“Well, that’s it for today’s stream. Thank you all for watching.”
The man, whose streaming name was ‘Health Boy’, but was called ‘Hellbo’ by his viewers, announced the end of his stream.
It was after a dispute with a teammate who lived up to his nickname, a quick surrender, and a clean victory in the next game.
He was about to end the stream on a good note, but a malicious chat message that reminded him of the earlier incident came up.
LastLightOfNation: What about hosting that Trynd? He’s streaming ᄏ
“Hosting, my. What a load of
The last chat he saw bothered him, so he turned off his mic and let out a string of curses.
It was completely different from his usual streaming image.
He pursues a quiet, skill-focused streaming atmosphere.
Therefore, he’s the type to keep his donation reactions moderate and restrained.
Of course, he doesn’t get excited during games.
His clean plays, occasional practical tips, and neat appearance garnered him a decent number of viewers.
But has that clean and quiet concept become a poison? He’s been feeling more and more anger building up inside him as he focuses on LoL, a game that can be very frustrating, but can’t express his anger due to his image.
The fact that he’s been using vulgar curses that he rarely used before starting streaming is probably a side effect of that.
“Let’s see what kind of bug this guy is.
He’s probably a nobody, though.”
He logged out of his public streaming account on Switch and logged into his secret account for watching streams.
It was a habit he developed because of the malicious stalker viewers who would find him in the viewer list and expose him whenever he watched other streams with his streaming account.
He searched for ‘Ruffian’ in the search bar. He remembered hearing earlier that the game nickname and streamer nickname were the same.
A game stream with about 50 viewers, which was more than he expected, considering he thought it would be less than 10.
Hellbo was surprised when he entered and checked the viewer list. All the malicious users who were posting annoying chats in his stream were gathered there.
It was natural, though. No matter how much their streamer got into a fight with another streamer, they were all malicious users who immediately went to the other streamer’s channel and started causing trouble.
However, it was surprising that they were still in this stream after almost an hour.
Hellbo didn’t mention the fight because of his streaming image, and he either ignored or banned all the chats about it.
A dying fire is soon abandoned, and if he didn’t give them attention, they should have all left the stream by now.
If they were still here, it meant that there was something about this stream that captivated them enough to stay, even though they came to cause trouble.
[JejuBreadDept donated a whopping 10,000 won!]
—The voice is so nice, I have to give 10,000 won
A donation popped up. The nickname was familiar to Hellbo. A viewer who occasionally chatted in his stream.
And that viewer was donating money to the stream of the person who had been insulting him. It made him angry.
‘Why to that piece of trash?’
He felt resentful and even felt like something was taken from him, which made him feel worse.
<Wow, I’ve never received a donation before. My first time, taken by Bread-nim? Hehe!>
“What is she saying, this crazy
The reaction made him curse without realizing it.
Hellbo was utterly dumbfounded.
He expected a LoL stream, but it was an unexpected just chatting, also known as a radio or communication stream.
That could be possible.
But he was surprised that the insane, madman, top-lane-obsessed player was a woman.
And she had a great voice! He could confidently say that it was the most attractive voice he had ever heard among female streamers.
He could kind of understand why she suddenly started a just chatting stream.
Okay, he could somehow understand that.
But this insane, madman, top-lane-obsessed, good-voiced woman was also a hardcore, mentally ill person who made insane jokes that no other female streamer would ever allow!
“Well, that explains the outburst.
Hellbo muttered curses to himself to calm his surprise. He didn’t type in the chat.
But it was too early to be surprised. Ruffian’s donation reaction wasn’t over yet.
<Ah, a 10,000 won donation, it’s too big to go in! Heugh!>
Hellbo said that and tried to deny his thoughts, but honestly, he was turned on.
-JungleIsHell: A 10,000 won donation is quite big; even a 1,000 won one looked really painful
LastLightOfNation: The only hope of Korea, Ruffian! The only hope of Korea, Ruffian! The only hope of Korea, Ruffian! The only hope of Korea, Ruffian! The only hope of Korea, Ruffian!
CheddarCheese: Isn’t this going to get banned?
JejuBreadDept: This is a bit;
<What, I thought Bread-nim would like it. Don’t you like it?>
-IWannaLickOriAnnasGears: I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it
LastLightOfNation: The last hope of Korea, Ruffian! The last hope of Korea, Ruffian! The last hope of Korea, Ruffian! The last hope of Korea, Ruffian! The last hope of Korea, Ruffian! The last hope of Korea, Ruffian! The last hope of Korea, Ruffian! IWannaLickOriAnnasGears: It’s awesome
-JungleIsHell: What man wouldn’t like this?
-MorningRice: Isn’t Bread a woman?
<Really? A man can’t dislike this. Is Bread-nim really a woman?>
JejuBreadDept: Yes
-MorningRice: Ah, there’s no way there’s a woman among
-JungleIsHell: I’m a woman too, unnie (dangling)
“As expected, there’s no hope for nobodies. Does she not know how bad it is for a streamer to promote a viewer?”
When a streamer specifically likes and keeps mentioning a viewer, it has a negative effect on the stream.
Attention seekers start to act out to get the streamer’s attention, and viewers who were quietly watching the stream feel left out among those who start to form cliques and leave the stream.
