After revealing my face, I questioned whether the scene I was witnessing was real as the chat exploded in response.
Isn’t the reaction more positive than I expected? I thought it would be lucky if it wasn’t too extreme.
“Um… hello? I’m Cosmo. I think this is my first time greeting you directly.”
[Ko-kkyaahhoo] – Hyung-aaaahhhhh
[Haunyangi] – Najugeoohhhh
[Bera666] – Wow, I thought you only had a good voice, but your visuals are also amazing. Hahaha!
【Megiyumsogeuguri】 – Cheese’s Cha Eun-woo! Cheese’s Cha Eun-woo! Cheese’s Cha Eun-woo!
I had only exchanged a greeting, yet I felt a tremendous dissonance with the bustling chat.
No, you guys aren’t like this. Shouldn’t the reactions here be like, “Eh.” or “Pretty average.”? Why are you being so weirdly enthusiastic?
[‘I Just Woke Up After Eating’ donated 10,000 Cheese!]
“Thank you for the 10,000 Cheese, ‘I Just Woke Up After Eating’… Wow, it’s a bit awkward to react with my face revealed.”
Normally, I raise my voice a bit more during donation reactions, but I found it hard to adapt to the change in my
expression on the broadcast screen, so I responded calmly.
I just hope they don’t insult me for my poor donation reaction.
“Anyway, as promised and as you all wanted, I revealed my face… I’m sure you’re all disappointed since I don’t look
like what you expected, right?”
[Moskos] – Disappointment
[LucidDream7] – It’s different from what I thought, but I’m not disappointed…
【AlpakaSanyanggun】 – I’m not disappointed, but I do feel betrayed…
[Baekhwaryoran2] – How can a loser like this be single…?
Why all this betrayal just for revealing my face?
Anyway, I’m relieved it doesn’t seem like they hate my appearance.
“Honestly, I struggled a lot with this. I haven’t told you all, but I guess I’m lacking in confidence… I worried more
people would be disappointed seeing me in person.”
【Olfreed】 – ?
【GukhipWontopCosmo】 – With that face?
【Chromagnon】 – If you lack confidence with that face, what does that make us?
I’m not just talking about my appearance, but the viewers seem angry.
Well, it’s not exactly a good topic for the broadcast, and it might ruin the mood, so I’d better reduce my talking about it.
“Anyway, I’m happy that you all welcomed me more than I expected. Let’s meet often in the future, okay?”
I can’t promise to turn on the cam every day, but since the viewers seem welcoming, I silently vowed to turn it on as
often as I could, managing a smile despite my stiff facial muscles.
[Ubbaekrim] – Stop it, I like girls!!!
[ChuuChuu] – Why is my heart…?
[Adiosdao] – Is this a plot twist…?
[BunhongTokki] – With that face and that voice, it’s an unbeatable cheat code, haha…
This time, while the reactions were somewhat intense, it didn’t feel overly negative, so I let out a sigh of relief inside.
Wow, it hasn’t even been 30 minutes since I showed my face, and I’m already exhausted.
【’CosmoWillNeverBreak’ donated 1,000,000 Cheese!】
As I felt a burning sensation in my throat and reached for the water beside me, today, as always, the chairman’s
generous donation came with an embarrassing comment.
“Uh, um… Thank you for the 1 million Cheese, Chairman. But how should I react to this…?”
Usually, when a donation over 1 million comes in, I put on a big show and react as much as possible, but today, with
the cam on, I just couldn’t bring myself to do that.
However, I couldn’t just act expensive and not react because the cam was on, so I needed to think of something to do,
but then the chairman’s next comment came through.
[CosmoWillNeverBreak] – Then please sing a song!
“Oh, a song? Sure! That’s not difficult at all.”
Honestly, asking for a song while donating a million Cheese is practically a loss for the viewers here. I usually sing quite well.
Still, it seemed like the chairman understood my predicament and suggested something that wouldn’t be too difficult
as a reaction, opting for a song.
I really appreciate that.
“Then, while we’re at it, let me grab my guitar. Just a moment.”
I asked for their patience and fetched the guitar that was lying in the corner of my bed.
