in this episode.
Lene, in her sincere pursuit of success, uses a voice changer.
And to give a slight spoiler, the voice changer will be an important element in the “Bangjindan,” so… she’ll be streaming in that state longer than you might expect.
I hope you can be patient with that…
Additionally, the reason Rene stumbles over her words while explaining things is partly because of her reclusive lifestyle.
Her slightly off behavior compared to normal people is purely her own issue.
See you again tomorrow!
You think this chapter was thrilling? Wait until you read [Game Life] Into The Anime! Click here to discover the next big twist!
Read : [Game Life] Into The Anime
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Lucky new chapter before going to bed
thanks for the chapter