“Actually, I haven’t played a game seriously many times.”
For me, having fun in the game is more important than winning.
But now,
If Harin declared that they would make me cry, I really had to play the game with all my heart.
I didn’t want to lose.
“I’ll play seriously, calculating every possible scenario.”
[Omniscient Cthulhu: How serious are you, haha]
Omniscient Cthulhu: If you’re going to play seriously, why not pick a normal top champion?
[ᄅᄋ Who plays top Draven and says they’re going to play seriously, haha]
[A normal champion would’ve been better, too bad]
[Hwanhee: Please lose, please lose, please lose, please lose, please lose, please lose]
[Ah, no defeat requests allowed]
[Kang Hoomin: Harin is good when they try hard]
[Harin is really good, haha]
Of course, I always play while considering all possible scenarios, but honestly, when I do that, my focus usually drops a bit, so I tend to play more casually.
But now, I was going to use all my focus.
“I’ll make the ADC realize how powerless they are.”
I used to play ADC before.
But how many games did I play?
I realized the unfairness of the ‘ranged damage dealer’ role and never played ADC again.
It’s fun when you grow strong enough to wipe out the enemies, but to get to that point, you need support from your teammates and have good synergy with your support.
“It’s just too difficult.”
For me, it would be different if I played solo, but I had to stick with someone I’d never met before for the whole game.
Given that I enjoy playing by myself, it wasn’t my style to go through all that trouble as an ADC.
Anyway, that’s why I prefer playing top.
At least in top, the lane proceeds purely based on skill.
“Since the enemy jungle showed at the bottom, I should slowly push the lane and prepare for a dive.”
The only weakness of a top ranged champion is that they aren’t very good at dealing with jungle ganks.
Especially for a champion like Draven, this trait stands out among ranged champions.
[Omniscient Cthulhu: Because the enemy is a tank]
※ Omniscient Cthulhu: Easy to beat them, haha
[Just hit them and win]
[If the jungle focuses on top, top will definitely fall apart]
[Hwanhee: If the enemy jungle focuses on top, the bot has to carry]
[If the top gets focused and we lose bot, that’s really frustrating, haha]
It seems like the enemy jungle is planning to focus on the bot lane, so I need to gain a lot of advantage in top.
Just like now.
[Enemy defeated!]
[Draven -> K’Sante]
“This is why playing ranged has meaning.”
If it were any other champion, it wouldn’t matter as much, but since I needed to gain an early advantage to snowball the game, I had to pressure them without giving them any chance to breathe.
[Omniscient Cthulhu: Nice]
[Omniscient Cthulhu: This is it, haha]
[Hwanhee: This game is really awful..]
[Why do I feel sympathy for the enemy top lane?]
[The tank is getting beaten up by the enemy ranged champion in top, and our jungle is only going to the bottom; I’m getting mad ᄉᄇᄏᄏ]
[If it’s top ADC, you have to smash top.]
[What is the enemy jungle doing?]
[It seems like there are people getting suspiciously mad at the enemy jungle ᄃᄃ]
[What’s this, a group of madmen all on the same page, haha]
The chat was full of people worrying about the enemy top lane.
It seems they felt uncomfortable seeing the tank getting beaten up by the ranged champion in top.
“If you picked top first, then it can’t be helped.”
If you decide to make a sacrifice, you shouldn’t complain.
League of Legends is just like that.
Picking a champion first makes it a disadvantageous game.
Saying that, I teleported back and started pounding on K’Sante again, who had just returned.
“They say it’s a bottom-focused game nowadays, but it’s not easy to lose once top gets ahead.”
Saying that, I kept on with the lane phase.
“Wait, how did the top already get a solo kill?”
How much time had passed since I said I’d get serious?
I heard news that the enemy top already got a solo kill.
It was surprising.
No matter how strong Draven is in lane, a tank shouldn’t be weak enough to die so easily.
[Already top gap ᄉᄇᄏᄏ]
[Can we win this? Can we win this? Can we win this? Can we win this?]
[The enemy top got a kill and they’re acting all crazy, haha. If ADC grows well, Draven won’t be able to do anything.]
[Fact: Draven’s axe hits three times and the head splits.]
[One kill is nothing to worry about.]
I wanted to ask in the chat what was going on, but I held back.
One death could be just an accident.
And if I teleported back, I could make up for the loss.
Thinking that, I slowly pressured the lane while last-hitting minions.
At that moment.
[You were slain by the enemy!]
[Draven -> K’Sante]
Bad news came again.
[Shit ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ]
[Top gap is already showing.]
[Top Draven, and the jungle is focusing on the bottom; it can’t be helped.]
[Top ADC’s counter is the enemy jungle; if the jungle isn’t coming to top, haha.]
[Fact: The jungle is Shyvana, so they won’t come for a gank anyway.]
[Shyvana junglers all deserve to die.]
[Really, I’m already getting so mad, haha.]
I took a deep breath.
Getting worked up wouldn’t solve anything.
The enemy top being a ranged champion and the jungle being Shyvana were the bigger issues.
It’s not that K’Sante was without fault, but it was understandable.
“Why are you blaming top when the jungle isn’t doing anything? K’Sante must have his reasons.”
It would have been better if the jungle just played well.
UncoveringLondon’sSecret: “K’Sante.”
UncoveringLondon’sSecret: “Can’t play this game with a disgusting jungler.”
UncoveringLondon’sSecret: “I’m done, I’m out.”
“I guess they were politically screwed…”
I could understand if a team member was being politically manipulated.
I sometimes feel that way too.
UncoveringLondon’sSecret: “K’Sante, hang in there. I understand your feelings.”
“I feel for them.”
Omniscient Cthulhu: “You just want to make them throw the game.”
Omniscient Cthulhu: “It’s funny hearing ‘Du Gong’ express empathy…”
It was funny hearing them talk about empathy.
“Of all people, ‘Du Gong’ is expressing empathy…”
I started to empathize.
The adventure continues! If you loved this chapter, I Became An Elusive Peddler is a must-read. Click here to start!
Read : I Became An Elusive Peddler
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There is a repeat in the chapter, also would really enjoy a clearer switch from first person to first person perspective. Thanks for the chapter as always
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