Chapter 44: because no one is honest

“I don’t think I can play anymore. I’m a little tired from playing so much.”

It should be fun to fight… but it feels too much like ‘work’, so I can’t continue.

-You only played 4 games?

-Leah, your stamina is weak

-It’s tiring if you focus and hard carry

-So what are we doing now?

– Don’t tell me you’re ending the stream?

“If there’s no parting, there’s no joy in meeting again.”

-Yeah, don’t try to act like that’s a wise saying~

– Don’t go, Leahᅮ.ᅮ

-Do something else besides Ori..

-Are you abandoning your Pias??

There are always viewers who try to stop me when I end the stream.

I heard that some seniors were weak-hearted and ended up streaming for another hour or two.

But I can definitely end it.

I have that much resolve.

“I’ll say goodbye here for today. Instead, tomorrow’s stream will be something that Pias will be very excited about.”

– What is it…


-Playing until Master rank?

-Or did she prepare something new

-This onion-like woman..

“Tomorrow is the one-week anniversary of my debut, right? I’m going to tell you a lot of stories about myself. It’ll be a time for a sincere conversation with my Pias.”

-A talk stream day ᄉᄉ

-So no games?

– Hmm… Isn’t that just taking the easy way out

-I like long talk streams, why not

-Let’s do an ideal type world cup

-J-pop world cup ᄀᄀ

“I’ll decide on the conversation topics now. I think I need some time to recall my memories and organize them.”

-Why are you deciding that nowᄏᄏᄏ

-A talk stream usually goes with the flow of consciousness, Leah

– Leah, you’re nervous so you’re preparing, so cute…

– She seemed like a monster rookie, but she still has some newbie aspectsᄏᄏ

– Just pick any world cup and time will fly, don’t worry ᄂ

“I’ve roughly decided on some. Shall we spin a roulette wheel or have a vote to choose from these?”

1. Battle of Kaldora Plains

2. Battle of Pellas Canyon

3. Battle of Belheim Castle

4. Battle of Granis Fortress

– ??????

-What the hell are those, you nerd…

-Are we studying history together?

– Is this even history? Why don’t I know any of these..

– Didn’t she say she was going to talk about herself a while ago;;

“It is about me. If you learn what role I played in the battle and how I felt, you Pias can get one step closer to me, right?”

-If you’re going to troll, at least give us a signal beforehand!

– Sudden troll…

-That was truly a surprise

– What kind of move is this, exactly?

-Am I understanding this correctly? She’s going to take a day to explain her RP?

– Unexpectedness GOAT

-This is amazing, Leah

“I’ve received your complaints… So what happened to the kingdom after Beltarion fell? You must be curious about the things we didn’t get to hear today. I’ll add it to the list.”

5. The aftermath of the Belta Kingdom

“Hmm. Actually, I mainly chose large-scale battles that I thought you Pias would be interested in, but there might be people who want to hear my story from the beginning, right? Then this too.”

6. Growing up in the Elven Forest

“How about it?”

– I’m filled with rage….

-That’s not it, Leah..

-Look at her all smug

– I really want to flick her on the forehead just once.. please

Wait, how can you guys resist the aftermath of the Beltarion Kingdom? You have to vote for 5ᄏᄏᄏ

– He’s given up already

-Instead of that, let’s just talk about meeting the members in real life

“Meeting the members face-to-face is reality. Everything I’ve experienced is also reality. In that case, a topic that’s far from everyday life would be better. You can’t hear about it anywhere else, right?”


– Excuse me…?

-Is this that thing called ‘gaslighting’?

– Stop fighting and come back to pure Leahᅮᅮ

“Since the Pias are being dishonest with their complaints… I doubt how much sincerity will be in the votes. I have no choice but to spin the roulette wheel.”

I turn on the wheel and enter the 6 options.

-Dictatorship on

– What’s wrong with her? Did someone put a brainwave virus in her crown?

-She’s the queen, she should do what she wants..

-So it was an absolute monarchy…

-ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ Alright, Leah, do whatever you want

“Number 4. The Battle of Granis Fortress has been chosen. A large-scale siege that took place at a Dwarven fortress of ironclad defense. Even if you didn’t get what you wanted, don’t be too sad. If you keep watching my streams, you’ll hear about it all eventually.”

– Please stop… I’m scared..

-No, my ideal type world cup!!

– Ha.. ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-Now I’m so curious I have to watch tomorrow’s stream..

-Has there ever been a Vtuber like Leah?ᄏᄏ

“Thank you to the Pias who joined me today. Farewell until we meet again.”

-How can we be well


[Origin Rift Gallery]

Title: Rookie Vtuber playing Ori for the first time on stream….clip

Content: (Reaper taking down the Oblivion Guardian solo in the very early game)

(In a teamfight, infiltrating the backline with <Shadow Leap>. 1v6 Quadrakill, then escaping with the Reaper)

(Fancy movements. Solo killing a Warlock with a Spellblade)

(Triple kill with a Shield Warrior. Carrying the teamfight)

Her rank is Diamond though…

Taking down the Guardian early on and playing aggressively with the Warrior might have potential in the pro scene?

[Upvotes: 139 / Downvotes: 461]


– A typical off-season post..