In other words, promoting viewers and forming cliques are absolute taboos. However, it’s a common mistake in streams with very few viewers.
It’s only natural for people to feel more familiar with those they see often.
Without realizing that it’s poison to the growth of the stream.
쭛, Hellbo clicked his tongue.
<Then what do women like? Men just like
-MorningRice: You’re a woman, why are you asking us that ᄏᄏᄏ
LastLightOfNation: 6. Controversies 1. “Men only like
things” statement controversy
CheddarCheese: Why is that controversial? It’s a fact?
-JungleIsHell: See, she must be using a voice changer ᄏᄏ There’s no way a woman like this exists ᄏᄏᄏ
<Bread-nim, do you have any reaction you want?>
“Look, look, look, look at her building up to promote the viewer.”
Asking a donating viewer for a desired reaction wouldn’t be considered promoting a viewer, but to Hellbo, who was hell-bent on criticizing Ruffian, everything seemed like a flaw.
“There’s a reason why nobodies are nobodies. That’s not how you stream.”
If it bothered him so much, he could have just turned it off. But Hellbo continued to watch Ruffian’s stream and grumbled constantly.
He didn’t want to admit it. He didn’t want to admit that he was drawn to the voice and antics of the
top-lane-obsessed player who had suddenly dropped a parental insult on him.
He didn’t want to admit that he found this stream interesting and was looking forward to what would happen next.
-JejuBreadDept: Then a song
<I really don’t know many songs.>
-JejuBreadDept: Your favorite song
<Are you sure you can handle it?>
Ruffian asked that and then, without any shame, started singing an unknown Japanese song acapella.
JungleIsHell: There’s a stripper who does ant-picking as a reaction?!
LastLightOfNation: Teacher, your ant-picking is a bit strong;
IWannaLickOriAnnasGears: A 15-year-old
song ᄏᄏᄏᄏ Who knows this song??? Just -old-
MorningRice: If you know that, how old are you???
“The concept is too much.”
, good-voiced, top-lane-obsessed woman who likes
jokes? There’s no way such a woman actually exists.
Hellbo thought it was all a concept and a mask for streaming.
So he watched the stream with gritted teeth, determined to tear her down the moment the mask came off. But even after 8 hours until the end of the stream, Ruffian’s mask didn’t come off.
As if it wasn’t a mask at all.
, my sleep pattern is ruined.”
Hellbo usually goes to sleep around 2 AM. And now it was 6 AM.
She streamed until 6 AM. She definitely didn’t intend to, but she got carried away because of the large number of viewers and ended up streaming for too long.
Her throat hurt a little from talking too much. Her eyes were blurry from staring at the monitor for so long.
Her stomach was growling because she hadn’t eaten and streamed all night, so she grabbed the banana milk she bought earlier, put a straw in it, and put it in her mouth.
The yawn she let out felt good. In all her 28 years of life, she felt like she had the most conversations in a single day. The other person was just chatting, but that counts as a conversation, right?
Hello! Here! There’s a person beyond the monitor! That’s right.
‘I wonder if Bread is really a woman?’
What are you going to do if the person beyond the monitor is a woman, are you going to meet her? But it was the natural psychology of a
to be curious.
If I got my first female fan, wouldn’t that be something to celebrate?
She reviewed the stream’s content. No matter what you do, reflection and self-examination are important.
After the LoL stream, she talked a little and started a medley of anime song covers because she received donations. She got tired of singing alone, so she brought in new content to rest her throat a little.
She started with a favorite ramen world cup, a favorite food world cup, and moved on to an anime character ideal type world cup (female), having in-depth discussions with the viewers.
This should be enough for them to understand that I’m not a
In the outside world, being a
is a terrible flaw and a penalty, but in the world of Switch streaming, a female
is a predator at the top of the ecosystem.
A male
‘s ideal type is a pretty female
! A male gamer’s ideal type is a pretty female gamer!
It’s scientifically proven.
If you’re going to stream, wouldn’t it be better to aim for the top? Then more people will like me.
She’s doing the same thing as before, but the number of viewers increased 50 times just because her voice is pretty. This worldline is definitely to her liking. The straw in the empty banana milk made a slurping sound.
She took off the lid, rinsed it with water, and turned it upside down to let the water drain.
As she did that, she thought.
‘Will the people who came today come back tomorrow when I turn on the stream?’
She memorized too many nicknames.
That’s why she was anxious.
If those people don’t show up tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that, she’ll be very sad and lonely.
She’ll be very sad if it ends as a passing encounter and they forget her forever.
If she had more stamina, she would still be streaming now. That’s what she thought.
Anxious, she took out a bottle of soju from the refrigerator.
The snack was banana milk 2. Not 2 bottles, but the second one.
Sweet things are perfect for erasing the bitter and
taste of soju. And it’s said to have the effect of protecting your stomach and liver from getting
I’m not sure, but I think I heard something like that.
So, she drank a bottle of soju with banana milk as a snack and fell asleep.
You think this chapter was thrilling? Wait until you read Gender-Swapped Busty Murim! Click here to discover the next big twist!
Read : Gender-Swapped Busty Murim
what is up with this translation…
you get used to it( ̄▽ ̄)