Chapter 30: Debut (2)

TOP: K’Sante
JG: Xin Zhao
MID: Ahri
AD: Aphelios
SUP: Lulu
TOP: Ornn
JG: Lillia
MID: Yasuo
AD: Jinx
SUP: Thresh

“I can go even with K’Sante in lane.”

“Focus on farming, outscale them, and look to the late game?”

“Against Yasuo?”

“He counters Ahri, so it’s fine.”

The champion I picked was Yasuo.

With his W, Wind Wall, he could counter ranged champions and had a strong laning phase and side lane presence against ranged opponents.

“The buffs to Infinity Edge and Immortal Shieldbow feel good.”

Infinity Edge’s attack damage was increased from 70 to 80, and critical strike damage was increased from 40% to 50%.

It was practically a must-have item.

Moreover, Immortal Shieldbow, along with other critical strike and ranged items, had all received buffs, so there was no reason not to pick them.

‘And Yasuo and Yone weren’t nerfed.’

This season’s critical strike item buffs came with nerfs to most ADCs, but Yone and Yasuo escaped the nerfs.

The patch was criticized because of new skins, but I welcomed it.

The game started, and as expected, I farmed while taking some hits in the early game.

With Xin Zhao, a strong early-game skirmisher, and Lillia, who focused on farming speed, our team was naturally on the back foot.

Of course, even though we were behind, it was a late-game teamfight meta, so we only gave up one herald and one dragon.

“Can we contest the next dragon?”

The game time was 12 minutes, and the second dragon was about to spawn.

Both mid and top laners were level 10, while in the bot lane, the ADCs were level 9 and the supports were level 7.

“I’m one level ahead right now.”

But in the jungle, Lillia was level 10, while Xin Zhao was level 9, giving us the advantage.

“I’ll buy Mercury’s Treads and then teleport.”

Since the opponent had a lot of CC, I chose Mercury’s Treads instead of Berserker’s Greaves this game.

Then, I used my saved-up teleport to return to mid lane.

‘The team compositions are even.’

There wasn’t a significant difference in experience between the two teams.

The outcome of this dragon fight would undoubtedly be determined by our skirmishing ability.


“Ark seems to be trying to make a comeback.”

“That’s right. They gave up a dragon, they gave up a herald. It seems like they’re saying they can’t give up any more.”

“Also, with the recent buffs to tier 2 boots, players are prioritizing boots, so no one has completed their first core item yet.”

“Right. The team compositions aren’t significantly skewed towards one side either, so we’ll have to see how the fight plays out.”

[Para is supposed to be good, what’s going on?]
[She’s just been farming for 15 minutes]
[This is so boring, I’m turning it off]
[Sigh, another overrated rookie, I fell for the hype again]
[Stop with the slander]
[It’s good that online matches have cams…Para’s visuals are working hard today]

“Ahri’s sudden Charm! But Para reacts instantly, blocking it with Wind Wall!”

[Wow, it wasn’t even an ultimate Charm, it was E flash, and she blocked it immediately LOL]
[You’re done if you try to challenge Para’s mechanics]
[She’s just insane]

“Ahri’s Flash is down, shouldn’t they capitalize on that?”

“Ark thinks so too, Ornn’s Call of the Forge God! Bam!”

[Wow, a 3-man ult]
[Caster’s tank play is always solid]
[What’s the point of Ornn’s Malphite ult if he can’t play Jayce or Gnar, they got 3-0’d in last year’s promotion match]
[These guys are arguing even in a 2nd division match]

“Ornn’s ultimate hits Xin Zhao, Aphelios, and Lulu!”

“As if he was waiting for it, Para’s Yasuo links his ultimate!”

“Ah, BU needs to back off. They’ll all die if they don’t.”

“I think the moment Para reacted to the Charm from the bush, BU’s plan fell apart.”

“We’ll have to watch the replay, but BU had cleared the vision in that bush. To react to that without vision is incredible.”

[They were all clumped together when Charm was thrown, if it hit anyone, the teamfight would have been over, but she blocked it with Wind Wall]
[Hype train is back on track!]
[LOL Where did all the haters go?]
[Don’t slander my middle school Challenger VLL champion sometimes-moans-when-she-dies Para]
[This guy is really persistent]

“Here’s the replay. You can see…yes, Rama isn’t the type of support to leave a ward like that.”

