After the aegyo time to calm the angry public sentiment, it was time for Health Boy’s lecture.
“Um, this game is void, right? Since everyone was sniping and even trolling, the game itself wasn’t valid.”
<No. I’ve identified a very big area that needs feedback.>
No? What did I do wrong? The game was already ruined from the start?
<Okay, Ms. Ruffian, please open the match history website.>
“Huh? Why?”
I felt puzzled but opened the match history website.
Because today’s stream concept is to learn from the teacher.
Hmm, I think I have a slight idea of what this is about.
<What does it say about Master Yi?>
“Champion tier 5, 46% win rate.”
<What do you think about that?>
“46% is decent. The tier is just a forced narrative.”
How can Master Yi be tier 5 when he’s such a versatile champion? This is just a forced narrative where the Yi mains lowered the stats.
-JungleIsHell: Decent my *ss ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-YangUiYeon11 : Does this person not know what the word ‘decent’ means?
—린미: Forced narrative ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ So stubborn ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
<Ah, you might feel that way. Then let’s change the statistics range to Challenger games.>
“Uh, I can’t see Master Yi?”
I thought I missed it while scanning with my eyes, so I even used the search function on the page, but Master Yi didn’t appear in the Challenger game statistics.
<Surprisingly, there have been 0 Master Yi picks in Challenger games in the last month. What do you think about that?>
“I’m not trying to go to Challenger. So it shouldn’t matter, right?”
-rwgjf1143: Look at her talking back ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄌᄂ I want to punch her ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
LastLightOfNationRuffian : A woman who is truly, truly passionate about Master Yi ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-ThatSiteMember : It’s true though ᄏᄏ A truth that hurts ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
<Okay, then let’s change the statistics range to Diamond games. That’s the tier you have to go through to reach Master, right?>
“Oh, the win rate is 48%.”
Master Yi was right after all!
<Where is that ranked from the bottom?>
“…It’s 15th?”
Why? Isn’t this a forced narrative? How can it be 15th from the bottom with a 48% win rate?
<Do you know how many champions there are in LoL?>
There’s no need to look it up. I can just look at the number of champions in the statistics.
<Do you have anything else to say?>
“This is a frame-up! A forced narrative! You guys just don’t know how to utilize Master Yi’s true potential!”
-nadang: Sudden outburst ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-RuffianBattalion: Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn
—린미: Is this person Master Yi himself?
-OverreactionModerator : Overreaction ᄂ
<The best Challenger players in the country say it’s a trash champ that can’t be used and haven’t picked it even once in a month. Well, I don’t need to tell you about pro teams, right?>
“Ugh! Ack!”
tntn0431: She’s lost her mind ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-YangUiYeon11 : What is Master Yi to Ruffian?
-OverreactionModerator: ‘Everything’
-JungleIsHell: She’s Human Hunter Ruffian ᄏᄏᄏ Practically one with the champ
<Isn’t picking such a hopeless champion like starting the game half lost?>
luse431: Hellbo’s Master Yi hatred is extreme ᄏᄏᄏ
-DesirableGirl: Isn’t it Ruffian hatred?
-Um’sWill : Of course it’s Ruffian hatred, considering what he went through ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
“I’ve been winning just fine until now!”
<That’s because you were playing in a lower tier than your skill level. But you’ve never been able to climb higher than that, have you?>
This is the question I’ve been waiting for. When it comes to career highs, I have a lot to say!
“I was once rank 800 in season 3. I can say I’m at a similar level to my teacher.”
Even if Hellbo is Grandmaster, isn’t our career-high similar in the end?
The slight problem is that it’s currently season 11, and my career-high was 8 years ago.
p16f4d31: Bragging about something from years ago ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-Sand’sLoveDog: -Boomer-
렌쟝: Wait, how old is this person? Did she start playing LoL in kindergarten?
-DesirableGirl: It’s hard to believe she’s a boomer with that voice ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
LastLightOfNationRuffian: 800! 800! 800! 800! 800! 800! 800! 800!
<You said it yourself, but do you know what the problem is?>
“Eeiiing, uuuung!”
-Economics101: Her pouting is cute ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
DesirableGirl: Boomer has-been’s last resort, acting cute ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-tntn0431: I’m slowly getting persuaded by her voice, is Master Yi actually a god-tier champ?
—린미: Our Ruffian can do whatever she wants~~~
“Yes. Master Yi is trash.”
-nadang: Declaration of defeat wwwwwwwwwww
HawaiianPizzaLover: ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
sunpower : She’s as heartbroken as Kim Gu losing the country ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
As someone who is always logical and rational, I had no choice but to admit defeat.
According to the law of large numbers, too many indicators pointed to Master Yi being trash.
“But, I had a reason why I had to pick Master Yi!”
<What’s that reason?>
“When I see the laner I raised play like trash and ruin the game, an unbearable rage bursts out from within me, and I feel like I’m going to go crazy, lose my mind!”
-JungleIsHell: ᄅᄋ Then why play a trash lane ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-egzetus: Is there something wrong with this person’s head?
-Arikari: You can’t tell even after seeing that? ᄅᄋ ᄏᄏ
“If that’s the case, I’d rather just play Master Yi and win 1v5!”
