I tend to drink until I’m completely wasted.
There are many people in the world who enjoy a light drink, that tipsy, dazed feeling, but I’m not one of them.
It was one of the few legal drugs, something that could be obtained with a few crumpled bills, something that lifted me from the abyss and brought me to level ground.
Then there’s no reason not to get drunk. If you’re not going to get drunk, there’s no reason to drink.
But the next morning, with a burning stomach and nausea, I always regret it.
I shouldn’t have drunk. I won’t drink next time.
I think that, knowing that I’ll drink again next time.
I take water from the fridge and drink it, then put a pot on the portable stove and boil water.
I always crave a hot soup the day after drinking.
There’s nothing like instant noodles for a cheap, spicy, and edible soup.
Did you know? When making ramen, if you put the noodles in cold water first, then add the seasoning and boil, there’s no need to watch it for a long time.
Just take it out when you think it’s done and eat it.
You might think the noodles will get really soggy if you leave them in the water for a long time, but surprisingly, the noodles are fine and edible.
It’s the perfect cooking method for someone like me who finds it a hassle to even stay alive.
Don’t ask me about the scientific principle. I don’t know.
‘I want to stream.’
To be precise, I want someone to see me.
It’s 4 PM now. A time when office workers and students are busy wrapping up their day, and when good-for-nothing, unemployed people like me are still sleeping or just waking up, with their minds still hazy.
Most of the viewers who stayed with me until the end of yesterday’s stream are those legendary people who were awake from 8 PM to 6 AM. They’re probably sleeping at this time.
‘They probably won’t come if I turn it on now.’
The time spent alone is filled with an empty void.
Void means emptiness, so how can a void be full? It’s ironic.
But I definitely feel the sensation of a void.
Would it be easier to understand if I called it a deficiency?
But then I would ask myself again.
A deficiency is when something that should be there is missing, but are you really someone who deserves to have something?
No, right? Then it’s right for your side to be empty, right?
After all, it’s entirely your fault that your side is empty.
I threw up while eating ramen. It’s strange. My hangover wasn’t this bad with one bottle of soju. I feel like I get drunk more easily than before.
Then I realize. It’s natural to get drunk more deeply with less alcohol when your body is smaller. All medicines need to be used more as the body gets bigger. If it’s smaller, you should use less. It’s a simple story. I suddenly realize that my body has changed.
My esophagus was especially burning because I threw up while eating spicy soup. I gave up on putting anything solid in, rinsed my mouth repeatedly with water, and then gulped down banana milk to soothe my spicy esophagus.
The sweet and soft drink calmed my irritated stomach a little.
I waited for it to calm down a little more, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and then turned on the stream.
I don’t turn on the cam anyway. There’s no reason to put any effort into getting dressed up.
[Ruffian is now live!]
[Stream Title: New female streamer going to Challenger]
Before anyone came in, I quickly found my third LoL sub-account and deactivated the dormant state.
And while I was logging in and entering a ranked game, about three viewers came in.
-qkqkqkqk: Where’s the cam?
“Oh, the cam. The cam will be revealed after the advertisement.”
And there are no ads. So the cam won’t turn on. I don’t even have the device in the first place. The stream title was just clickbait to attract attention.
-qkqkqkqk: The voice is nice. So when are you turning on the cam?
“It will be revealed after the advertisement, I said.”
-qkqkqkqk:? There’s no advertisement?
“Then wait until it shows up.”
-qkqkqkqk: Isn’t this
“Rest assured. I am perfectly normal.”
To proceed with the stream content, I started the game. I set my first choice as top lane and my second choice as mid lane and started the queue.
-WhyNot?: Teacher. Your nickname is quite dizzying.
-PigeonPigeon: How can you go to Challenger if you throw?
The viewers, who had increased a little, pointed out my third sub-account nickname.
‘ThrowUntilChallenger’. The tier was Silver 2. It was actually an account that had been intentionally thrown in most games. After falling to Silver 4, I used it normally as a smurf account for the lower ranks.
-mumu3333: What’s your tier?
“This account is currently Silver 2.”
