Chapter 33 : Female corruption complete

After Ruffian’s unilateral departure, Health Boy was bewildered.

But his three years of broadcasting experience helped him not to panic.

If he started to lose his cool here, the broadcast would really go down the drain.

It would be best to check Ruffian’s status first.

“Okay, for now. Since she didn’t turn off her stream, I’ll do a little stream watching.”

When Health Boy turned on Ruffian’s stream on top of his own, she was expressing her disappointment to Health Boy and the viewers.

She was saying that he could have said it nicely, so why was he so aggressive.

-dam2soda: She’s whining so much

-OnlyWatchGamesI’mGoodAt: She just leaves a joint broadcast without a word, not even a solo queue rage quit? She has no basic manners towards others

-ICanUnderstandFriend : It’s a bit off-putting;;

-Joooo: How old is she? If she’s in middle school, it’s understandable?

-ks8415 : She said she’s been playing since season 2, so she’s at least in her mid-twenties

The atmosphere of Health Boy’s and Ruffian’s streams was very different.

If the viewers of Ruffian’s stream wanted an atmosphere like a Western movie where crime and power struggles are everyday occurrences, Health Boy’s viewers were the type who wanted a comfortable, quiet cafe-like atmosphere.

A staff member who causes trouble in such a quiet cafe wouldn’t be viewed favorably.

Compared to Ruffian’s stream, which was very lenient towards her, Health Boy’s viewers actively criticized Ruffian.

It was only because they were the type of people who tried to be polite even on the internet that the intensity and level of criticism were being controlled.

If they were to reveal their inner thoughts without hiding, there would be an outpouring of criticisms that would be hard to watch. Like that one.

alex9559 : Life is so easy She just bleeds and cries a little and money pours in  I want to be that gender too

A professional manager hired with money quickly blocked the chat, but in that short time, Health Boy had already seen it.

This was a type of person who was not usually seen on his stream.

Since they knew that a manager was always present on Health Boy’s stream managing the chat, it was very inefficient to create a new ID every time just to write a single line of profanity.

But today, Health Boy’s stream was also getting close to 3,500 viewers.

Clearly much more than usual.

The joint broadcast with the recently rising streamer Ruffian had attracted many people who didn’t usually watch Health Boy’s stream.

“Okay, please stop criticizing Ms. Ruffian. It’s true that I was too harsh on someone who was flustered after being properly sniped for the first time. It’s also true that I was forcing it too much when it was a game we were going to lose anyway. I crossed the line, thinking only about the entertainment and content of the stream. So if you want to criticize, please criticize me, not Ms. Ruffian. I apologize for causing a disturbance.”

-BakedWife: Health Boy is so kind

Donkatsu: He’s shielding her ᄏᄏ

-cloude: Even streamers with strong mental fortitude get really pissed off when they get sniped ᄋᄋ

-MiddleAgedNEET: Health Boy got serious last time too ᄏᄏᄏ

-DetectiveJo: Yeah, everyone’s just overreacting, no need to force it ᄂᄂ

The attention seekers couldn’t say anything because the chat manager was watching with both eyes wide open, and the viewers who were used to the atmosphere of Health Boy’s stream quickly stopped criticizing Ruffian.


Health Boy was a little relieved that the criticism of Ruffian had stopped.

Still, if he didn’t either resume the joint broadcast or start another content, the embers he had just managed to suppress would reignite.

Health Boy was contemplating whether to somehow appease Ruffian, or if he had to postpone it and proceed with a solo broadcast.

But fortunately, before he could think too long, Ruffian returned to the Syscode voice channel after receiving a make-up mission.

<Health Boy, Health Boy’s viewers, I’m sorry.>

“No, it was a game we were going to lose anyway, and I was forcing it too much.”

<I’m currently suffering from a bleeding status ailment, but, I’m not asking for an acquittal because of that, anyway, I was more sensitive than usual. I’m sorry, everyone.>

“Huh? Bleeding what?”

What is this sudden status ailment talk? Is she talking nonsense like usual?

-BakedWife : Take a hint! Take a hint!

-Partny : You can’t help it when it’s that time of the month;

woori567 : Don’t you know the power of nature’s call ᄏᄏ

-typered : Bleeding status ailment (physical)

-Neoburi1234: Health Boy has never had a girlfriend ᄏᄏ

Only after seeing the chat did Health Boy realize that it meant she was on her period.

‘This crazy woman, 7,500 people are watching.’

4,000 on Ruffian’s stream, 3,500 on Health Boy’s.

Due to the nature of joint broadcasts, many viewers would overlap, and the actual number of viewers would likely be around 5,000, but that still didn’t change the fact that a lot of people were watching the two of them.

But to publicly announce that she’s on her period in that situation.

Should this be seen as an open mind or a lack of shame?

<Ah, not 5 stacks, about 3 stacks? But 3 stacks is still pretty bothersome, you know?>

As a joint broadcast first-timer, Ruffian wasn’t used to turning the Syscode voice on and off.

So from earlier, she kept leaking conversations with her viewers, and the content this time was also unusual.

‘She’s making Darius jokes with that?’

What goes on inside this woman’s head? And what about the viewers who are playing along?

Rarely, Health Boy failed to control his expression.

-Dotorit: Look at Health Boy’s hardened expression ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-HyunAhHere: He has no choice but to be flustered if she keeps crossing the line like that ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-WateringCan: ᄅᄋᄏᄏ

HowToSaveTheWorldWithHalf : That unnie’s mind is too open

<Can we resume the joint broadcast? This time, I’ll do everything you tell me to, teacher. Since I came to learn. I’ll trust you completely.>

“Ah, yes. Let’s do that. We have to continue the joint broadcast.”

