Chapter 40: Femme Fatalia

Let’s give this one to Karen.

If she can be so different when she’s Saruby, she must have some degree of madness.

「What! Why are you voting for me?」

Karen screamed.

And I got… three votes?

“It’s incredibly surprising.”

「Pfft… Leah, why are you surprised?」

Hearing Sarah’s laughter, I spoke coldly.

“Alright. So this is how it’s going to be.”

「Wha… what do you mean by that!」

Koharu flinched.

“Judging unfairly and ganging up on one person… This is going to be a game full of conspiracy and slander. I understand perfectly.”

-Leah, you completely misunderstood…

-If only the members’ judgment was accurateᄏᄏ

-Oh, Leah’s comment just now was totally crazy!

-She acts like that all the time, what’s she got to be upset about?ᄏᄏᄏ

“I won’t address the slander. Let’s move on to the next keyword.”

This time, it was blue.


-What’s supposed to be majestic…

– Something feels majestic..

– Hmm.. I think one person is very likely?

-Leah, picking out all the ones for herself because she’s the MCᄏᄏᄏ

「Wait a minute! You’re all thinking of Leah, right? But look closely!」

Sarah suddenly enlarged her avatar significantly.

Mainly so that her upper body was emphasized.

-A super-sized giant appearsᄃᄃ

– Oh..

-Sarah’s not bad either

– Ehehe…

「Wow. Leah. I’m starting to waver. Shouldn’t Leah get bigger too?」

What are you trying to make me do, Karen?

You want me to enlarge my chest too?

Sarah’s outfit isn’t even as revealing as mine.

“No, it’s fine. Elves always maintain their dignity.”

「Oh~ confidence! No matter how much Sarah grows, she can’t beat natural!」

「Hmph! You’ll regret being so relaxed!」

Sarah’s competitive spirit was ignited, but the result was 3:1.

I took the majestic keyword.

I voted for myself.

Not that I wanted to brag about my size, but it was a chance to get a point.

“Oh, right. You can vote for yourself three times each.”

She placed a sign in front of Sarah and me that read: Remaining chances: 2.

「Ah! You should have told us earlier! Then I wouldn’t have voted for myself on ‘majestic’!」

“That was my oversight. If everyone agrees, shall we count Sarah’s vote for me as well?”

「Yeah! I’ll let it slide this once!」

With the members’ agreement, the game proceeded with everyone except me having three self-votes.


“To point me out here, Ms. Koharu. I wonder if that judgment was a prudent one.”

「Then you, Leah! Does it make sense to pick me instead of Koharu? What’s your standard~!」

Sarah and I each spoke.

– Isn’t this a friendship-destroying gameᄏᄏᄏ

-They’re sensitive because there’s a penalty on the lineᄏᄏ

– Koharu has two votes anyway, there’s no need to fightᄏᄏ

“This is not it! I just lack a bit of common sense, but I’m actually pretty smart!”

– Lacks common sense (500 years old)

– They say she’s 5 years old in the fairy realm~

– If she’s at a 5-year-old level, she should take the idiot titleᄏᄏ

“I’m not being treated like a 5-year-old, okay? It’s just, I’ve been away from the mundane world for so long that I’ve lost some common sense!”

Koharu’s struggle, using her RP only when at a disadvantage, was stopped.

“Idiot Koharu. Would you please stop making excuses? We need to move on to the next keyword.”

「Urk! You majestic idiot!」

What’s a majestic idiot… I need to get something else quickly.


This time, it was blue again.

The vote was a tie.

Everyone voted for themselves.

「Ahaha, what the. It’s a total tie?」

「Everyone, have some conscience!」

「What happens now, Leah?」

“In the case of a tie… It says we have to show a side that matches the keyword and then revote.”

「So we each have to show some charm?」

How did it come to this… I should have just voted for someone else instead of being greedy for points.

「Cat Metamorphosis! Koharu’s here, nyan! I’ll give you a chance to pet the cute Haru, nyan!」

「You know I don’t do this often, right? So you have to listen well. I’ll cast a spell on you. Oishikunare~ Moe Moe Kyun!」

「Our Karu’s~ You know Karen loves you a lot, right? Minna~ Daisuki~! Muah!」


So this is what it feels like to witness the members’ ‘business’ directly.

The even more chilling fact was that it was now my turn to do that kind of thing.

“I can’t… forfeit, can I?”

「Where are you trying to sneak off alone!」

「Leah. Are you out of it?」

The chat’s reaction was also unusual… I should just get it over with quickly.

“The, the moon is very bright. It’s even prettier seeing it with you.”



– Is this… charm?

– Is a good voice all it takes??

-Leah is really awkwardᄏᄏᄏ

“Everyone, be quiet. Let’s proceed with the revote immediately.”

As a result of the vote, Karen, who even made a kissing sound with her mouth, took the keyword.

After that, a few more keywords came up…

“Here’s the next keyword.”


「Wait a minute. Why is this in pink? Why do we lose points for taking that one!」

「Yeah. What’s wrong with being petite? It’s so cute and nice, you know?」

Cosmo and Karen immediately protested.

– Cosmo and the cutting board duo are fired upᄏᄏᄏ

-Our 10 million N**N**dan can’t accept this either!

-10 million? Is Korea done for?

– Since it’s pink, it can only be interpreted as chest size, right?ᄏᄏ

“The keywords were all chosen by the CEO himself, so please direct any complaints to him later.”

