Although I’m already infamous in various communities, including the gallery, I don’t understand why my reputation is so bad.
I’ve just been diligently doing my job, so what’s the problem?
Well, let’s put that aside for now. Considering my already bad reputation, what would happen if my viewers started causing trouble in the community?
The answer is simple.
What would happen, you ask? I’d fall even further down.
I could end up learning that even rock bottom has a floor.
And that’s something I absolutely hate.
Being an internet streamer means that the image people have of me is crucial, right?
My already bad image getting even worse? If that happens, it’s certain that even earning pocket money will become difficult.
In other words, my stream needs drastic action, and that drastic action is quite simple.
[Big announcement coming]
[Talk | 17 viewers | 0:00:15]
– What’s with the title??? What kind of mess are you going to cause this time???
– This chick is probably going to freak out over something trivial again
– The gallery leader is here, lol
Thanks to the “Jumping Up” stream yesterday, 17 viewers joined as soon as I started streaming.
– Lené, why are you so late?
– The best streamer, King Huang Lené
Wait, no, that’s not right.
Judging from the bad vibes in the chat, it seems they came here after figuring out the mess in the gallery. Comments like “gallery leader” and “best streamer” are flooding in.
…But honestly, this isn’t my fault. How am I supposed to stop the troublemakers in the gallery with my own power?
Still, since they’re my viewers, I’ll try to handle it as best I can.
“Umm, hello.”
I cleared my throat and greeted them, expecting to be met by kind viewers…
– Lené, if you’re seriously going to stream “Jumping Up” again, you’re dead.
Well, of course, I don’t have any kind viewers waiting for me.
I’m not that dumb to think otherwise.
“I’m not doing ‘Jumping Up’ today. As the title says, I have an important announcement to make…”
With that, I manipulated the dark broadcast screen and revealed it to everyone.
【Lené Fan Club】
– ?
– What is this?
The chat started to fill with question marks, clearly confused by the unexpected situation.
Feeling a slight thrill from their reaction, I continued speaking.
“After the stream yesterday, I checked out the NewD gallery, and it was a total mess…”
– It’s your fault, you dumb chick
– How dare she say that when she’s the cause of all this
– But why doesn’t the NewD gallery have a mod?
– It’s the main gallery, so it’s managed by mercenaries hired by the admin
“Of course, it’s not my fault at all, but the mess was caused by people who watch my streams, right? So in that sense, I do feel some responsibility.”
“I realized this… and this is the solution I came up with.”
Why was the NewD Gallery in such a mess yesterday?
It’s because my viewers don’t have a place where they can freely chat. At first, I thought they could just chat during the stream, but Tuni told me it’s a completely different matter.
In other words, the issue could be solved by providing a place where people could freely talk about my stream. That place is the ‘Lene Fan Cafe’ I made today.
“If we have a fan cafe like this, there’s no need to chat in NewD Gallery or other communities, right? So from now on, you can chat here…”
— Lol, you’re a bit late to the party.
Something seems off.
I thought they’d like it, but…
— There’s already a Remagall that was made earlier this morning, lol.
It wasn’t hard to figure out why they weren’t reacting as I’d expected.
— Seriously?
“Wait, you mean a Lene Minor Gallery?”
— We, the Remagall members, welcome our gallery master, Lene, lol.
I let out a chuckle and typed ‘Lene Minor Gallery’ into the search bar.
What came up at the top was:
[**Lene Gallery**]
[**A gallery to discuss the streaming of Lene (The Inquisitor).**]
[Manager: oo]
[Deputy Manager: None]
[Creation Date: 204X-12-04]
It was undeniably my minor gallery.
I wasn’t completely unprepared for this, but I didn’t expect a minor gallery to pop up so quickly.
Well, my viewers are basically people who hang out on NewD Gallery. They wouldn’t want to see it go downhill either.
“So… none of you are going to use the fan cafe?”
— Nah, I don’t think I will.
— It’s annoying to register and all that.
— What’s the point of a fan cafe?
From the chat responses, it was clear that the fan cafe wasn’t going to take off.
To be honest, even I find galleries much more convenient for fan communities. You don’t have to log in every time, and fan cafes with ranks and stuff can be a hassle.
Still, I’ll keep the fan cafe around just in case the stream grows and we get more viewers.