Health Boy, who was going to yield and allow the Master Yi pick for Ruffian’s sake, was rather flustered when Ruffian took a step back.

‘What kind of change of heart did she have? Does being on your period really make your mood swing that much?’

It was something Health Boy, not being a woman, could never know, but anyway, the revived joint broadcast proceeded very smoothly.

<Should I play Lee Sin? This guy has been an OP champ for like 10 years. I’ve never seen him be bad.>

Choosing Lee Sin, a champion with excellent early ganking and skirmishing ability, but one that Ruffian hates the most because ‘if the team you raised is bad, you lose’,

<It’s better to give the kills to Kog’Maw, right? It’s useless for Lee Sin to take them.>

Ruffian, who used to throw a tantrum whenever someone took her kill, giving kills to the ADC,

<Don’t fight. We can still win. Let’s do well in the next team fight.>

Even pacifying teammates who were threatening to troll when the game was getting out of hand!

“Wh-who are you!”

<Huh? Me? I’m Ruffian?>

“You’re not acting like Ruffian at all!”

If the face cam wasn’t on to prevent suspicions of someone else playing, he would have thought someone else was playing the game.

Legendary3ShurikenZed : Something…. something is happening…..

-Owl88: Is that person the infamous malicious troller Ruffian?

-RuffianStealingHardhatFromConstructionSite : Submissive and devoted unnie is so hot, heueung……

“Ban that one.”

[Message deleted by administrator]

The calm and no longer throwing Ruffian achieved many victories and managed to promote to Diamond 3 before the end of the joint broadcast.

In just 6 hours of streaming, she climbed a tier, successfully ending the educational broadcast.

<Thank you so much for today! Thanks to you, I climbed a tier! Thank you! It was fun! Bye!>

After Ruffian left with a very pleasant goodbye, Health Boy said goodbye to his viewers and ended the stream.

And when he was left alone in the room, a thought occurred to him.

‘What did I just see?’

Rather than being relieved that the broadcast ended successfully, Health Boy was filled with thoughts of the calm and gentle Ruffian he had seen throughout the broadcast, and he couldn’t think of anything else.

Of course, he also liked her usual wild, edgy, and crazy self, but today’s state, where her feminine charm was maximized, was so breathtaking that he couldn’t stop imagining things.

What would this woman be like in bed?

It was the kind of fantasy that could get him canceled immediately and, in serious cases, even lead to legal punishment if spoken out loud, but today, it was just too overwhelming to resist.

“Wow, wow, really. Stop it, you crazy b*stard!”

It can’t be just me, right? Instead of the Streamer Gallery, where Ruffian openly manages and people keep a reasonable line, Health Boy ended up accessing the trash can Art Gallery, where people reveal their desires without hiding.

[Title: If Ruffian unnie being trained is hot, upvote]

[Content: If you think it’s hot that unnie is submissively following what a strange man tells her to do, abandoning her favorite champ, playstyle, and even malicious chatting, upvote

I’ll go first

Comments (115)


Heueung, unnie is being adjusted to another man’s tastes


 Are these guys even watching the same thing as me? What are you doing after watching a LoL educational broadcast?

 Are you guys capable of functioning in daily life???

[Title: I’m disappointed in Ruffian, she’s not even a top laner, and she’s not even the real Ruffian]

[Content: She went down because top lane is an unwinnable lane, and now she’s even abandoning Yi? Then why watch a stream of just a regular bad female support player?]

Comments (7)

 Yeah, please don’t watch~ I’ll watch it all by myself~

 Certified top lane maniac detected

 If you’re so unsatisfied, you go reach Challenger and replace Hellbo as the top lane teacher ᄏᄏᄏᄏ

 Isn’t this feeling ‘inferior’ to Hellbo?

As Health Boy had a joint broadcast with the popular Ruffian today, there were also continuous mentions of him.

[Title: Isn’t it  nice that Ruffian unnie is on her period? Feels like having a girlfriend?]

[Content: Everyone else has experienced adjusting to their girlfriend’s mood when she’s on her period, but I’m the only one who hasn’t dated, so I didn’t know the feeling

But when Ruffian unnie apologized for being annoyed because she was on her period, it felt like I was trying hard to please my girlfriend? I really liked that feeling

I wish she would be on her period every day?

Comments (149)

 This is so f*cking creepy, you crazy simp, please just die

 Why do you need a girlfriend when you have a cyber girlfriend 

 Remember Ruffian’s vow of celibacy? She’s the perfect person to devote your soul to

 You are now witnessing the mass production of simps

 The thoughts of these virgin ssholes are so fcking disgusting

 Yeah, don’t pretend you’ve had a girlfriend, there’s no one among streamers who isn’t a virgin 

 A gathering of f*cked up losers, how could there be anyone with girlfriend experience 

 These guys are falling for it again, in three months when she gets caught with a boyfriend, they’ll be like, “But I believed you!” and turn dark, it’s so obvious

 Everyone’s been charmed by that fox’s concept, is it a fox fire 

It seemed like everyone was thinking the same thing.

That Ruffian is incredibly hot.

“You guys who don’t even know her face. I’ve even talked to her on the phone. And done a joint broadcast. Hahaha..”

Unlike them, who have only experienced Ruffian through the stream, the fact that he was objectively much closer to her made Health Boy feel a sense of superiority.

It was a really great day.

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