Chapter 41: I will keep my Promise.

“I’ve never felt so genuinely compelled to punch my past self before. Why on earth did I make such an impossible promise?

In the end, I’m left with no choice but to reveal my face for the 100,000-subscriber milestone, and these days I’ve

been praying daily for the number to stall.

I never thought there’d come a day when I’d actually hope for my subscriber count not to grow. And yet, there’s

another reason behind this sudden surge in subscribers: clips of my past broadcasts have been exported everywhere.

Compilations have popped up, stitching together my old statements, recent subscriber trends, and even some

animated clips I received not too long ago. Now, these edits are being shared all over by enthusiastic viewers.

  • [Baekhwayoran2], thank you for the video support!

But the moment that truly skyrocketed my growth was when one of my clips ended up in the hands of the famous

streamer Exit, who is also a top-tier presence on Cheese, just as he is on Twip.

  • “Hey! I’ve been to the sauna with your boss, you know!”
  • “Wait, isn’t that Cosmo’s voice?”

If it had just been one of those passing video donations, it might have ended quietly. But no, Exit recognized my

voice and responded with a warm reaction. I suddenly recalled the first time I met him on Avaer, when his wife told

me she enjoyed watching my broadcasts. Little did I know that would come back like a double-edged sword.

[AbsoluteExit] – “Who’s that guy, bro?”

[ExgaBast66] – “Do you know him?”

[Gelide] – “Never heard that voice before.”

Of course, most of the viewers had no idea who I was since I’m just a minor streamer. Seeing the confusion, Exit kindly offered an explanation.

  • “Oh, that’s Cosmo. My wife’s a big fan of his streams. We met on Avaer recently, and he recognized me by voice.”

[Erchop] – “Guess you’re part of the Ex-cult, huh.”

[Narae] – “Also, why does his voice sound so good?”

[AstralChronicles] – “His acting is pointlessly high-quality.”

[DOPGG] – “That old statement of his is hilarious, haha.”

The term “Ex-cult” refers to fans of Exit’s broadcasts. And, thanks to Exit’s words, I found myself unintentionally

labeled as a member. Viewers started to see me in a friendly light, and then, Exit added fuel to the fire.

  • “My wife’s looking forward to Cosmo’s face reveal! Everyone, go hit subscribe on YouTube.”

[MockingBird] – “Haha!”

[PassingExCultist] – “Just checked, he’s at 90,000, haha.”

[HungryEli] – “He’s doomed, haha.”

If memory serves, over 8,000 subscribers joined just that day. Some even visited my live stream, announcing,

“Passing Ex-cultist here. I subscribed to your YouTube.” This led to a growing chorus of my viewers praising Exit.


Thinking back over the past few days makes my head spin. Normally, I’d just be thrilled to get a shoutout from a

streamer I admire, but knowing the outcome waiting at the end makes it hard to celebrate.

Seriously, what’s so interesting about the face of some random guy like me? It’s not like it’s any different from

stopping a random passerby and looking at their face.

[Channel Subscriber Count] – 99,996


Just before starting the stream, I checked the subscriber count one last time and couldn’t help but mutter a curse.

Only four more to reach 100,000.

This number seemed to know I was watching, increasing one by one in real time: 997, 998, 999… finally,

[Congratulations! You have been awarded the Silver Button!]

I had waited for this, but reaching a goal I was both eager and reluctant to hit filled my eyes with despair.

…Should I just take a day off from streaming today?

After a long moment of contemplation, I realized I couldn’t run away, so I eventually went live at 6 PM, as usual.

‘Cosmo’ has started streaming.

YouTube 100,000 Subscribers Achieved

With a half-hearted sense of surrender, I put the subscriber milestone in the title and began the stream, leading to a

rush of viewers flooding in, making the chat scroll up rapidly.

【CosmoDefinitelyWatch】 – Congratulations on 100,000!

【Kokkiahho】 – Hahahaha!

[tws2425] 100,000, right? 100,000, right? 100,000, right? 100,000, right? 100,000, right? 100,000, right?

【JustAte】 – You’re not breaking your promise to the viewers, are you? I believe in you…

Ugh, these damn guys are pushing their luck even here. My mind is already a mess as it is.

“…I won’t run away, so do whatever you want—grill me or boil me, you bastards.”

