Cheese beta service has opened, and Twip Korea service has ended.
After a tumultuous week filled with these two pieces of news, I found myself sitting at my desk today, a bit tense, as I
prepared for the platform transition.
“…I’m a bit nervous.”
For the last two hours, I hadn’t left this spot. Normally, I would have spent this time playing with milk or lounging
on my bed for a short rest. But today, for some reason, I couldn’t pull myself away from my desk, aimlessly clicking
through the internet with no real interest.
I tried to reassure myself that since I was only moving platforms, not much would change, but it seemed that the
tension was unavoidable.
[Noona – Little sister, are you moving today?]
[Noona – (A cute character doing a cheerleading emoticon)]
[Noona – Hang in there! You’ll do great!]
Just ten minutes before the broadcast was set to start, I received a message from my sister. She mentioned she was
in Italy, and while I appreciated her concern, it was a bit embarrassing. I felt like a child again.
Nonetheless, her message helped ease my nerves a bit.
Last week it was Seohwa Noona, and this week it’s my sister. Receiving such enthusiastic support from both sides
naturally filled me with strength.
I let out a long breath and began clicking through the somewhat unfamiliar site UI.
The UI that had been predominantly purple on Twip had now changed to green, the symbol of Aiver, making the
dissonance even more pronounced. However, I reminded myself that it was time to get used to it, quickly typed in
the broadcast title, and pressed the start button.
The broadcast of ‘Cosmo’ has begun.
‘Cheese Grand Opening Ceremony’
The notification, which was slightly different from before, caught my eye, but I felt it was refreshing and moved on.
If I keep pointing out every little change, I might end up staying up all night. So, I decided to wait for the viewers to come in.
【CosmoAbsoluteKeeper】 – Koha!
【Kokkityaho】 – Grand opening ᄃᄀᄌ~
[BaekhwaYoran2] – No! It’s been taken ᄉᄇ Koha
[Bera666] – Is this the new house…?
While I anxiously wondered if no one would show up, familiar nicknames began to pop up one after another to greet me.
Among them, some had slightly altered names, perhaps due to losing their original nicknames while moving to this new platform.
“Welcome, everyone! Today is finally the first broadcast from Cheese, and I appreciate you all coming.”
I felt a bit foolish for worrying whether half of my regular viewers would show up, as the chat room quickly filled with a good number of viewers.
When I was on Twip, the average number of viewers was around 300, and excluding a few special cases, I had once
reached just under 500. Now, around 400 people had already joined.
【KoreanIsMilkyWay】 – I heard you moved to Cheese, so this is my first time here. A friend recommended this broadcast a lot.
“Oh, your friend recommended me? Really?”
While reading the chat, I noticed a friendly newcomer and couldn’t help but respond cheerfully.
【KoreanIsMilkyWay】 – Yes, I used to only watch Safari, but I came here this time.
“Thank you for coming! I hope to see you often!”
It seemed that they had primarily watched on other platforms before, and now that a new platform was available,
they were checking out the recommended streamers.
It’s interesting how a completely new platform can increase viewer engagement in this way.
Surely, a new territory can indeed become a land of opportunity.
【1st ‘CosmoAbsoluteKeeper’ has sponsored 1,000,000 Cheese!】
“Oh my, Chairman…!”
As I was content with how the first start on this new platform was going, a loud notification rang, indicating a
massive donation had arrived. Wait, should I now call it Cheese?
Although the camera couldn’t capture it, I stood up from my chair and bowed at a 90-degree angle while flipping my
character on the screen to execute that gesture.
【MeggyeomIntroducingFrog】 – Wow, Chairman ᄃᄃ
【AllFreed】 – Right after the move, a million ᄆᄎ;
[PinkRabbit] – By the way, what’s the icon next to your nickname? I’ve never seen that before.
As murmurs about the large donation spread among the viewers, one pointed out something that made me tilt my
head in confusion.
An icon? Was there something like that? I had been so focused on the large donation that I hadn’t noticed properly.
“Oh, really? What’s this icon?”
Scrolling back up to check the previous donation details, I indeed saw a golden, shining icon marked ‘1st’ next to the
Chairman’s nickname.
First? What does ‘first’ refer to?
[HyangBbalGangBlack] – I heard it’s given to the top sponsor in the broadcast.
