I know very well that the current situation is far from normal.
I drank, slept, and woke up to find myself suddenly transformed into a character from a game. Not just any character, but one I played often.
What? God heard my desperate voice and granted my wish? That’s nonsense. Honestly, if one of my friends said something like that, I wouldn’t be able to look at them normally anymore, considering the current reality.
It’s a supernatural phenomenon without any clear cause. Who could pull off something like this?
So, the first thing to suspect is that something went wrong with my mental state. Why not? It’s not that rare, is it? People who suffer unbearable shocks often start seeing hallucinations or hearing things. The news about Abyss shutting down was just as shocking to me, enough to make me lose my mind like in movies or dramas.
But I was completely sane. I had checked multiple times to make sure this wasn’t a dream. I cracked my fingers, pinched my cheek over and over again—it was all real.
Unless I had been kidnapped by a mad scientist, my brain submerged in a glass jar and being stimulated by electricity, this was reality.
So, what now?
How should I respond to this incomprehensible situation where both the world and I have been transformed overnight?
If I were a normal person, I’d be trying to figure out the cause of this or at least planning how to move forward. I wouldn’t just sit here playing games.
But I’m different.
I don’t care where my original body went. I don’t care how my new body—Camilla’s identity—is being handled either.
Not that I plan to ignore those things forever. I’ll worry about them at some point. Just not now.
They’ve dropped in priority, that’s all. Right now, Abyss—my long-lost comrade and friend—takes the highest priority, and all the other little things come next. My new body and identity fall under “other little things.”
I know they aren’t minor issues, but… just because I know doesn’t mean I’ll act on them right away, does it?
If I had that kind of drive, planning, or perseverance, would I be living like this in my room? Studying hard, going to a good university, joining a big company, earning money, and preparing for the future… It’s all stuff I know in my head.
I just don’t act on it.
So, later. Yeah, later.
For now, I’m going to play some games.
Because Camilla is calling out to me desperately.
Obviously, to play Camilla well, I need to know her character concept. Camilla, the Dancing War Maiden. A dance fanatic who wants to show her dance to as many people as possible. That’s why she’s always dancing, even on the battlefield, a rather quirky trait.
She’s a melee character. Her weapons range from daggers, twin swords, two-handed swords, to rapiers—basically, any kind of sword.
Despite her cute appearance, Camilla is surprisingly macho. She has no long-range attacks or zoning abilities, so she has to charge directly into enemies.
She’s a bruiser, excelling at locking down enemy damage dealers and disrupting their formation with her utility abilities. With her passive shield, she can ping-pong aggro, leech health, and keep drawing attention to mess with the enemy.
When fully geared, Camilla can go on a rampage, mowing down enemies. At that point, it’s pretty much hell for enemy marksmen. Escaping from a well-built Camilla is harder than it looks.
Now that I lay it all out, Camilla really lacks nothing.
Plus, she’s beautiful.
There’s no reason not to play her, right?
Even though Abyss has now become a masterpiece, its roots lie in the kind of game mostly enjoyed by anime and otaku fans.
Naturally, people generally preferred playing female characters over sweaty, male ones.
I, too, was drawn in by Camilla’s appearance when I first started.
But, like with anything, your own creation always looks better to you.
Now is the time to maintain a cool, objective view, like a researcher overseeing their project.
Is Camilla a usable hero right now?
I asked myself this question.
The answer is either yes or no.
Unfortunately, the answer comes back as a no right away.
Despite Camilla having a near-universal skill set as a bruiser, her current standing isn’t that great.
After all, being “versatile” just means that her stats are spread out across the board.
In other words, she doesn’t excel at anything in particular, and that leaves her somewhat mediocre.
It was like this in the past, and it’s still true now: Camilla, as a low-tier bruiser, isn’t very threatening to enemies.
At best, she’s an annoying mosquito that occasionally delivers a painful sting.
She can’t tank, so she can’t hold the front line.
She gets focused and dies suddenly while trying to engage.
And cutting down the enemy damage dealer? Assassins do that better.