“If that’s what you all prefer, I don’t mind. But now that you’ve made a minor gallery, please try not to cause trouble in other galleries.”
— Leave it to us, lol.
— The gallery master has officially acknowledged the fan community, ‘Lene Minor Gallery.’
— Who am I? A proud Lene Minor Gallery user…
They really don’t care about the fan cafe I made, huh.
Well, fan cafes tend to have a lot of rules to follow.
Thinking about that, I skimmed through the gallery, but of course, there wasn’t anything particularly unusual
It’s a gallery that was just created yesterday, and I’m a small-time creator to begin with.
There were four featured posts, all my gameplay videos.
The regular posts couldn’t even make it past three pages, and none of them had over 50 views…
If someone looked at this without any context, they’d think it’s a dead gallery.
Actually, it is a dead gallery.
The only reason the activity has picked up a bit is probably because I’m looking at the gallery on my stream.
—So when’s the coronation happening?
—Now’s the perfect time for a ᄅᄋ coronation lol
—Let’s go~ Let’s go~ Let’s go~ Let’s go~
What are they talking about now?
—You should… accept the responsibility, right?
—You’d be better as a head mod than a cafe manager anyway lol
So they want me to become the head mod of the 레마갤 (Lene’s Minor Gallery), huh.
I don’t really mind but…
“Hmm. I don’t mind becoming the head mod, but if I do, I probably won’t do any actual management…”
I wasn’t planning to manage the fan cafe to begin with.
The whole point of creating it was just to give my stream viewers a place to chat freely, not to control them using rules as an excuse.
—No problem with that
—Just pick an unpaid s*ave mod to deal with it lol
—The person who made the gallery can just handle the management, right?
…Yeah, that’s true.
If I didn’t take the role, the current head mod would have to manage it anyway.
So, after deciding to take the head mod position for the 레마갤 (Lene’s Minor Gallery), I quickly made an account and posted something simple.
【Title: Hello】
【Author: Lene】
Looking forward to working with you.
【Likes: 0 / Dislikes: 0】
Immediately, I got a notification saying I’d been given the gallery manager position, and I accepted it right away.
The first thing I did after that was…
—??? What the hell are you doing, you crazy b****
—No, seriously, save me
—If you don’t unblock me right now, it’s war lol
—Is this person seriously nuts??? lololol
—Unpaid s*ave selection ON lol
—As long as it’s not me lolololololololol
—No one’s surprised it turned out this way, right? lol
—Weren’t you not going to manage it?
…was appointing the five most obvious users as sub-managers, or “deputy mods.”
Blocking them in advance to prevent any refusals was just a bonus.
“Well, I’m not going to make rules or anything like that. But at the very least, we need to do the minimum….”
For example, deleting posts that clearly cross the line.
For instance, deleting tactical nuclear stuff….
Even if it’s a gallery with very few users, as long as there are active members, you never know what kind of situation might arise.
I knew all too well how boundless the malice of the internet world could be.
For example, if someone from the NewD Gallery, who holds a grudge over yesterday’s incident, comes over to cause trouble, someone will need to handle it, right?
This appointment was to prevent things like that from happening.
—Release, release, release, release, release, release, release, release, release, release, release, release, release, release, release!
-If you don’t unblock me, I’ll unfollow, you b****. Hurry up.
—I’m dying to wreck you, seriously.
—Ten’s really lost it, LOL. Reboons have already turned their backs on you, LOL. Your reputation’s ruined, LOL.
—If you’re a Reboon trembling at the thought of suddenly becoming an unpaid s*ave, give it a thumbs up, LOL.
Let’s say we use “hal” here.
—If you don’t explain why I need to do Halmae Eraser, it’s war.
—The unpaid slaves are freaking out, LOL.
In fact, even the ones watching this stream right now probably know this well.
But the fact that the chat is reacting like that…
It must mean that the ones freaking out are among those well-known IDs.
Those enjoying it are either anonymous or a regular user who managed to avoid becoming a mod.
It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing I can do.
A small sacrifice is needed for the greater good…
Anyway, since I’m not the one managing it, I don’t care.
The excitement doesn't stop here! If you enjoyed this, you’ll adore Do you want to meet again?. Start reading now!
Read : Do you want to meet again?
thanks for the chapter
No clue what is going on lol