“Oh, it’s a sponsorship ranking? So, that’s how it is…”
Unable to hold back my curiosity, I started searching here and there, but thankfully, one viewer shared the information they had.
I never expected it to be a sponsorship ranking. Of course, on Twip, streamers could see how much sponsorship they
received, but it wasn’t publicly displayed.
I was surprised that they had turned it into a ranking system. Now that I think about it, I heard that all sponsorship
records and subscription data from Twip were carried over.
That means viewers wearing ‘1st’ on streams of those who transitioned from Twip to Cheese had been the top sponsors all along.
Oh, when I think about it that way, it feels pretty impressive.
【CosmoAbsoluteKeeper】 – ᄒᄒ I’m happy to be first. I’ll do my best to maintain it in the future!
“Oh no, Chairman. If you say that, it makes my position a bit awkward…”
In the midst of all this, the Chairman seemed to really appreciate that badge, which was practically akin to a fool’s
badge, and expressed a firm intention not to lose his ranking by donating even more.
While he said, “I’ll do my best,” it essentially meant, “I’ll keep spending money consistently.”
Thanking him for that would feel strange, and telling him to keep it reasonable seemed even weirder…
“Oh, please spend reasonably in the future, Chairman. I’m not in such a difficult situation.”
I mixed in some jokes while conveying my sincere hope that he wouldn’t spend too extravagantly, but the chat room
erupted in laughter in an instant.
【NationalHipTopCosmo】 – ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
[LucidDream7] – If you give like this, what will you have left?
【FlowerThatFell】 – The streamer remains!
【CromagnonMan】 – Overwhelmed by the capital of Chairman Koits wwwwwww
【1st ‘CosmoAbsoluteKeeper’ has sponsored 100,000 Cheese!】
It seemed that I managed to navigate the situation well, as the Chairman, without showing any signs of displeasure, sent another donation message.
But, if he’s spending a hundred thousand won just to say a short phrase, it seems he didn’t really listen to what I said…
Well, it probably doesn’t matter. He must be living a life on a different level, completely unrelated to someone like
me. So, it would be presumptuous to say anything further.
After the buzz surrounding the opening of the Cheese beta service and the termination of Twip Korea, I sat at my
desk, feeling a bit tense as I awaited the platform transition.
“…I’m a bit nervous.”
For over two hours before the broadcast, I had been glued to this spot. Normally, I would have played with my milk
or laid down on my bed for a quick rest, but today, for some reason, I couldn’t tear myself away from the desk. I
found myself aimlessly browsing the internet, clicking away at my mouse with no real interest.
I tried to reassure myself that moving platforms wouldn’t change much, but it seemed that my anxiety was unavoidable.
[Noona – My younger sister will be doing a moving broadcast today?]
[Noona – (an adorable character doing a cheerleading emoticon)]
[Noona – Hang in there! You can do it!]
Just ten minutes before the broadcast began, I received a message from my sister. I was grateful but also a bit
embarrassed that she was worrying about me all the way from Italy. It felt oddly childish, somehow.
Anyway, her message helped ease my tension a bit. Last week, it was my sister Seoha, and this week, it was Noona.
With such enthusiastic support from both sides, it was only natural that I felt invigorated.
I exhaled deeply and clicked through the somewhat unfamiliar site UI. The UI, which used to be dominated by
purple on Twip, was now primarily green, reflecting the colors of Aiber, amplifying the sense of disconnection I felt.
But now was the time to get used to it, so I simply typed in the broadcast title and hit the start button.
‘Cosmo’s broadcast has begun.’
The notification had a slightly different wording from before, but I found it refreshing as I moved on. If I focused on
all the little changes, I would lose track of time. For now, I would wait for the viewers to join.
【Cosmo’s Absolute Defense】 – Kaha!
【Kokkiahho】 – Opening ceremony ᄃᄀᄌ~
[Baekhwahyoran2] – No, I’m not being robbed ᄉᄇ Cosmo
[Bera666] – Is this the new house…?
As I anxiously waited, wondering if anyone would show up, familiar usernames began to flood in with greetings.
Among them, some appeared to have slightly altered their names, perhaps losing their previous usernames during
the platform transition.
“Welcome, everyone. Today marks my first broadcast on Cheese, so I appreciate you all joining me.”