“There’s no reason to use her at all…”
I clicked my tongue in disappointment, embodying the role of a coach deciding their roster.
It was unfortunate, but that was the reality of Camilla’s current state.
On the screen, Camilla seemed to be sulking.
But I shook my head.
“Don’t worry, Camilla.
I won’t abandon you.”
Unless the game dies or I quit playing, I’ll keep on using Camilla.
Now that the potential shutdown has been avoided, it’s almost guaranteed that I won’t abandon her.
As if she understood my words, Camilla flashed a smile on the screen.
I awkwardly smiled back.
“Let’s give this a try…”
The meta has shifted, new items have been added, and Camilla has several possibilities to explore.
I had prepared dozens of builds, considering all these factors.
Each carefully designed build followed different playstyles and goals, and they didn’t all use the same items.
The build I’ll use today, for this glorious first match, will be none other than…
“Zombie Camilla MK.1—you’re up!”
It was a grand name for a Zombie Camilla build.
Words have power.
Streamer Nicang was feeling the full weight of that truth.
“Stop chasing me! Stop!
How far are you going to chase me?!”
[Nicol Tak]
[“Man, he’s awful.”]
[“A transcendent being beyond bronze, Nicang…Just watching him fills me with awe.”]
[“Can you believe it? It’s true—Nicang is stuck at Platinum 4, unable to break through.”]
[“Did he really get crushed right after reaching Plat? Unreal.”]
[“But seriously, the enemy is chasing him like crazy, lol. Why only after Nicang?”]
[“Well…It’s because killing the host is worth it.”]
[“Ah…This is familiar territory.”]
[“Good ol’ chase game, they really know how to do it, haha.”]
[“Camilla just won’t go down.”]
[The opponent doesn’t seem like a local.]
“What the hell, dance? You crazy b**ch!”
[That’s harsh ㅠㅠ]
[Cover Camilla’s ears!]
Spewing curses at the woman chasing after him, Nicang momentarily recalled what had happened earlier.
Well, it was just a moment ago.
First of all, let’s clear things up: Nicang had climbed up to Platinum pretty smoothly, but she was still a newbie who hadn’t been playing Abyss for long.
Although Platinum was a relatively high tier for a newbie, which people didn’t often realize, Nicang—like any newbie—didn’t know all the skills of every hero in Abyss.
Like most players, Nicang was the type to familiarize herself with the main heroes’ skills as she played.
In fact, she had faced enough popular heroes on her way to this rank to have a rough idea of when they would use their skills.
But today was different.
From the very start of the game, during the loading screen, there was a character on the enemy team that she had never seen before.
With silver hair and a cute face, this character was someone Nicang had never encountered in her time playing Abyss.
Camilla, or as her viewers called her, “the pretty trash.”
A well-designed character, but apparently her performance didn’t live up to her looks, hence the nickname.
‘Well, no need to worry too much about her then,’ she thought.
And up until the early game, that was true.
Camilla was nowhere to be seen, and even when she did appear, she didn’t seem particularly threatening.
The situation only started to shift when the game reached the mid-phase.
For some reason, Camilla—the pretty, harmless-looking dancer—just wouldn’t die.
She dodged a few of Nicang’s skills and tanked others, approaching her with a stubborn resilience that was rather unsettling.
It was as if a senile old man had regained his memories, moving clumsily yet somehow with a subtle mix of experience and sharpness, which made it incredibly hard for Nicang to respond.
‘What is this, seriously…!’
Nicang could confidently say that Camilla was the most troublesome bruiser she had ever encountered on her climb up.
Not just skill-wise, but mentally as well.
The sight of this blood-soaked pursuer muttering lines like that as she chased after her was enough to leave Nicang mentally drained.
In the grotesque and chilling scene unfolding before her, Nicang forgot she was even streaming and screamed out in genuine fear.
“I don’t need that! Aaaah!!”
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Unemployed High School Graduate, Loser, Never Dated, Virgin, Pretty Girl!
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Thanks for the chapter!
some wrong personal pronouns in the beginning of the chapter. (him his he instead of her)