Chapter 42: Northern Ireland Unicorn

After returning from Eunseo’s house, I played a few rounds of Ori, showered, and started the stream.

《Esumi Ria》

《A major announcement will be made》

《7766 viewers watching》


– A major announcement??


-I sat down as soon as I saw the title

– What’s with the clickbait, Ria?

“May the blessings of the forest be with you. It’s our second weekend together, Pias.”

-Look at that crown on the bucketᄏᄏ

– She’s wearing it right away because she won 1st place, cuteᄒ

-You should have prepared a suit, not a crown..

-It’s not an apology broadcastᄏᄏ

-So what’s the real announcement?

“The stream title… I don’t think it’s the right time to reveal it yet. I want to share the news with more Pias. Can you understand?”

-It’s donation time~

-The queen needs to collect her taxes..

-Yes My Queen…

– She’s already going for donations, the title was clickbaitᄏᄏ

『ColdYouth donated 100,000 Jellies!』

『I enjoyed the joint stream. Can you show us your aegyo again?^^』

“Exploding spirit arrow to ColdYouth! Thank you for the donation. Aegyo? Elves follow ancient traditions… We can’t fulfill every request with money.”

– He’s saying your price is too low

-100k won is an exploding spirit arrow~ Please check the amount~

– Even after watching the joint stream, do you think Leah will do it…

How much for aegyo? Urgent

I need to be clear about this.

“Pias. No matter how much you give, no means no. Just like you can’t buy a cloud with money because you want it to rain.”

– Oh…

-Sudden wise words

-(While taking donations)

-Forced wisdomᄃᄃ

-One thing’s for sure, Leah has watched a lot of animeᄏᄏ

『GradStudentPia donated 10,000 Jellies!』

『Leah, are you perhaps embarrassed?』

“Spirit shot to GradStudentPia! There’s no way I’d be embarrassed by something like that.”

– ?

-Your voice is shaking, Leah

– Facial capture is good these days, it even picks up the shaking in her eyes

– Hmm.. Watching the joint stream, it’s not very convincing…

『LieDetector donated 1,000 Jellies!』

『Leah. I saw you on a date with your boyfriend in Jongno earlier today.』

“What are you talking about? I’ve never been to Jongno. Besides, I’ve never dated a boyfriend.”

『LieDetector donated 1,000 Jellies!』

『Leah is embarrassed to show her aegyo.』

“I, I already told you I’m not! Elven archers don’t get swayed by emotions.. You all know that.”


– Thank you! Lie detector!

-Living up to the nameᄏᄏᄏ

Don’t you ever lie again

-She’s just so transparent…

She can’t even hide her emotions from the viewers.

And here I was, once engaging in psychological warfare with high-ranking demons… I guess I have been slacking off lately.

I need to get it together.

『NorthernIrelandUnicorn donated 1,000 Jellies!』

『So Leah, you’re saying you’re a virgin?』

“You could see it that way. But for elves, relationships between men and women aren’t very important. Love is not about being tied down or chasing…”

The explanation that followed was interrupted by the sound of a large donation.

『NorthernIrelandUnicorn donated 500,000 Jellies!』


– Kyaa

– Unicorn-sama is satisfiedᄏᄏᄏ

-Short and thick ‘Good’

-Passed the unicorn’s testᄃᄃ

-Leah, you just passed my, ‘Park Jinsung’s’, test too

-Jinsung, who are you to…

-What’s with the natural milking, Leah

I’m a virgin tooᅮ Let’s be each other’s Pias..

“Big! Exploding! Spirit! Arrow! to NorthernIrelandUnicorn! Thank you so much for the donation. Are there unicorns in Northern Ireland? Even in the Irsena Forest where I lived, unicorns were hard to come by.”

-Are you going to keep talking about unicorns?ᄏᄏ

-Leah, you’re really going for it today

– Milking it dry…

– Alright! Just say ‘Pledge Allegiance’!

『Anonymous donated 1,000 Jellies!』

『So Leah, you must have been close with unicorns?』

“Of course? We didn’t see them often, but we were all friendly with them. Elves and unicorns have a deep trust in each other.”

『EarphoneThief donated 1,000 Jellies!』

『How can you be close with all of them? Don’t elves have children?』

“Of course elves continue their lineage. What does that have to do with anything?”