I felt a bit foolish for worrying that only half of my usual viewers would show up; the chat was quickly filling with a
considerable number of viewers.
When I was on Twip, my average viewership was around 300, peaking at just under 500 in some exceptional cases,
but now about 400 people were already in attendance.
【Korean is the Milky Way】 – I heard you moved to Cheese, so this is my first time here. A friend recommended
your broadcast a lot.
“Oh, your friend recommended me? Really?”
As I read the chat, I noticed a new viewer and couldn’t help but smile as I responded.
【Korean is the Milky Way】 – Yep, I used to only watch Safari, but now I’ve come over here.
“Thank you for coming. I hope to see you around often!”
It seemed that since a new platform had emerged, people were checking out the streamers they were recommended.
The idea that a new setting could soon become a land of opportunities wasn’t far from the truth.
【1st ‘Cosmo’s Absolute Defense’ has donated 1,000,000 Cheese!】
“Oh my, Mr. Chairman…!”
As I was feeling quite satisfied with the not-so-bad start on the new platform, a loud notification announced the
arrival of a hefty donation. Oh, I should probably start calling it Cheese now.
I stood up from my chair and bent at a 90-degree angle to express my gratitude, making sure to perform the reverse
bow with my character displayed on screen.
【Meggyeom Introducing Frog】 – Wow, Mr. Chairman ᄃᄃ
【Allfreed】 – Moving here and already a million ᄆᄎ;
[Pink Rabbit] – But what’s that icon in front of your name? I’ve never seen it before.
Amid the chatter among the viewers about the generous donation, one of them pointed out the icon, causing me to
tilt my head in confusion.
Icon? Did that exist? I must have been too dazzled by the huge donation to notice.
“Uh, right? What is this icon?”
When I scrolled up to check the previous donation message, I indeed found a golden icon labeled ‘1st’ in front of the Chairman’s name.
First? What does that mean, first?
[Hyangbaek Honggeumjeong] – It’s given to the top donor in the broadcast.
“Oh, it’s a donation ranking?”
I couldn’t help my curiosity and began to investigate, only to find that one viewer kindly shared information with me.
I never would have thought it was a donation ranking. Of course, on Twip, streamers could see how much each
viewer had donated, but that information wasn’t displayed externally.
But I hadn’t expected it to be established as a ranking system. It was surprising.
Now that I thought about it, they had mentioned that all the donation and subscription data from Twip had been transferred over.
So, if that’s the case, it means that viewers flaunting the ‘1st’ badge on streams have been the top donors even before moving to Cheese.
Wow, thinking about it that way made me realize how impressive it was.
【Cosmo’s Absolute Defense】 – ᄒᄒ I’m happy to be number one. I’ll work hard to maintain it!
“Uh, Mr. Chairman. If you say that, it makes my position a bit strange….”
In the midst of it all, the Chairman appeared to be quite fond of that badge, which was practically akin to a fool’s
icon, expressing a firm resolve to keep his ranking with even more donations.
Though his words were “I’ll work hard,” it really meant “I’ll keep spending money regularly.” How am I supposed to respond to that?
I wanted to say thank you, but that felt odd, and saying “keep it up” seemed even more so….
“Ah, please spend in moderation, Mr. Chairman. I’m not in such a difficult situation.”
I tried to mix in a bit of humor while genuinely hoping he wouldn’t spend excessively. Suddenly, the chat exploded.
【National Hip-hop King Cosmo】 – ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
[Lucid Dream7] – What’s left if you give away so much?
【Fallen Flower】 – The streamer remains.
【Cromagnon】 – Overwhelmed by Mr. Koits’ capital, wwwwwww
【1st ‘Cosmo’s Absolute Defense’ has donated 100,000 Cheese!】
Fortunately, I had managed to navigate the situation well enough, as the Chairman sent another donation message without showing any signs of displeasure.
But seriously, spending 100,000 just to send a short message makes it seem like he didn’t hear me at all….
Well, I guess it doesn’t matter. He probably lives in a completely different world, one far removed from my own. It
wouldn’t be appropriate for me to overstep and comment on his affairs.
Here’s another new novel for you, give it a read…..
The adventure continues! If you loved this chapter, [TS] I Became the Saint's Mentor is a must-read. Click here to start!
Read : [TS] I Became the Saint's Mentor