“I’ll sing one song and then move on to the Q&A. Is everyone okay with that?”
[BlueMangGame] – Hmm…
[29ana] – A song is a must for a singer, haha!
so I mentally promised to turn it on as often as I can, trying to move my stiff facial muscles to smile as much as possible.
[우백림] – Stop it ᄉᄇ I like girls!!!
[츄우츄우] – Why is my heart…?
[아디오스다오] – Is this the plot twist…?
[분홍토끼] – With that face and that voice, it’s like a cheat key ᄆᄎ…
This time, the reactions felt a bit intense, but it didn’t seem overwhelmingly negative, so I let out a sigh of relief
Wow, it’s not even been 30 minutes since I showed my face, and I’m already feeling tired.
【’코스모절대지켜’ donated 1,000,000 cheese!】
Feeling a burning sensation in my throat, I reached for the water bottle next to me, but once again, alongside the
chairman’s large donation, an embarrassing comment came in.
“Uh, um… Thank you for the 1,000,000 cheese donation, Chairman. But how should I react to this…?”
Usually, when a donation of over 1 million comes in, I would put on a big show and react as much as possible, but
today, with the camera on, I felt hesitant to do so.
But I couldn’t just ignore such a big donation, so I thought I should do something. Just then, the chairman continued speaking.
[코스모절대지켜] – Then please sing a song!
“Oh, a song? Sure, I can do that right now.”
In reality, asking someone to sing after donating 1 million cheese feels like a bad deal for the viewers. After all, I
usually sing quite well.
Still, it seemed the chairman understood my feelings and chose to ask for a song, looking for an easy reaction.
That’s very considerate.
“Then, since it was mentioned, let me grab my guitar. Just a moment.”
I asked for their understanding and brought out the guitar that had been sitting in the corner of my bed.
“I’ll sing just one song and then move on to the Q&A. Is everyone okay with that?”
[블루망겜] – ᅦ
[29ana] – A song from the singing streamer is irresistibleᄏᄏᄏᄏ
As I picked up the guitar, I couldn’t help but smile at the endless flattery in the chat.
I know today is my first cam broadcast, so I understand they’re trying to flatter me, but it’s a bit too much.
“Alright, I’ll go ahead. It seems there are no requests, so I’ll sing whatever I like, okay?”
【코스모절대지켜】 – Yes!
After pondering what to sing for a moment, I cleared my throat and lightly strummed the guitar strings.
Singing for the first time after revealing my face felt pretty good, but it was still somewhat embarrassing.
【’코끼얏호우’ donated 1,000 cheese!】
【’옆집사는하니’ donated 5,000 cheese!】
【’집나간개구리’ donated 1,000 cheese!】
As the song came to an end, the responses were even more enthusiastic than usual, and the viewer count had risen to around 2,000.
Wow, why are so many people here? Did they hear about it from other broadcasts and come over?
“Thank you for listening. Now, let’s move on to the Q&A!”
Perhaps this was what the viewers were really waiting for, so I decided to quickly shift the mood and start the Q&A.
I had struggled a lot reading every single comment for today’s Q&A. I wonder what they’re so curious about.
“First, I chose the questions from the YouTube comments sorted by likes, and I included some that seemed a bit
excessive. Some asked about my size…”
[코끼얏호우] – ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
[tws2425] – I’m curious about that tooᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
【대상비】 – ᄃᄀᄌᄃᄀᄌ~
“After we finish, I’ll also take a few questions in real-time, so don’t be too sad if yours isn’t selected. Now, let’s go!”
I displayed the first selected question as an image, and contrary to my worries, it was quite a normal question.
“First question: ‘What did you do before starting streaming?’ I’ve mentioned this a few times on the broadcast; I was
a regular college student. But due to some circumstances, I dropped out, and now I’m focusing on streaming.”
【메기염소개구리】 – Which university?
“What university? Hmm… I wonder if it’s okay to say this.”
Since it was a matter of revealing personal information, I hesitated to answer, but since my face and name were
already revealed, I figured it wouldn’t matter.
“I went to Seohan University. It wasn’t too far from home…”
【그게바로니얼굴】? – Seohan University?