“To react to a Charm Flash from a bush without vision, it’s a play that lives up to the viewers’ expectations.”

“Then let’s get back to the match!”



Kim Hanseong, who was watching the match from the coach’s room next to the practice room, clenched his fist and cheered inwardly.

Yoon Seo-ha’s recruitment had faced strong opposition from both the team’s front office and the players.

Although she had won an amateur tournament, not many people watched all the internet broadcasts besides Kim Hanseong.

To them, Yoon Seo-ha was just a pretty middle school girl who had reached rank 1 in solo queue.

How much stress had he endured from the comments of those who heard that he had given such a rookie the highest level of salary and accepted all those strange clauses?

‘They must all be watching.’

But now, everyone would know.

Not only the players playing with her but also those who had told Kim Hanseong he was wrong.

His judgment was not wrong.

[Yasuo is a complete monster now! A monster!]

[After that dragon fight at 14 minutes, he just exploded in growth!]

[Ah~who will protect Aphelios now that Lulu is dead?]

The match unfolding on the monitor was a one-sided massacre.

Someone who didn’t know better might think that pro players were slaughtering amateurs.

But Kim Hanseong only thought it was natural.

‘Because she wasn’t recruited to be used here in the first place.’

Kim Hanseong believed that Yoon Seo-ha’s talent was at least top five in the first division LCK.

How much risk had he taken by accepting those ridiculous demands?
She had to carry the second division alone to make it worthwhile.

[She’s truly an incredible player. Usually, rookies playing their debut match fall into two categories.]

Kim Hanseong agreed with what he heard through the speakers.

There were two types of players making their debut.

Those who were too scared to do anything and just let the game end.

Or those who were overconfident and ended up throwing the game.

But Yoon Seo-ha was neither of those.

She made bold engages when necessary but didn’t get overly aggressive.

‘…She’s like a veteran.’

What Kim Hanseong felt when he watched Yoon Seo-ha was that she was like a seasoned veteran.

More precisely, she had a similar vibe to the few players who were considered monsters at the top.


LOL Gallery
Title: Upvote if you think she’s the best in the country
(A gif of Para’s Yasuo blocking Charm from a bush with Wind Wall)
(A gif of Para’s Yasuo winning a 3v1 near the top tier 2 turret)
Upvote if you understand the reason for the Yasuo pick LOL

  • Upvoted

  • Debut match Yasuo POG, insane LOL

  • Yeah, yeah, even in pro play, she’s proving herself with carry champions

  • I almost lost it when I saw the 5th pick Yasuo LOL

  • LOL If they lost this, the haters would have gone crazy

  • She carried, let’s have a drink

LOL Gallery
Title: Is this real mechanics?
(A gif of Para’s personal cam)
Seriously, her visuals are on par with idols

  • Do you think a streamer who gathered 10,000 viewers is a joke?

  • This is a skill-based stream

  • But the uniform looks really pretty on her

  • LOL Where can I buy the uniform? I want to buy Para’s

LOL Gallery
Title: Bought the uniform
I just bought Para’s uniform from the Ark website
But it’s a 2nd division team, so they don’t have much stock?
When I bought XL, it went out of stock. If you want to buy, go now

  • WTF, XL and 2XL are sold out?

  • LOL The size of these guys

  • It looks like they had less than 50 in stock for each size

  • Only 50 in stock, and they still had some left over from Spring to Summer?

LOL Gallery
Title: Why would you build Randuin’s on Yasuo?
But why does it look good LOL

  • All tank items got buffed, so it’s good

  • Ahri couldn’t scale, so she probably built it to withstand Aphelios’s late-game damage

  • With Immortal Shieldbow, Infinity Edge, and Randuin’s, she just doesn’t die

  • Are crit items and tank items OP? Then just build both

LOL Gallery
Title: Upvote if you think she’s a top-tier rookie
She carried the first set with Yasuo
And in the second set, she picks Nautilus LOL

  • Mid Nautilus incoming LOL

  • If you ban Yasuo, she’ll just lock in mid Nautilus LOL

  • Try to target ban mid~

  • Is that even viable?

  • Theoretically, it’s good

  • Tanks are strong right now

  • But mid Nautilus LOL

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1 month ago

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