<You can’t climb because you have that kind of top-lane-mainiac mentality. A jungler needs to have a jungler’s mindset.>
-Um’sWill : Ruffian playing a team game? I can’t even imagine it
CheddarCheese : Do you know how much she’s compromising just by not throwing ᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-pikapikapika : Ruffian hates Health Boy.
-NamBongRe: Health Boy doesn’t understand Ruffian’s heart…..
“Then I won’t play jungle. I’ll go back to top lane.”
<Huh? What?>
“You’re a jungle specialist, right? Then I’ll go find a top lane teacher. I enjoyed the joint broadcast today.”
I left the Syscode voice channel connected to Health Boy.
-EunZan : Hmph! The princess is sulking!
-hoguumme: Took only one game for her to run! ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-JungleIsHell: Surprising, I thought Hellbo would run first ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
RunawayRuffianFromNursingHomeVolunteering : I’m proud! Streamer Ruffian, who kept her friendship with Master Yi until the end!
“Hey. If you see something that needs fixing, can’t you point it out gently and kindly? Why are you so aggressively attacking me? I’m hurt.”
My mental state was already half gone because of the snipers, and then he goes and says I didn’t do anything right either?
Of course, it might be true that Master Yi isn’t great, but I didn’t lose this game because of my mistake!
-NamBongRe: You wouldn’t f*cking listen if he spoke nicely ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-JungleIsHell: It’s strange to hear this from someone who asks about parents’ well-being when a teammate does something
—린미: Is she going to start milking tears?
“Yeah, fck. I’m hurt and I’m crying. Fck off if you don’t want to see it, you *sshole.”
I banned the malicious *sshole who mentioned milking tears and wiped my eyes with a wet wipe from my desk.
“Do you guys hate me? Why watch my stream if you hate me? I like you guys. Was I the only one who was sincere again?”
I: Get down!
“Get down my ss, will getting down make a grenade miss? It was shtty meeting you, let’s never see each other again.”
He was a long-time viewer, but I can’t take it anymore. I put my hand on his ID to ban him, to ban him……….
If I keep kicking people out like this, no one will be left by my side in the end, right?
Then I’ll be alone again.
“No! Don’t go! I’m sorry! I was wrong! The stream will fail without you! Hueheuk.”
Ah, this is f*cked up.
Who would watch a mentally ill person having a period like this?
I’ll go back to being a nobody, no one will watch me, I’ll be alone, and in the end-.
[Jerobi donated a whopping 100,000 won!]
-Healing incoming
[Economics101 donated a whopping 10,000 won!]
-Do you think she’ll leave just because you danced a little, she does this every other day ᄏᄏ
[Wererage donated a whopping 10,000 won!]
-Stubborn…. that’s what makes her more charming…. like an addictive cigarette….
[gtech donated a whopping 5,000 won!]
[DesirableGirl donated a whopping 10,000 won!]
-Financial therapy
They’re comforting me instead of cursing me even after all this? Why? Then why were you attacking me so much earlier?
“You guys are really strange people, aren’t you? There are so many normal streams, why do you watch this one?”
egzetus: Would a formal, normal stream have this kind of flavor ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-YangUi11: ‘Pure entertainment’
-nadang: Phew, I’m saved
LastLightOfNationRuffian : Teacher, you were aware that you’re strange
“Do you guys not hate me?”
[NamBongRe donated a whopping 5,000 won!]
Why are you asking something so embarrassing ᄅᄋᄏᄏ
[HawaiianPizzaLover donated a whopping 5,000 won!]
-I like Ruffian, so I’ll give 5,000 won
[RuffianBattalion donated a whopping 10,000 won!]
-Here’s your viewership fee
[Sleeveless donated a whopping 10,000 won!]
-I just picked this up on the way
“You f*cking sweet simps. Horny *ssholes who like anything with big tits.”
HawaiianPizzaLover: After countless financial therapies, all that came back was curses.
-Economics101: I like it better ᅩᅮᅣᅩᅮᅣ
-tntn0431: Curse me more, unnie, heueung
“I like you guys too, so don’t leave. Let’s stay here together forever, okay?”
-nadang: I love a mentally unstable, clingy girl ᅩᅮᅣᅩᅮᅣ
-GangdongRomanticist: What’s mentally unstable, you f*cking weeb
Even after all this throwing a tantrum, the number of viewers didn’t decrease by even 100. What’s going on?
Anyway, thanks to that fact and the financial therapy, I was able to recover my mental state somehow.
[New mission registered!]
[300,000 won if you apologize to Health Boy and make up]
The person who registered the mission was the chairman who almost turned dark earlier but was miraculously revived thanks to the vow of celibacy.
“Ah, Chairman. Thank you for the mission. Um, the apology. I should be the one to do it, right? I’ll go apologize now.”
-nadang: Is the chairman a kindergarten teacher ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-JungleIsHell : Now, apologize to each other, shake hands, hug, and kiss!
-Economics101: Not a kiss
-p16f4d31: ᄅᄋ If they kiss, the chairman will turn dark again ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
“You know my mental age is at a kindergarten level, so stop teasing me. Hmph.”
Will he accept my apology? I’m a little nervous, but I have to do my best because the people who like me are watching the stream.
With a trembling heart, I re-entered the Syscode channel.
The adventure continues! If you loved this chapter, [TS] Awakened to a life of play is a must-read. Click here to start!
Read : [TS] Awakened to a life of play
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