Chapter 27: Between Friends: Affection, Jealousy, and Hugs

“Good job.”

“Oh, yes. You too, unnie…”

“The word ‘unnie’ is really starting to stick now, isn’t it?”

“Oh, haha… I guess so…”

Yoo Ji-eun and I played a few rounds of Bell lightly.

The Jjapagetti had long been finished, and we had almost emptied the drinks.

I finished off the drink with a slurp.

Yoo Ji-eun watched me with a smile and then asked,

“I-hyun, can I ask you a question?”

“Huh? Of course.”

I smiled shyly as I answered.

I had started to like Yoo Ji-eun. She always made me feel good.

“You said you don’t attend university, right?”

“Ah, yes. I’m a high school graduate.”

“And you’re a full-time streamer?”


I nodded awkwardly.

I had thought about needing to make money, but I hadn’t planned to make streaming a full-time job.

Still, if someone asked, I guess it would be considered my full-time job.

It didn’t pay as much as minimum wage, but it was good enough for me.

Suddenly, my phone rang with a KakaoTalk notification.

“Ah, just a moment…”

I asked for her understanding and checked my phone.

12:43 PM [I-hyun-ah]

12:43 PM [What are you doing right now?]

It was a message from Song Chae-hyun.

A smile naturally crept onto my face as I quickly replied.

12:43 PM Ah, I just stepped out for a bit.

Her reply came almost immediately.

12:43 PM [Who are you with?]

12:43 PM With Ji-eun unnie, haha.

“I-hyun, do you want to step outside for a bit?”

“Huh? Sure.”

Yoo Ji-eun stared at me for a moment before suddenly grabbing my hand and gently pulling me.

Startled by the soft touch, I hesitated briefly, but soon followed her lead.

Her pace quickened a bit, and in the process, I left my phone behind.

Well, this is Korea—no one would steal it, right?

We took the elevator down and stepped into a nearby alley.

“What’s going on?”

I asked.

Was it something personal that needed to be discussed outside?

But there weren’t any other people in the couple seat earlier, so we could have spoken there too.

After a brief silence, Yoo Ji-eun looked me up and down before speaking.

“You’re wearing the clothes I bought for you today.”

“Huh? Ah, yes…”

I had put them on because I was meeting her, but by now, wearing them didn’t feel as embarrassing.

The stares I attracted were something I had come to enjoy, even if they weren’t because I was anything special.


At my words, Yoo Ji-eun chuckled, as if she found me adorable, and then approached me.

Just like that evening.

And then, she stroked my hair.

I looked up at her face, which was a full head taller than mine.

She was smiling softly.

But this time, I didn’t mind.

In fact, I found it pleasant.

It felt completely different from before.

It made me realize that, no matter how pretty someone might be, if you’re not familiar with them, physical contact can feel uncomfortable.

It’s much more pleasant when it’s with someone you know.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head, savoring the sensation more.


Am I really the type to be so popular with girls?

If two people are so eager to hug and stroke me, just how cute am I?

The thought made me feel a little happy.

“… Unnie.”

“Haa… Yes?”

“Am I really that cute?”

At my question, Yoo Ji-eun looked momentarily surprised, but then smiled and said,

“Yes, very much so.”

Her strokes became a little firmer.

“… Hehe…”

I quietly savored the sensation.

There was a distinct difference between Song Chae-hyun and Yoo Ji-eun’s touches.

Song Chae-hyun’s touch was soothing, like the comforting strokes from my mother that used to make me sleepy.

But Yoo Ji-eun’s touch… it felt ticklish, like her fingers were expertly adjusting pressure, almost too precisely.

It felt like the soft sound of “srrrk, srrrk” would suit the moment.

It was the kind of touch that made me feel like I might accidentally let out a moan.


Oops, I let it slip.

The stroking continued for several more seconds.

Then, Yoo Ji-eun suddenly spoke.



“You hug Song Chae-hyun a lot, don’t you?”

“Huh? Yes…”

Yoo Ji-eun’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Still holding my shoulder, she began gently pushing me back.

I had no choice but to retreat.

After a few steps, my back lightly touched the alley wall.


Yoo Ji-eun remained silent.

She cornered me there, then spread her arms wide.

“Me too.”

“… Huh?”

“Let me hug you too.”


Something about her gaze made me let out an involuntary whimper.

Her expression darkened slightly.

“Am I not allowed?”

“… It’s not that you can’t…”

Is it normal for girls to hug each other? Petting is one thing, but hugging feels a bit different.

It felt so sudden and overwhelming.

But then again, I hug Song Chae-hyun without hesitation, so maybe it’s just normal for girls to hug?

Though, with Yoo Ji-eun, it feels… different somehow.

It’s hard to explain, but there’s something off.

I don’t really understand girls’ emotions. I’ve never even held hands with anyone, let alone dated.

Back then, when I dressed all tough, it wasn’t about being appealing—it was just camouflage.

“I don’t know.”

Yoo Ji-eun paused at my words, then spoke again.

“That’s unfair, don’t you think?”


“If we’re all friends, isn’t it unfair to hug one friend but not the other?”

“But that’s not—”

Suddenly, she started stroking my head again.


Ah, it’s starting again.

This comforting sensation of being petted.

When she touches my hair, it feels even more like I’m being tamed.

“It’s unfair. You should be kind to all your friends.”

Hearing that, I felt like she had a point…

Yoo Ji-eun, now closer to me, whispered softly.