[하양빨강검정] – Wow
【지나가던앱등이】 – You must have been really good at studying ᄃᄃ
Since Seohan University is right after Korea University in terms of level, the viewers seemed quite surprised. But it
didn’t matter much since I had dropped out anyway.
“In high school, I had nothing I could do or dreamed of. So I just studied blindly. My parents were happy, but my
older sister worried a lot about me.”
It wasn’t something I did out of love. Back then, studying was just a way to escape from reality. I had no confidence
in myself, and I thought that as long as I accomplished something, I could survive.
From my sister’s perspective, I must have looked like a runaway train charging ahead without any awareness of my
surroundings. The fact that I didn’t fall off the edge of a cliff was just luck.
[모스코스] – Just how hard did you work…
[하우냥이] – How could such a nice person turn into a wicked streamer…
Wicked streamer? That’s a harsh label. Sure, I enjoy playing with the viewers sometimes, but it’s not to the point of
being wicked. I consider myself rather mild.
“Anyway, let’s move on to the next question: ‘You always say you’re a virgin loser on the stream, but are you really a
virgin loser?’ Yes, unfortunately, that’s the case.”
If the jerk who asked this question is watching this broadcast, I’d feel like temporarily blocking him, but for now, I
decided to answer honestly since I had to continue the Q&A.
It’s not something new, anyway.
“Actually, until high school, I only had one friend. Well, that friend was more of a friend because they were my
girlfriend’s friend, and we got closer after becoming adults. Before that, we weren’t that close.”
【소주맛핸드크림】 – Is that friend the one you recommended for the previous broadcast?
“Oh, that’s right. After I dropped out of college and was living like a shut-in, they came to me and said, ‘If you’re
scared of meeting people, why not try this…’ Ah.”
Thanks to the viewer who guessed correctly, my tension rose, but I soon realized I had said something unnecessary
and let out a sigh.
The viewers seemed to sense something was off, as the chat began to fill with question marks.
Ah, damn it. I shouldn’t have said anything unnecessary.
【코스모절대지켜】 – Are you someone who finds it difficult to interact with people?
“Hmm… a little. It’s not really a bright topic to talk about here, but I had some issues growing up, so interacting with
people became difficult for me. I thought it would get better as I grew up, but that wasn’t the case.”
Life doesn’t always go as planned.
An action you never thought would be hated can become a reason to feel isolated, while sometimes, someone
unexpectedly reaches out to pull you out of the abyss.
I believe that life is like that, whether in a good or bad sense.
In that regard, there’s nothing miraculous about the fact that I’m broadcasting now, talking to many people, and
having someone to share emotions with.
So, I’m always grateful to the viewers.
If my only friend saved me from the abyss, then it’s these people who pulled me back from almost returning to that abyss.
“Well, since it’s not a good story, I’ll leave it at that. Now, the next question is… ‘What are your measurements?’ Ah,
here we go. Damn.”
[아스트랄연대기] – ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
[박쵸보] – Is this guy crazy? ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
[오늘저녁은치킨이닭] – Look at that expression, it’s hilarious! ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
To lighten the mood that was about to turn cold, I read the next question, and the somber atmosphere in the chat
instantly transformed into a barrage of ‘ᄏᄏᄏᄏ.’
While I cursed the fool who asked such a question out loud, I silently thanked him. If it hadn’t been for this, the
mood might have continued awkwardly.
“I’m 179 cm tall, so I’m just shy of 180. I haven’t weighed myself lately, but I think I’m around 70 kg? As for the rest…”
I glanced down, looked at something, and deliberately gave a sly smile while giving a thumbs up.
“Well, it’s considerable.”
[Bera666] – The Cheese King’s unique confidence…
【폭삭내려앉은꽃】 – Indeed, Cosmos is the Prince of Cheese! ᄏᄏᄏᄏ
【코스모절대지켜】 – Oh my…
Despite my worries, my highly anticipated first cam broadcast was going surprisingly well.
You think this chapter was thrilling? Wait until you read Mage Academy became the only magician! Click here to discover the next big twist!
Read : Mage Academy became the only magician