-mumu3333: A Silver
saying she’s going to Challenger ᄋᄌᄅ ᄏᄏᄏ
“Hey, don’t slander me. It’s a sub account.”
-mumu3333: A Silver
‘s main account is probably Gold at best ᄏ
I went to a stats website, searched for Ruffian, and displayed it on the stream screen.
“You see my stream nickname, right? This is my main account.”
ᄏᄏᄏ Life achievement: Yeti ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-WhyNot?: Why aren’t you playing on your main account? Is it because you can only play it when another personality comes out, so you’ve parked it there?
-mumu3333: 100% boosted ᄏᄏᄏᄏ There’s no way a
main is Trynd ᄏᄏᄏᄏ
“My main account is suspended. And I’m not impersonating. If you watch yesterday’s VOD, you can see me playing on that account.”
-mumu3333: Does Yeti even need verification ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
That guy is a little annoying, isn’t he? He’s probably Silver or Bronze.
But I wasn’t completely sure, so instead of challenging him to a 1v1, I decided to let it go quietly. It would be annoying if he was a higher tier than me.
‘I’ll let it go this time. But if I see any sign!’
The queue popped, and we proceeded to the ban-pick phase. I chose no ban and picked Tryndamere.
<An easy hunt awaits!>
“It has been a long time of persecution and humiliation. Now is the time to return as the Sword Master, Tryndamere.”
-qkqkqkqk: Look at her saying
lines with that nice voice
-nadang: I like it more
JejuBreadDept:? Cam on?
Bread came in not long after I turned on the stream. He must have followed me. Well, he liked me enough to donate 10,000 won, so he wouldn’t just leave. Indeed, my follower count increased dramatically after yesterday’s stream. It went from just 30 to 60. A devastating double-up!
In 9 days, it will increase 1024 times!
“The title is clickbait. I thought it would attract attention.”
-qkqkqkqk: You said you’d turn it on after the ad
-qkqkqkqk: You
“Did you believe that? Oh dear… You’re so naive… You should be careful of voice phishing.”
-qkqkqkqk: I believed it because you wrote it
-qkqkqkqk: Crazy
-mumu3333: Is she crazy
-qkqkqkqk: 4t
-WhyNot?: You’re teaching the viewers the life lesson of not easily trusting others, I’m impressed.
-qkqkqkqk: 2
“There’s no bread in a bread bun, either. Right, Bread-nim?”
-qkqkqkqk: L
JejuBreadDept: I like it just by listening to your voice
-qkqkqkqk: 4
“You should follow that example. How nice is my voice? Doesn’t it make you feel good just listening to it? It does for me.”
, no matter what, she is
He’s insulting my unseen face. It’s a very simple thought process that I must be ugly because I don’t turn on the cam.
Since I’m being insulted based on something that has nothing to do with the truth, I don’t feel anything at all.
No, rather, I felt a slight thrill. This feeling of deceiving others.
So this is why everyone is obsessed with hidden power.
Since the game started, I took Doran’s Blade and went top. I didn’t bother defending against invades. It’s too much of a hassle to do that on a low-rank smurf account. The opponent is Jax? He must have thought it was a counter because of the spin. A low-rank mindset.
In reality, Trynd is strong early, and Jax is weak early, so Trynd has the advantage. Not to mention a low-rank Jax.
-WhyNot?: A female streamer who doesn’t turn on her cam, a Challenger climb stream that can’t go to Challenger, is this the aesthetics of contradiction, Teacher?
“You recognize it. Yes. That’s right. That’s the romance. Right?”
-qkqkqkqk: Romance my
, that’s why you’re a nobody
“Are you really angry? Are you being controlled by your emotions towards me?”
-qkqkqkqk: Who would watch a stream like this? You’ll soon have 0 viewers and fall into the abyss, you
“I’m sorry! You can no longer be with us, Teacher!”
Since he wanted to leave, I kindly sent him away myself. I quickly banned him before he could leave.
DesirableGirl: I’ll keep watching because I like your voice?
“Thank you for the compliment, DesirableGirl-nim. I’ll work hard.”
-WhyNot?: I can really feel how hard you’re working on the stream, all the way to my skin. Fighting, Teacher.
