Chapter 37 : The Sniper’s Surrender

Fortunately, I wasn’t immediately banned, so I started the LoL broadcast.

I got mid lane this time, and without hesitation, I picked Zed, the champion of ultimate skill and flashiness.

My opponent was Talon, an extremely aggressive AD assassin mirror match.

Zed has a significant advantage in the laning phase.

In fact, there’s no mid lane champion that has a laning advantage against Zed.

Unless champions like Kled, Irelia, or Malphite, which are usually only used in the top lane, come down with the sole purpose of countering Zed, no mid lane champion has an advantage over him.

At best, it’s a 50/50 matchup, and most are at a disadvantage. Zed has that level of laning power.

Due to his ambiguous mid-to-late game, his win rate converges to around 50%, but his ability to get solo kills in the laning phase is arguably the best among all mid lane champions.

However, Zed has his weaknesses. One is that all his skills, except for his ultimate, are non-targeted, and the other is that his W shadow has been nerfed to the point where it’s quite slow and can be dodged if you see it coming.

But dodging it on reaction is not easy in the Diamond tier. Not all Challengers can dodge Nidalee spears, and not all pros can turn around and dodge Cassiopeia’s ultimate 100% of the time.

Zed’s skill combo after his shadow can definitely be dodged if you see it coming, but there are very few people who can actually do it.

“This fcking btch, she’s obviously a smurf.”

But I was experiencing it firsthand. The Talon, who didn’t even have proper mobility and hadn’t even bought boots yet, was dodging all my shadow skills by a hair’s breadth as if mocking me.

Aefan: Typical LoL stripper trait) If the enemy is good, they’re automatically a smurf 

Theresa : Teacher, you’re quite pathetic

-oathstar : Ah ᄏᄏ If Ruffian says she’s a smurf, then she’s a smurf 

“No, I’m not making excuses, this is really a smurf, okay?”

Is it something that only I, who’s facing her directly, can feel, or do the viewers all know and are just pretending not to know and teasing me?

That’s definitely not the movement of a Diamond player. At the very least, at the very, very least, it’s Master-level, probably Grandmaster or higher, and maybe even Challenger.

The opponents I feel a wall against are usually around that level.

-GureuGureu : Talon does have a 90% win rate in 40 games 

-JungleIsHell: The ‘smurf’ in ‘smurfing accusations’

-RuffianGivingBadukAdviceAtTheOrigin: Couldn’t it be a sub-account instead of a smurf?

“Hey, is it important whether it’s a smurf or a sub-account? What’s important is that it’s not from this tier.”

MorningRice: Smurfing is illegal, but sub-accounts are legal 

-pikapikapika : ᄅᄋ You climbed up by smurfing in Silver/Gold/Plat too 

ReceiveTheJudgementOfJustice : Pay the price for your karma, Ruffian! Pay the price for your karma, Ruffian! Pay the price for your karma, Ruffian! Pay the price for your karma, Ruffian!

Since Talon was dodging all my skills, I tried my best to dodge as well, but I felt like I was slowly falling behind. I had a feeling that if this continued, I would definitely lose the laning phase.

“Jungler! Jungler! Help me!”

JungleIsHell: Blaming the jungler again???

-Rellong: It’s still a call, not a blame yet

-RunawayRuffianFromNursingHomeVolunteering : Fact) It will soon change from a call to blame

However, even with the help of our jungler Elise, the enemy Talon easily evaded the gank, and instead, Elise, who lost health during the gank, was caught by the enemy Kindred, and the game started to fall apart.

“Isn’t the chance of having a smurf on the enemy team and your team supposed to be 50/50? But why is there always a smurf on the enemy team? It’s unfair, okay?”

-ArchangelYasuo : Your team has you instead of a smurf 

-FingernailClippings: Fact) Mathematically, it’s not 50/50

“Hey, who’s asking for math? Just empathize and say it seems unfair!”

But just being upset won’t win the game. If the enemy Talon has a 90% win rate, that means he lost 10% of the time. I just need to be that 10%.

I used my brain, gave a wave of minions to Elise, recalled, bought items, and immediately ran top.

I planned to get an advantage by killing the enemy top laner with a straight roam and taking the Rift Herald.

Talon had used most of his mana, so he would have to recall, and even if he followed me in a poor state, I, who recalled first, would win the 2v2.

[06:51] ThrowingUntilChallenger (Zed) is on the way

[06:53] ThrowingUntilChallenger (Zed) pings for assistance

I pinged and dove the enemy tower, and together with our Sett, we managed to kill the enemy Kennen.

But suddenly, the enemy jungler, a full-health Talon who had recalled, appeared from our jungle, jumping over the wall and bursting both of us down with his skills.

<Enemy Double Kill!>

“What the f*ck, how did he follow me? It was a straight roam after recalling, so there’s no way he saw me on a ward.”

I even hugged the wall just in case there was a strange ward, so there’s no way he saw me.

No, the timing doesn’t make sense in the first place. I even gave Elise a juicy minion wave to create a recall timing.

There’s a gap of about 10 seconds between Elise appearing and eating the minions and me recalling.

Even if he realized I was gone after that, even if he was sure I was going top instead of bot, it’s impossible for him to appear at this exact timing.

If he hadn’t recalled, he wouldn’t have had enough mana and items for the fight, but he recalled, got items, and still managed to match my speed after I recalled first?

The state of the top and bot lanes was similar, so he would have had to guess which one I would appear in with a 50% chance?

This can only be explained if he was clearly watching what I was doing and what I was going to do.

Thinking that, I pressed tab and gained a certain conviction.