-Silence immediatelyᄏᄏᄏ

-The CEO’s tyrannyᄃᄃ

-CEO Baek’s taste is very clearᄏᄏ

– If you look closely, Lani is also quite vicious ᄏᄏᄏ

The result was a 2:2 tie between Koharu and Karen.

In this case, they had to show that they didn’t match the keyword.

Because it was better not to take it.

Koharu and Karen started to enlarge their avatars at the same time.

What were they trying to show…?

「See. It’s not that I don’t have it! Can’t you see it shaking?」

「Compared to me, Koharu is just a child. She’s shorter too, you know?」

Creating something from nothing… is too strong of an expression.

Anyway, their desperate attempts to show as much bust morphing as possible by shaking their bodies around were different from my approach, but it gave me the realization that the members were also working hard at being Vtubers.

The winner was Karen.

Koharu whined and took ‘petite’.

As the game progressed, the members all used up their self-vote chances.

Since there were no more overall ties, the pace sped up a bit.

Femme Fatale

「A deadly charm? Something like this?」

Sarah confirmed.

“Yes. A woman with a deadly charm.”

A 2:2 tie for the first time since ‘petite’.

Sarah and I each had two votes.

「Unfair! The busty ones took it all! Femme fatale is just about charm!」

「But you voted for Leah too, didn’t you?」

Karen retorted to Koharu’s complaint.

「Hehe… She does look like you’d want to touch her.」



– Koharu..

– Already…

– The 3rd gen’s pure and innocent image is deadᅮ

– That’s why Leah took the pure and innocent keyword.

Surprisingly, Sarah took the ‘pervert’ keyword over Koharu, who made such remarks.

She didn’t seem like that yesterday, but it seems everyone’s letting loose because it’s a broadcast.

I thought it might be too early for that, but the members will figure it out.

Of course, I made sure not to get influenced by them.

I have to maintain the dignity of an elf.

But this keyword seems to require a similar level of embarrassment as the charm earlier…

“Then it’s time for the femme fatale appeal. Shall we start with Sarah?”

「Everyone, adjust your earphone volume to a comfortable level. Now. Focus only on my whispering voice… Forget all other thoughts, and just feel me… How does it feel?」

-Yes, big sisᅮᅮ

– The ASMR is amazing

-This is sexiness!

– I like it so much…

「Sarah is really strong! What will Leah show us?」


Please don’t raise expectations like that.

“I am a very deadly woman. Because… I am very skilled in combat. Even now, when I can’t use spirits, if you get close, I can easily subdue you with martial arts. Isn’t that dangerous?”

– What is this…

-Is this keyword game a joke?

– I can’t let this slide twice!!

– Boo~ Boo~ Boo~ Boo~

-Leah, don’t make that serious face


I need to show something.

But I really can’t think of anything…

In the end, I closed my eyes tightly and said the most basic line.

“I, I love you. Everyone.”


– This is… acceptable

-The reaction is cute so it’s charmingᄏᄏ

-Look at her fidgeting

– Red-faced Leah

– Femme fatale Leah! Femme fatale Leah! Femme fatale Leah!

「Wow… This is hard? How about we let the viewers decide this time?」

「Yeah! That sounds good too? I’m having a hard time choosing~!」

What’s so hard about it…… Just pick Sarah and move on.

What did I even do…

But in the end, we let the viewers vote, and the result was 56% to 44% in my favor.


Hiding my confusion, I quickly started the proceedings.

And finally, the game results were out.

“The total score is 1 point for me. Everyone else has -1 point. I get the first-place prize.”

「Eh? Why only Leah?」

Everyone was flustered, with the voices of losers.

Was it worth going through the embarrassment to get the femme fatale?

Thank you, femme fatale.

“The first-place prize is this crown. You have to wear this crown during broadcasts for a week.”

She showed an illustration of the crown merging with the avatar on the screen.

– The first-place prize is underwhelmingᄏᄏ

-Isn’t that a penaltyᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-Queen Leahᄒᄒᄒ

– They did prepare that, you knowᄏᄏ

“Now then, the penalty that the rest of the members will receive is… a horror game.”


「Ugh… I don’t want to, it’s scary.」

「Can we do it together?」

“No. Each of you, separately. Do it alone on your broadcast.”

– The penalty is well thought outᄏᄏᄏ

– Cosmo, let’s go with the horror game

-Leah, as a sign of good faith, do it with us

-Yeah, are you the only one getting away??

Don’t be disappointed that I’m not playing a horror game.

Compared to dealing with demons, it will be so easy that I won’t be surprised at all, so

-(Whew, that’s a relief, I was so scared)

– She’s trying not to do it, so she must be scared tooᄏᄏ

-Let’s see her prove it!

-I want to see Leah play a horror game too..

It’s absurd to impose the loser’s penalty on the winner.

So, I can just ignore the chat’s demands.

I silently prepared my closing remarks.

“Then, shall we say our farewells by introducing ourselves with the keywords we got today? Koharu, you start.”

“The petite idiot, mood maker, cheerful, and pretentious Koharu!”

“The warm, perverted, sensible, lazy, and nagging Sarah.”

“The smart, charming, easily scared, clumsy, and jealous Karen.”

“The majestic, crazy, shameless, pure, femme fatale Leah. Farewell until we meet again.”

And with that, the first collaboration ended.


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