“Thank you too, WhyNot-nim.”
-PigeonPigeon: Look at her rolling her Rs ᄏᄏ She’s trying to read it exactly as it’s written ᄏᄏ Cute
“Thank you too, PigeonPigeon-nim. Coo coo coo!”
-ChijingBody: Please read my nickname too
“ChijingBody-nim… Did your parents not give you any attention when you were young?”
-PigeonPigeon: Suddenly dropping parental insults on a viewer ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
-DesirableGirl: It’s worth it, looking at the nickname?
“No, it’s not that I have a problem with the nickname. I’m deeply interested in psychopathology, so when I see patients suffering from such sadomasochism, I get curious.”
-DesirableGirl: It is fascinating ᄏᄏ
-ChijingBody: What, is she saying she’s so normal, this
“You seem very angry. Please calm down a little, Teacher.”
LastLightOfNation: Beep boop?! There’s a stream that’s roasting a viewer?!
•I remember that nickname. The person who came yesterday came again today.
“Nice to see you, LastLightOfNation-nim. You came again today after yesterday. Thank you.”
DesirableGirl: A streamer who goes back and forth between normal and abnormal every second ᄏᄏᄏᄏ
—mumu3333: You watched this
yesterday and you’re watching it again today?
-WhyNot?: You’re incorporating the classic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde into your stream. I’m impressed.
-PigeonPigeon: So you’re saying you didn’t go to the bathroom for 4 minutes because you were looking at the chat?
“What the
, it’s been 4 minutes? Why didn’t you guys tell me sooner?”
-mumu3333: Dumb
-DesirableGirl: I was wondering how long you’d be afk
JejuBreadDept: It’s cute how you’re so excited about the chat that you forget about the game
-WhyNot?: I’m once again moved by your enthusiastic attitude of abandoning the game to communicate with your viewers, Teacher. Of course, the stream is more important than the game. Of course.
Both the stream chat and the game chat were on fire. Basically, they were all insulting me for being afk.
“No, what do you mean abandoned? I’m not someone who would lose in Silver just because I came 2 minutes late.”
Even though I said that and tried my best in the lane, the experience difference was too big to get a solo kill. At least I didn’t get killed because the opponent was Silver. Because Silvers are bad.
LastLightOfNation: Aren’t you going to say you’ll throw if you don’t get a gank today?
“Hey. I’m not that kind of person. Don’t label me as a top-lane-obsessed player.”
LastLightOfNation: There are so many people who saw you yesterday, and you say you’re not that kind of person ᄏᄏᄏ
-WhyNot?: Huh? Why is my account suspended?
[08:14] 14005522 (Vayne): Bot is ruined because of jg
[08:22] PingThenMid (Lee Sin): How am I supposed to let Trynd scale when their top keeps helping jg because he came late
[08:29] ThrowUntilChallenger (Tryndamere): Lee Sin-nim, you’ve lived so steadfastly even without your mother. Cheer up even without me.
[08:35] PingThenMid (Lee Sin): ? Is this
[08:39] ThrowUntilChallenger (Tryndamere): You can only repeat like a parrot ᄏ Are you a kid ᄏ
[08:45] PingThenMid (Lee Sin): ur mom
Unable to contain his anger, Lee Sin sold all his items, bought a Tear of the Goddess, and started running it down mid.
I’m an expert on suspensions, and that’s not how you troll. If you do that, you’ll get suspended quickly. Lee Sin, unlike his ID, was clearly a beginner who didn’t know much about trolling.
mumu3333: Is this guy mentally ill?
HawaiianPizzaLover: Deeply interested in psychopathology (because she has it herself)
-WhyNot?: The chat is very dizzying, Teacher.
“No, he’s the one who started blaming others. I didn’t do anything.”
DesirableGirl: You did do nothing, since you were afk next to the tower until 4 minutes
“Things can suddenly happen when you’re playing a game! A meteorite could fall on your house, a robber could break in, or you could suddenly have a mental breakdown! Screech! But you shouldn’t just blame others without even trying to understand their situation! You should try to understand their situation!”
-nadang: I fully understand why you got suspended
-mumu3333: ᄋᄌ
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