A sense of satisfaction washed over me after a fun game for the first time in a while.
I turned on the stream, which I had turned off unconsciously in case of stream sniping, and a scene I had hoped for came into view.
[I’m getting an item gap because you guys feed kills every time you go!]
I saw Han Byeo-ri arguing with her teammates in the game end result screen.
Streamer Han Byeo-ri, real name Kim Han-byeol.
A streamer who gained popularity with her good eloquence and the uncommon concept of a skilled female user.
In the future, she will also be a team streamer for the team ARK, which I used to be a part of.
‘She was a fun person.’
The relationship between ARK and Han Byeo-ri was not based on fandom but on money.
She didn’t watch pro leagues until our team proposed it, so the team only expected a moderate level of reaction.
[Why did he flash there!!!]
[Wow, is Para crazy? How did he see that angle?]
[How did VZ become a strong team, if VZ wins, I will go back to my hometown and confess to her]
[I’m going crazy!!! Why is everyone behind Para!]
She started to support our team wholeheartedly and got angry on the day of the finals defeat as if it were her own.
Thanks to that, she became close with the players and often went to official fan meetings and events together, and appeared frequently in YouTube content.
I never imagined that the first e-sports connection I would make after becoming a girl would be her.
I was feeling a strange feeling and trying to find the next game when.
“An invite?”
Someone sent me a game invitation.
The nickname was Han Byeo-ri…?
Feeling strange, I checked the small stream screen.
[I’m going crazy, I really need to go to Grandmaster.]
It wasn’t a fake, it was the real Han Byeo-ri who sent me the invitation.
‘What is it?’
There are usually two reasons for sending an invitation or friend request after a game in LOL.
To get carried by a good player.
Or to curse at someone they don’t like.
Why curse through friend requests or invites?
‘Because one-on-one is not subject to reporting or banning.’
There is a reporting system in LOL.
If you troll or curse, you get a chat restriction, then a one-month ban, and so on, gradually increasing the penalty.
Of course, it was criticized for punishing verbal abuse more severely than trolling, but the important thing is that one-on-one conversations are usually not banned.
‘It’s just Riot being Riot.’
To get it banned, you have to report it, but there is no report function in one-on-one conversations.
If you want to report it, the victim has to log in to the website and use the inquiry function, but who would go through that trouble?
In addition, it was difficult to report one-on-one conversations.
For that reason, there are quite a few users who send friend requests or invites after the game.
‘But I don’t think Han Byeo-ri invited me to curse at me.’
I didn’t know what was going on, but I pressed the accept button.
“Did he block me? Why can’t I add him?”
Feeling strange, I tried sending a friend request again.
-Failed to send the request. Please try again.
All I got was an error message.
[Blocked LOL]
[Don’t be like that and go to the next game]
“He’s not accepting my friend request?”
Streamer Han Byeo-ri, who is she?
She was a big-time streamer with a dedicated group chat that sniped her to play a game with her.
{á„‹á„‹ donated 1000 won}
He probably didn’t turn on the friend request function.
[Oh, that’s right]
[That was patched because of SeolheeYam last time]
[SeolheeYam incident is acknowledged]
The SeolheeYam incident.
There is a big-time streamer named SeolheeYam who maintained an average of 10,000 viewers by only doing Just Chatting.
She felt the need for a change in her stream and started game streaming, and the game she chose was LOL.
She massacred the AI in the tutorial, mistook herself for being talented, and played a normal game, but the result was a crushing defeat.
After that, she unknowingly accepted a friend request from a teammate and was subjected to verbal abuse.
Because she was a very soft-hearted person, the scene of her crying at the verbal abuse was broadcast in real-time.
As a result, Riot changed it so that new users had to manually allow friend requests.
Instead of dealing with verbal abuse in one-on-one conversations, they just turned off the function and told them to deal with it if they wanted to turn it on.
This is why Riot, a top-tier game company, is ridiculed as a small game company.
[But looking at his match history, he played duo before?]
[That’s right, it’s a low tier, but there are a few duos in Bronze?]
[Was Han Byeo-ri just rejected?]
[The man who rejected Han Byeo-ri’s invitation]
[The sweet simps must be crying LOLOL]
While the viewers were saying that he had played duo before, Han Byeo-ri swallowed a bitter taste.