[Allfreed] ᅩᅮᅣ;

[Baekhwayoran2] – A streamer asking to eat themselves.avi

[Howunyang] – Why are you blaming us when you’re the one who said it? I really don’t get it.

Sigh, no matter what I say here, it’ll just hurt my own feelings. I don’t have anyone on my side anyway.

Besides, using my past statements, it’s clear that achieving 100,000 subscribers isn’t something to celebrate lightly.

If I were the old me, this would have been an unattainable dream.

So today, I decided to boldly acknowledge my past promise and enjoy this moment, rather than sulk.

“Anyway, thank you all for helping me achieve 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. A face reveal is a face reveal, but we

should celebrate together. Isn’t that right?”

【Moscos】 – Wow!

【NeighborHani】 – You have to celebrate!

[AdiosDao] – 100,000, haha! So when’s the face reveal?

“Wait a minute. I’m trying to talk here.”

As I tried to calm the eager viewers who were rushing me to turn on the camera, just as I opened my mouth again,

【‘Exit’ has donated 1,000,000 Cheese!】

  • Congratulations on reaching 100,000 on YouTube! My wife is looking forward to the face reveal. Please do it soon.

With the sudden large donation and the familiar username appearing, I wasn’t the only one who momentarily panicked.

[Bera666] ?

[LucidDream7] Whoa!

【AlpacaHunter】? Is this the real Exit?

【LostFrog】 – Wow, it’s real!

【BlueMangaGame】 – What a precious person in such a humble place…

With the arrival of a major streamer who firmly holds the number one spot on both Twip and Cheese, the chat was scrolling up twice as fast as usual.

I checked, hoping against hope, and it truly was Exit.

Suddenly overwhelmed by the aura from the username, I reflexively stood up and bowed. Even though I knew I

wouldn’t be seen since the camera was off.

“Ah, Exit! Thank you! By the way, your wife is looking forward to my face reveal, you say?”

I had heard this from Exit’s stream not long ago, but since I thought it was just lip service, I couldn’t help but ask in disbelief.

Within three seconds, a reply came back.

[Exit] – Yes. I’ve been promoting your channel to people around me, telling them to subscribe to Cosmo’s channel.

【29ana】 – Wow!

【LemonTanghuru】 You’re not really here, are you?

【UlraRihira】 – Curious about the face of a stranger to an alarming degree…

You crazy guys, saying that makes it sound weird.

But with Exit saying this much, it felt like a strong will not to give me time. I couldn’t tell if it was Exit’s will or his

wife’s, but at least that’s the impression I got.

Uh-oh, this is bad. I was hoping to delay it a few more days by saying I had personal matters to attend to.

Well, there’s an old saying that it’s better to get beaten early, right? Since the topic has come up, let’s just go for it.

What’s so hard about a face reveal, anyway?

“Okay, everyone. Since Exit is here, I’ll just clarify the long-awaited face reveal schedule right now. I don’t think

running away is the right thing to do.”

【WitheredFlower】 – Gasp!

【Mongusam】 – Finally!

【Daesangbi】 – Something big is coming!!!

[Exit] – I brought my wife. Please go ahead.

As I finally opened my tightly closed lips, the viewers began to overreact in all sorts of ways. Among them, Exit’s chat

stood out, but I pretended not to notice.

“The face reveal will happen three days from now, at the usual streaming time. I need this time to set up the camera

and lighting, after all. Can we all agree on that?”

【PinkRabbit】 – Wow!

【Kokkiahho】 – I can wait three days!

【OneHitBack】 – We’ll be understanding!

Fortunately, it seemed they were willing to wait around three days, as the unexpected positive sentiment made me

sigh in relief internally. As a final bit of bait and a warning, I added:

“But listen, everyone, I’m telling you in advance… don’t expect much. I’ll just look like an ordinary nerd you might

see on the street. Got it? Please.”

【CosmoDefinitelyWatch】 – What???

【29ana】 – Yeah, definitely expect it! Hahaha!

【LostFrog】 In three days, the legendary Cha Eun-hoo will descend…

The viewers responded as if they didn’t believe a word I said, but I knew they secretly expected me to be ugly.

Honestly, it’s weirder for people to think a streamer like me would be good-looking. Especially if it’s a guy; there’s no

need to say more.

So, since it’s come to this, I’ll show my face with confidence and make sure nobody ever asks for the camera again.

Get ready for a shock, you guys.

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