– Please start the summer league already

-Ignoring the fact that she’s an internet celebrity, she’s pretty good?

– She’s pretty..

ᄂPlease show a lot of interest in Blooming Core’s 3rd gen ‘Esumi Leah’~

ᄂWhy are you looking at the avatar in the corner instead of watching the gameplayᄏᄏ

-What’s with the timing of taking down the Guardian? Is this a bug?

ᄂShe has a lot of guts, getting instantly killed if you even slightly enter the range

ᄂIt’s so fascinating that I keep watching it

ᄂShe must have practiced a lot to do that once

” what’s the sin of the teammates who suffered because of that

-This is seriously a new meta. The early Guardian buff is really good

ᄂDo you think pros will follow something that came out of a Diamond queue?

ᄂLike you said, even a Diamond can take it down alone, why can’t pros do it? It’s worth applying

ᄂIt’s too risky to do.. One mistake and you’re at a huge disadvantage in the early game

ᄂThe person in the clip probably can’t do that every time either. It takes practice, but you also need luck for it to be possible

[Twitch Gallery]

Title: Leah’s virgin appeal today

Content: “I’ve never dated a boyfriend”

“I said I’m a virgin. Didn’t I say that”

“Of course I’m close with unicorns”

If you can now truly love Leah, upvote

[Upvotes: 116 / Downvotes: 45]


– From today onwards, Leah and I become one

ᄂWhat? One? You dare to defile Leah

ᄂI’ve decided to make Leah my concubine after hearing today’s declaration. I’ll kill anyone who gets in the way.

ᄂWhy a concubine thoughᄏᄏᄏ

-She’s lying like that because there are guys like the one above

” isn’t it time to stop being fooled

ᄂIt’s disgusting how Vtubers hide behind avatars and lie about being virgins and whatnot…

ᄂShe’s 21, she might not have dating experience yet

ᄂThat’s a setting, you idiot

-Isn’t it more credible because she’s a Vtuber? You don’t know if she’s ugly or not

“… One thing’s for sure, if you’re even average looking, you’ve had s*x

ᄂᄏᄏ Isn’t this a deadly dilemma for the fans? She’s not lying but she’s super ugly VS She’s decent looking but lying

” Leah is an S-class super beauty and a virgin.

ᄂIf she’s ugly, I’d rather believe it’s the blue pill.. Just don’t get caught with a boyfriend..

ᄂHave hope. Seeing how she has no tolerance for s*x jokes, there’s a good chance she has no experience.

– Are you in a hurry these days? Milking it hard

ᄂIt hasn’t even been that long since her debut

ᄂI’ve often seen people appeal with being a virgin, but saying stuff about unicorns with your own mouthᄏᄏᄏ

Title: It’s confirmed that Leah is using a smurf account in Oriᄏᄏ

Content: (‘JustAnElfPassingBy’ match history search window)

92% win rate. Currently on a 17-game winning streak

With this, what’s her main account’s rank?


– What’s with the blue ocean in the match history

” 92% win rateᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-I thought she was smurfing, and it was true..

– Wow, so her main is Master?

ᄂYou can’t get that win rate with a Master. I’d say Grandmaster or higher

ᄂNot even Grandmaster. That’s the win rate you get when a Challenger or pro is climbing

” a female Challenger?

It’s making me nervous…

I think it’s her boyfriend playing for her

There’s LVR certification, so it can’t be someone else playing

ᄂIsn’t she a Vtuber with a male voice? Is there a man behind the avatar?

ᄂDo you think Blooming would hire a man

ᄂWith Leah’s voice, there’s no way a man could imitate it with voice changing.

ᄂWait, isn’t she the first all-position female Challenger? I know there’s one who’s a one-trick

ᄂWho knows, maybe she’s not all-position on her main

– She probably climbed with a duo when she wasn’t streaming

ᄂI looked at each match history. There are no continuously overlapping IDs. Not a duo.

ᄂThis guy searched because he was worried she was duoing with her boyfriend from the startᄏᄏᄏ

ᄂWell, just watching today’s stream, she didn’t need a duo. Her mechanics are just insane.

ᄂYou didn’t watch the stream and you’re saying that?

ᄂThere’s a collection of clips in the Ori Gallery

Title: So what the hell is this Leah doing on tomorrow’s stream?

Content: (Roulette capture with 6 options)

She says she’s doing a talk stream, but the topics are like this.

In the end, ‘Battle of Granis Fortress’ was chosen.

Can you guess what she’s going to talk about??


-She’s going to explain her RP

– It feels like it’s beyond that… She’s going to explain what the character experienced

– Is the setting that detailed?

– Is she really planning to do a short streamᄏᄏ A talk stream usually needs at least an hour or two, will there be enough content?

-Her mental state is definitely not normal..

– She usually mixed in RP while talking… but to dedicate a whole stream to just that

ᄂWhat’s even more ridiculous is that it’s just one of 6 topics. She’s made a ton of settings

Why is she going so far…

– So are you all going to watch tomorrow’s stream?

ᄂOf course

ᄂI’m too curious not toᄏᄏᄏ

I need to see if she can really fill the time with just RP

ᄂEver since Leah’s debut

All her streams have been amazing clickbait. This girl is just a superstar.


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