Chapter 26: Riot?

These kinds of posts were similar to those I’d seen that morning. The topic was different—impeachment then, criticism now—but the format was the same.

Jihyun had interrupted me that morning, so I decided to investigate.

But I couldn’t find any negative posts about Hwajuyeon, the head mod. The popular post from earlier had vanished.

Suspiciously, I checked the moderators’ group chat. They might know something.

My hunch was correct; they were discussing the head mod drama, expressing considerable concern.

As a recently appointed assistant mod, I didn’t know the details. It felt inappropriate to interrupt their serious discussion.

I had one option left: asking privately. Hwajuyeon probably knew best, but asking her was insane.

Who would ask the subject of a controversy about the controversy? Even if Hwajuyeon had a strong mental fortitude, asking her thoughtlessly would be irresponsible.

Asking Hwajuyeon was out. That left… Yes, it had to be her.

[Baek Hwayeon]

The others were impossible. One was too playful, and the other had never spoken to me.

I was somewhat close to Hwayeon, so a private message should be acceptable. And she’s kind, so it should be fine.

I opened Hwayeon’s private chat. What do I do now? Even though I’d done this before, it still felt strange. Asking for help felt even more stressful.

How do I start? I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Overthinking wouldn’t solve anything. I had to do it.

[Uh… Hwayeon.]

She replied immediately. She was in the group chat; it was expected. I appreciated her quick response, but it was also problematic.

I needed time to prepare… I swallowed my complaints and explained the situation.

From the morning posts, the missing popular post, and the missing information. Once I started, I couldn’t stop.

I bombarded Hwayeon with questions, then felt a pang of guilt. I’d been careless; she seemed busy in the group chat; I’d wasted her time. She might be annoyed or even dislike me.

I started typing an apology, then deleted it. Right. I shouldn’t just apologize casually. I’d read that even people with low self-esteem hesitate to apologize.

Not apologizing turned out to be a good decision. Hwayeon kindly answered each question, explaining thoroughly.

In short, Hwajuyeon, abusing her power as head mod, had a long reign, leading to numerous complaints.

Usually, one or two moderators could delete these posts, but there were too many complaints recently. Posts that should have been deleted became popular.

The reason I couldn’t find information was that all relevant posts had been deleted in the group chat. Hwayeon also asked me for help with managing the gallery.

Reading her reply, I thought, There’s plenty of reason to complain. Given her past actions, not complaining would be unusual.

Regardless, I would help Hwayeon. Hwajuyeon’s actions didn’t directly impact me, and we’re friends.

The crucial reason was that I was also an assistant mod; I needed to work. Shirking my duties would be negligence. I looked at my laptop.

The Yuri Gallery main page showed posts constantly updating. Wow. That’s impressive posting speed.

This gallery deserved its #1 ranking. I began carefully reviewing the posts.

[Title: Head mod, stop deleting posts and manage the gallery!][6]

[Author: 00]

I saw this post just now. Please stop!

[Likes: 3 / Dislikes: 0]

[All Comments]

00: Shhh.

00: Oops, everything’s being deleted here.

00: Will this post be deleted too?

00: Honestly, they’re posting too much.

ThisPostWasWrittenByACat: Casual users, be quiet.

This was a veiled criticism of Hwajuyeon, but should it be deleted? I refreshed to see more comments.

[This post has been deleted.]

A message appeared—perfectly answering my question. Anything critical of Hwajuyeon had to be deleted.

I returned to the main page. The active gallery seemed exhausting… but I’d agreed to help.

[Title: The head mod is so pathetic lol][5]

[Author: 00]

Their gallery management is awful; they delete posts when criticized. Explain yourself.

[Likes: 5 / Dislikes: 2]

[Title: The head mod prioritizes her own friends.][13]

[Author: 00]

The assistant mods manage the gallery, but collusion is rampant.

The new assistant mod seems to have never used the gallery before; it was just someone close to the head mod.

And they’re so quick to ban anyone who criticizes them.

[Likes: 13 / Dislikes: 3]

[Title: Isn’t it absurd that regulars get a free pass just for being close to the head mod?][8]

[Author: 00]

I’ve never seen a head mod who lets their friends get away with anything.

And is it acceptable to tell people to make a regular account if they don’t like the head mod’s dictatorship?

[Likes: 8 / Dislikes: 2]

[All Comments]

Obsessed: If you don’t like it, make a regular account lol

Loo: They’re dodging the issue again.

Obsessed: If you don’t like the temple, leave; make a regular account; why are you complaining so much?

00: Are you really that sycophantic?

00: It’s a miracle they haven’t been impeached yet.

[Title: Deleting posts only proves you’re abusing your power.][5]

[Author: 00]

Delete all the posts; it will only increase casual users’ resentment lol How will you quell this?

[Likes: 4 / Dislikes: 1]

…I agreed with the final statement. The backlash was overwhelming; even deleting posts wouldn’t stop it. I carefully deleted them.

[Title: The head mod is an idiot lol][3]

[Author: 00]

(Pepe the Frog laughing)

The head mod will probably delete this too.

So what?

What can you do, you loser lol

[Likes: 15 / Dislikes: 4]

[All Comments]

00: This is a Yuri Gallery classic lol

00: This troll post became a classic.

[Title: Apparently, the head mod sticking out their tongue means they’re seriously angry.][7]

[Author: 00]


[Likes: 0 / Dislikes: 0]

[Title: Honestly, casual users who don’t make regular accounts are the problem…][8]

[Author: 00]

(Pink-haired girl bowing)

Head mod, what do you mean?

[Likes: 14 / Dislikes: 3]

[All Comments]

oo: Head mod, what do you mean?

Loo: That makes sense.

00: Honestly, I think they’re shameless.

…They’re using memes now. The posts were endless; even deleting them with the other assistant mods wouldn’t stop it. Is Hwajuyeon okay?

I put away my laptop. It wasn’t exhaustion; I was worried about Hwajuyeon.

I checked the group chat; she was discussing solutions with Hyeseol.

[Hwajuyeon: Should we just delete everything?]

…A drastic approach.

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