Mobility Boots.

They give a huge movement speed boost out of combat, but they’re useless in combat, so they’re not preferred in the current meta where skirmishes and teamfights are frequent.

Supports and Talon are the exceptions, they still buy them sometimes, but at this timing, buying these, and coming top?

When three coincidences overlap, it can only be fate.

“You’re watching my stream, aren’t you? You saw me going top, bought Mobis, and followed me, you b*tch.”

Talon is definitely watching my stream.

Although there’s a slight delay between the stream and real-time, that gap is only about 3-5 seconds.

So if he saw me recalling, recalled himself, bought Mobility Boots, and followed me, he could appear at that exact timing.

[07:49][All] SleptWithJanna (Talon): Enemy mid is so fed

[07:53][All] SleptWithJanna (Talon): How did she get so fed?

[07:59][All] SleptWithJanna (Talon): What did she eat to get so fed?

[08:06][All] SleptWithJanna (Talon): Who fed her?

“What are you talking about, you crazy b*tch? Where am I fed?”

It seems like he’s answering my question about watching my stream, but Talon was just saying nonsense.

My current KDA is 1/1/0. It’s not bad, but it’s definitely not fed.

On the other hand, Talon’s KDA is 2/0/1. With the assist from Elise earlier and the 2 kills this time, he’s the typical fed mid laner.

“Is he mocking me?”

Was he using reverse psychology, saying I’m doing well when I’m doing poorly? I thought about it and looked at the chat, and it seemed like everyone except me knew what was going on.

Economics101: Mid is really fed.


-signature : ᄅᄋ What do you have to eat to get so fed??

-NotJelly87: Probably does breast massages that get bigger every day 

-LifeIsLikeRuffian : Stop with the senseless sexual praise!

“Mid, what, uh? Are you talking about my boobs?”

-JungleIsHell : Boobs 

-HeuiAang: I’m going crazy

jjy4460: Please call them baby milk jugs in a refined way

Oh right, there was this chat culture on Switch where they call breasts ‘mid’.

I was so focused on the game that I forgot.

“Hey, you sshole. I showed you something nice. And you repay me with stream sniping? Get out of here, you fcking *sshole.”

Even if I knew he was stream sniping, I had no way of identifying who he was, so I had no choice but to continue the game, but the crazy Talon b*stard started playing with me.

He bought the mythic item Goredrinker, which has a health recovery active, then he would intentionally hit me several times without killing me, and then recover his health at the last moment when it seemed like he would die.

-TopLaneMainRuffian : It’s like pure tank top laners manipulating each other’s damage

-Uh, is this the brotherhood of mid laners?

“Hey, you fcking btch! If you’re going to kill me, then kill me! Stop playing with me!”

GoodDayToYou5: ??? : Kill. A scar on the back is a swordsman’s shame.

-ShyNyang : Playing with her? 

“If you keep doing this, you’re going to regret it, okay?”

If I can’t beat him in the game, I have no choice but to use the power of the stream.

I stood up from my seat and grabbed the blanket that was on my desk.

So-eun gave it to me to cover up if I got cold from the air conditioning.

And I covered myself from chest to legs with that blanket.

-TopLaneExpert: What are you doing???

-kimchipokkumbob: Stop with the sudden stealth!

-SweetSimpHoneyCowMooo : Phew, she finally fixed her clothes, phew~

LastLightOfNationRuffian : Open the door, streamer!!! Open the door, streamer!!! Open the door, streamer!!! Open the door, streamer!!! Open the door, streamer!!! Open the door, streamer!!! Open the door, streamer!!! Open the door, streamer!!! Open the door, streamer!!!

“Yeah, I’m mad. I’m going into isolationism.”

-Um’sWill : Take a hint, Talon, take a hint, take a hint, take a hint, take a hint, take a hint, take a hint, take a hint, take a hint

-YuHaRim : Na

-Kebul: Rak

-Velheim : Heungseon Daewongun! You were wrong! Isolationism was the wrong policy!

-Architecture : Na

-rywr987: L+

-HeuiAang : Rak

The chat was filled with ‘take a hint’ and ‘downfall’.

I felt a little good that I could control the viewers’ emotions like this.

[13:16][All] SleptWithJanna (Talon): I was wrong, teacher!

[13:22][All] SleptWithJanna (Talon): Please end the isolationism!

Talon shouted that and started feeding me kills by diving my mid tower.

Every time I got a kill, I lowered the blanket a little.

-JjoWool: Isn’t this boosting?

-Trash: It was already a smurf sniping and stream sniping, so who cares 

MidWinterNight : Fcking Confucian, fck off

[SomeoneWhoKnowsHowToJudgeAKillAngle donated a whopping 50,000 won!]

-Every time you give a kill, she takes off a little bit of clothing, so you’ve decided to become a real cyber prostitute, teacher

“Honestly, this is self-defense. If I get banned for this, I’m going to sue.”

-Economics101: Look at him donating 50,000 won after calculating the kill angle 

-MorningRice : Can’t ban 50,000 won 

-Atrosoup: Isn’t he paying bail in advance 

LastLightOfNationRuffian : Switch’s best negotiator, Ruffian! Switch’s best negotiator, Ruffian! Switch’s best negotiator, Ruffian! Switch’s best negotiator, Ruffian! Switch’s best negotiator, Ruffian!

-GureuGureu : The sniper, the streamer, and the viewers are all out of their minds

-Velheim: You are now witnessing a scene of collective madness!

-Aefan: This is a cyber mental hospital

Anyway, we won the game. We won, so it’s all good, right?

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