– Suddenly acting like she doesn’t know…

– So you’re embarrassed now that you’re using it to appeal, huh?ᄏᄏ

-So unicorns wouldn’t like non-virgin elves!!

-ᄏᄏᄏ Just going straight for it so she can’t change the subject

-Yeah, why are you even doing a talk stream on this topicᄏᄏᄏ

I stared blankly at the chat, realizing that people were misunderstanding.

“It’s a misconception that unicorns are hostile towards non-virgins. They only value pure hearts and harmony with nature.”

– Trying to backtrack now..

-Running away because she can’t handle the topicᄏᄏ

– But we got it all, Leah

-Yeah yeah, we won’t forget Leah’s actions…

– Only Leah takes care of us

Honestly, I was just trying to share my experiences with a mystical and magical creature.

Why do I have to hear things like I’m trying to appeal or milking the audience?

“Alright. It seems like enough Pias have gathered, so let’s start the major announcement.”

-I forgot about the titleᄏᄏ

– It’s probably nothing, let’s just keep chatting

– Prediction) I’m going to play a horror game like the other members

– You should say that’s a wish)ᄏᄏ

– But it’s pretty plausible?

“There’s a lot of talk about horror games. Do you Pias really enjoy watching something so boring?”

– Here she goes again

– ᄋᄋ… I only look for boring things?

– Just try it first? The Pias will decide if it’s boringᄏᄏ

-Please show us how boring it is while playing a horror game..

– I’ll get to hear Leah’s scream for the first timeᄏᄏ

“If you really want to endure the boredom. I’ll think about it. Honestly, it doesn’t scare me, so it’s meaningless as a punishment, but I need to consider the original intent.”

– Laying the groundwork..

-She really doesn’t want to play a horror gameᄏᄏ

– Why is the great Leah talking so much!

“A punishment is a rule imposed on the loser. If the winner has to endure it, shouldn’t there be a commensurate benefit?”

『NorthernIrelandUnicorn donated 50,000 Jellies!』

『Donation for the horror game』

『Anonymous donated 10,000 Jellies!』

『You’re really good at getting donations, Leah』

After that, I reacted to the continuous donations.

The benefit didn’t have to be monetary, but if the Pias wanted it that way.

“Alright. After the members are done, I’ll play the same game too. But for today, the major announcement comes first, right?”

I displayed the ppt screen.

It was the self-introduction ppt I used during my debut stream.

– Ah, that’s..

-When did I time loop

-Wasn’t Leah’s debut on Sunday?ᄏᄏ

– Wow! 3rd gen debut!

-Leah, congratulations on your debut!

“One of my likes is hidden here, do you remember what it was?”


-It’s games

-A Pia should know of course ᄒ

-Did she say she only liked one game

– Is that what the major announcement is about?ᄏᄏᄏ

“How could it not be important? It’s a chance to tell you a lot about myself.”

Even without me asking, the chat was guessing various games like during my debut stream.

“Ah, it’s there. The answer is among the games mentioned in the chat right now.”

-Oh I just heard a game starting

-Why is this so familiar?

– This is Ori

– Origin Rift?

-Leah plays Ori??

The lobby screen of Origin Rift appeared on the screen.

“Yes. The game I like and am good at is Origin Rift.”

-It doesn’t really suit Leah..

-Good at??

-A statement that provokes Ori addictsᄃᄃ

-What’s your rank

-Leah, it’s not easy to stream with Oriᅮᅮ

I logged into a sub-account I created and raised for streaming.

I had never played archers and intentionally played other characters.

While experiencing and practicing various champions, I thought… it felt like the early days when I used to maintain distance as an archer.

In other words, it didn’t feel like a real battle, it just felt like a game.

In short, it was easy.

I could easily continue my commentary while streaming at this level.

“I don’t know what your standards are, Pias. But I think I’m pretty good at it.”

I went to the screen that shows the in-game rank.

○JustAnElfPassingBy/Diamond 2

-Diamond 2? ᄃᄃᄃᄃ

-She had the right to be confidentᄃᄃ

– I’m a Silver, and Leah suddenly feels so far away..

-I thought she was around Gold when she said she was good ᄒᄃᄃ

-Leah was a good gamer?

-She wasn’t just good at singing..

-There was a reason she wanted to do a joint stream with Miyaᄃ

– ‘I’ll teach you Ori’

– Wow, what a twist..

– She never mentioned it, and suddenly it pops out that she’s really good


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