“So, you’ll let me hug you too, right?”

“Yes, yes…”

I couldn’t help but give in.

Even though I said that…

Honestly, I think I’d be okay with Yoo Ji-eun.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to hug her; it just caught me off guard.

I smiled at her and opened my arms.

She gazed at me for a moment before quickly stepping forward and wrapping her arms around me.


“… Ah…”

It wasn’t as cozy as hugging Song Chae-hyun, but it still felt warm.

I could feel her different scent and body shape pressed against me.

Recently, I’ve really started to notice this—well, except for my mom, I’ve never hugged anyone of the opposite gender…

Hugging is so nice.

It might even become addictive.

Yoo Ji-eun held me like that for a while.

And just like her stroking, the hug felt different from Song Chae-hyun’s.

If Song Chae-hyun’s embrace was large, soft, and comforting…

Yoo Ji-eun’s was more slender, her bones faintly noticeable.

It felt like being gently constricted by a snake.

My heart started beating faster.

Her frame was the stereotypical “female” frame.

Suddenly, I felt embarrassed.

The fact that I used to be a guy crossed my mind, and my heartbeat only quickened.

My breath grew heavier.


Yoo Ji-eun finally released me and gazed down at me quietly.

Then she smiled.

“Hehe, I’m satisfied. You really are so cute.”

“Thank you. You’re really pretty too, unnie.” Hehe…

At my words, Yoo Ji-eun smiled, stroked my hair once more, and led us back to the PC café.


As we returned, my phone started ringing.


I rushed to grab my phone and saw 23 missed calls.

All from Song Chae-hyun.

I glanced around, a little self-conscious.

The phone had been ringing non-stop.

I felt a bit guilty.

“Who is it?” Yoo Ji-eun asked as she approached.

“Ah, it’s Chae-hyun unnie. I was just about to answer—”

But before I could finish, Yoo Ji-eun gently grabbed my wrist and said,

“Don’t answer.”

“Huh? Oh… okay.”

Her gaze made me feel like I had no choice but to nod.

She must be the type who doesn’t like it when the person they’re hanging out with doesn’t focus on them.

I understood the feeling, so I nodded and sat back down.

“Today was really fun.”

“Me too.”

“Be safe going home. I’d offer to drive you, but as you can see, I came in my car. I’d feel bad just letting you go on your own.”

She gestured to a large black car nearby, where a man in sunglasses sat in the driver’s seat.

Is that her driver…?

Wow, she’s really rich.

“Oh… it’s fine. You be careful going home too, unnie.”

We said our goodbyes and parted ways.

Only then did I call Song Chae-hyun, who had been on my mind the whole time.

The phone didn’t even ring once.

She answered immediately.

  • “Hello.”
  • “Yes, unni…”

I was startled by how low her voice was.

  • “Where are you?”

“I-I just finished meeting with Ji-eun unni and I’m on my way home now.”

Song Chae-hyun kept asking questions, almost like she was interrogating me.

  • “Where did you meet?”

“A… PC room.”

  • “What did you do there?”

“We played Bell and talked about the stream.”

  • “Nothing strange happened?”

“Strange? What do you mean?”

  • “Like… touching or something.”

“Touching? No way… Girls don’t do that kind of thing…”

What is Chae-hyun even talking about?

… Wait.


If what Chae-hyun means by ‘touching’ includes what happened, then I guess I should just be honest.

“We did cuddle and hug a little. Just as an expression of affection.”

  • “Okay. Be careful on your way home.”

With that, Song Chae-hyun said she’d hang up and ended the call.

She seemed upset about something.

I thought about it for a moment, and then a lightbulb went off in my head.

… Oh.


Was she jealous that I hugged Ji-eun?

I know that feeling. I had a younger sibling too.

Not anymore, though.

Whenever mom hugged my younger sibling too much, I’d feel a little jealous too.

I could have just asked her to hug me as well, but for some reason, that seemed so difficult back then.

I felt a pang of sadness as memories from the past surfaced.

“… Hmph.”

But then my thoughts drifted back to Song Chae-hyun, and I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

Song Chae-hyun has a cute side to her.

Still, we should all get along better.

It seems like they’re already fond of each other, so maybe I could help them become closer?

I keep being the one receiving all the affection, so I wanted to do something for them too.


As I walked, I thought about it.


I came up with a brilliant idea.

Quickly, I grabbed my phone and put the idea into action.

Why hadn’t I thought of this before?

After moving their names into the right spots and pressing confirm…

  • Moon I-hyun has added Ji-eun and Chae-hyun to the group chat.
  • Ah, finally!

I sent them a message, urging them to read it.

The number of ‘read’ indicators quickly dropped.

Song Chae-hyun: ??

Yoo Ji-eun: What is this?

  • Let’s chat here more!

Song Chae-hyun has left the group.

Yoo Ji-eun has left the group.


I was puzzled and added them back to the group.

  • Moon I-hyun has added Ji-eun and Chae-hyun to the group.

Yoo Ji-eun has left the group.

Song Chae-hyun has left the group.

“What the…!”

  • Moon I-hyun has added Ji-eun and Chae-hyun to the group.

After several rounds of exiting and re-inviting, we finally established the group chat.

If they really hated it, they would’ve rejected the invite outright, so it must have been a joke.

There’s no real reason for them to dislike each other, after all.

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3 months ago

Thanks for the chapter
im pretty sure there is a reason to hate each other lol