There was only one reason why she was trying so hard to find a duo.
‘There’s less than a month left.’
There is a tournament called VLL for high-tier streamers on the streaming platform.
She had the opportunity to participate there through a suggestion from a streamer she was close to.
Considering the average number of viewers and YouTube views of VLL, it was an opportunity to become a definite big-time streamer.
But the participation condition for VLL was a former professional gamer or a current season Grandmaster or higher.
Diamond 2, her original tier, was not even worth mentioning.
‘It’s okay to get carried as long as you get the rank.’
The team she will be on was aiming for entertainment, not winning.
A former professional gamer who won the World Championship but is now losing streaks in Master, and the number one ranker who is Diamond level when his one-trick champion is banned.
So it was okay to get carried, they just told her to get Grandmaster.
‘But this will be a bit difficult, right?’
It was a story she heard from a live stream with the number one ranker.
Even the number one ranker judged that her Grandmaster climb was impossible.
It was actually natural.
The beginning of Master is called the devil’s section, and there is a considerable skill difference compared to the upper Diamond.
To climb here with a local who is struggling in Diamond 2 or 3?
It was not an easy task.
‘But if it’s that person.’
If it’s that person who smashed a Diamond game, wouldn’t it be possible?
It was a hopeful thought.
[Let’s stop being like this and play the game]
[A woman with an obsession is not popular]
[What about me, Han Byeo-ri? Former season 300 points]
[The former season was when there was a fresh account MMR bug, 300 points LOL]
The chat was getting bored.
I sent an invite thinking it was the last time.
-Para has joined the lobby.
-Para: Hello?
When the opponent accepted the invitation, both she and the chat fell silent.
A moment later.
-Han Byeo-ri: Uh… hello?
-Para: Hello
An absurd conversation of greeting with a greeting and greeting again.
[Legendary greeting LOL]
[If you think the stream angle is ruined, press like, I already pressed it]
[You can only like once a day]
‘Does he not know me?’
Usually, people who meet her are eager to appear on stream.
But the mysterious smurfer with the nickname Para showed no reaction.
It was rather too unresponsive that I didn’t know what to say.
-Para: If you don’t have anything to say, I’ll leave?
-Han Byeo-ri: Wait a minute!
-Para: Why?
-Han Byeo-ri: We met as enemies in the previous game, and you were so good, do you want to play together?
[The level of this pick-up line…]
[No sense… no sense… no sense]
[Will he be able to help Han Byeo-ri’s Grandmaster climb that she gave up on]
‘What am I doing?’
Even I thought it was a sudden duo proposal.
No matter how urgent the Grandmaster climb was, I asked for a duo with a stranger I had never met.
Even on stream.
If he refused, I was going to quickly apologize and clean it up.
-Para: 1
-Han Byeo-ri: Really?
-Para: But aren’t you a mid laner?
Come to think of it, the opponent was a mid laner like Han Byeo-ri.
She could handle the support role to some extent, so she considered changing lanes, but she soon gave up.
There wouldn’t be much controversy since it was an entertainment team, but she had a minimum of pride.
-Han Byeo-ri: I didn’t think about the lane. I’m sorry for accepting the duo
[But she’s not going to be a support! Queen Han Byeol!]
[She has the pride of a royal mid laner]
[Support is crossing the line, support is crossing the line]
-Para: Then I’ll go top
-Han Byeo-ri: No! You don’t have to do that
-Para: No
In LOL, it was better to decide on a main lane, or even a main champion, to raise your rank when you reach a certain tier.
Even if you smurf in mid, you can still die endlessly and lose if you go top.
‘But I said it first, and if we lose one game, we can naturally end it.’
“What the… the top inhibitor at 12 minutes…”
[Wow, the enemy top laner is top 500?]
[He made a CS difference of 100 against a top 500?]
[10 consecutive wins! 10 consecutive wins! 10 consecutive wins! 10 consecutive wins!]
[It’s normal for a royal to be good at any lane]
10 consecutive wins.
It was the day Han Byeo-ri’s highest winning streak was broken in 5 hours since the duo started.
You think this chapter was thrilling? Wait until you read [TS] I Said That a Warrior is not a Concept! Click here to discover the next big twist!
Read : [TS] I Said That a Warrior is not a Concept
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