Chapter 46 : Suddenly, the mood is bikini

As soon as the stream turned on, unpleasant chats started appearing.

-LoLTierIsMyLifeAchievementRuffian: ??? : If I put my mind to it, Master is a piece of cake. I was ranked 800 in Season 3, you know? (Actual quote)

-JungleIsHell : Yeah, and your highest tier this season is Diamond 

egs4949 : Ruffian! You’re better suited for Yeti than Master! Ruffian! You’re better suited for Yeti than Master!

As soon as the stream seemed about to start, the guys who had been waiting in the chat poured out their malicious comments.

Don’t people have manners? Shouldn’t you at least greet before you start teasing?

As expected from people who hang out in a chat room of a stream that hasn’t even started at 3 PM on a weekday, it felt like only the most carefully selected trolls were gathered.

“Hey, I’m good, but you guys kept sniping me.

You *ssholes.”

After failing the Master 1.5 million won mission, those kinds of teasing comments kept coming up whenever there was an opening.

What did I do so wrong? I couldn’t climb the tiers because the snipers were running rampant.

If I put my mind to it and there were no snipers, Master would be a piece of cake, you know? Huh? Huh?

It’s the honest truth.

I’m so frustrated, seriously!

-nadang : I’ve never sniped you though?

-IfAKingFallsItsKingKong: Ah, anyway, I didn’t do it  I don’t know who did it among the viewers 

-lenoma: Anyway, it wasn’t me 

“Then would a sniper come out and say, ‘I sniped you, please ban me’? Use your brains, guys.”

-BicycleStorageSurveillanceTowerRuffian: Maybe sniping only existed in teacher’s imagination?  Just kidding 

“Just kidding, my *ss, who are you calling a delusional paranoid? You’re a sniper, aren’t you? You’re banned, you *sshole.”

After banning a suspicious guy who crossed the line, I was 고민.

These guys are being too cocky today, I don’t want to show them what they want.

-Horolmalbong : But why is there no waiting screen and just a weird black screen?

-earshower : The mic quality seems bad too?

A few quick-witted viewers noticed the unusual screen and mic and were pointing it out.

“Okay, today is the promised bikini broadcast! But I was going to do it, but you guys only said nasty things, so I’m in a bad mood. I won’t show you. Just listen to the audio.”

After failing the Master tier promotion mission, I came to a pool villa to keep my promise of a bikini broadcast and to change my mood.

Because on Switch, you can only wear a bikini at a swimming pool or a beach! If you wear it somewhere else out of the blue and stream for donations, you’ll get banned.

The viewers probably didn’t know because I didn’t announce it in advance. It’s like a surprise pool party.

Now that the stream has grown, people will come to watch even if I don’t announce it.

I thought I’d surprise them with a sudden bikini broadcast, but while I was covering the camera with my hand and reading the chat, my mood turned sour.

“Unnie, this is sponsored, so shouldn’t it be on the broadcast?”

“Yeah, it just needs to be uploaded on ThatTube. That’s what the contract says. So, please check out my bikini video on ThatTube in two weeks!”

For reference, separately from my phone, the editor Yoobin was filming with a camcorder for ThatTube.

When I mentioned the pool villa sponsorship, she begged me to let her see my bikini in person, so I had no choice but to bring her along, even though we were still a bit awkward around each other.

Now that she’s here, I realized that So-eun and I alone wouldn’t have been enough, so she’s been a big help.

She even has a high-quality camcorder as her personal equipment, which is truly exemplary for an editor.

Anyway, when I showed Yoobin the bikini in person, she said that hiding such a beautiful body was a violation of national security and expressed great admiration, along with some out-of-context nonsense.

I have no idea how much of it was sincere.

I don’t know how to deal with a six-year-younger girl, so I just laughed it off.

But honestly, it’s much, much more embarrassing to be complimented on my body by a woman than by a man.

‘What kind of life did she live to develop such a taste?’

Anyway, when I threatened not to show the bikini, the viewers in the chat went wild.

-Ruffian : It’s almost the end of summer in two weeks, you *itch

-HwiYeon: Why would they sponsor this place during peak season? They must be doing terrible business

“Hey! Stop mindlessly insulting the sponsor! They probably gave it to me because I have five-digit viewership. If I were a small-time streamer, would they have sponsored me during peak season?”

After the Zero Two incident, my viewership often reached five digits.

I don’t know why the wandering spirits looking for female streamers are also quietly watching LoL broadcasts, but maybe the boob-cam disguised as a hand-cam in the corner of the screen is more appealing than I thought? Whatever.

-9round: A streamer who has become conceited

-JamongStar : But it’s true 

-ArchPirri: She’s. Doing. Well.

[KimChangJinJin donated a whopping 5,000 won!]

-Teacher, we were really wrong, please show the cam!

-styleshare: 5,000 won won’t cut it. Match the ‘price’ 

StealingVolleyballsFromGymStorageRuffian : Look at him being impatient, the cam will open eventually anyway  Is this your first time watching a stream?

“You, you’re really talking rudely. Get out of here, you *sshole.”

Who doesn’t know that? It’s just that we’re having fun amongst ourselves, and this killjoy is ruining the mood.

After getting rid of the annoying chat, I could almost hear the viewers’ desperate cries.

-RiRoRo : Streamer! Open the door!!!! Streamer! Open the door!!! Streamer! Open the door!!! Streamer! Open the door!!! Streamer! Open the door!!!

-shainy : Goo goo! Mama! I can’t see anything here! I’m scared!

-OnlySubscribesToPeopleWithGoodVoices : Mommy didn’t turn on the cam so I cried 

-PersonWhoEatsYogurtLidsClean : We were!!!! So wrong!!!!!!! Please forgive us!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!

It felt a bit like getting an apology by force, but seeing them so desperate for me made me feel a little good. Should I just let it go?

“Hmm, if you want to see it that badly.”

[Jerobi donated a whopping 50,000 won!]

-Not collecting donations?

But then the chairman’s large donation came in at the perfect timing, making it seem like I was opening the cam because of the money.

“Hey, guys, this timing is really coincidental, but you know I was just about to turn on the cam, right? I even said, ‘Hmm, if you want to see it that badly’.”

-crane2020: Yeah, I don’t believe you

-Skal_ : Money is more important than viewers

-BongChim : Amazing! Money grubber!

[CryingBirdWhenItSeesAMoneyGrubber donated a whopping 5,000 won!]

-Money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber, money grubber

“Hey, a person can like money. Okay, Kasil. Can you film from my feet up to my head slowly?”

No matter what I said, they would keep calling me a money grubber.

The solution is simple, just give them something else to focus on.

I gave my phone, which was streaming my broadcast, to So-eun.

This is the indoor pool of the pool villa. I was indulging in the great luxury of turning on the air conditioner and filling the pool with warm water.

No matter how hot it is outside, it’s comfortable inside this villa, and if that comfortable temperature feels cold, you can just go into the warm pool.

Is this the life of an influencer? Money and popularity are the best!

Instead of suffering in the scorching sun at a crowded beach, barely able to dip your feet in the water, I’d rather comfortably enjoy swimming in a heated pool with the air conditioner on in a private pool villa!

Of course, I was wearing the promised bikini.

A two-piece, all black, simple, nothing more, nothing less.

When the model is a work of art, adding clumsy designs is unnecessary.

Of course, I brought other designs too.

It’s common courtesy for a female streamer to change outfits a few times for variety.

Even though I’m not a female streamer, but a healing LoL streamer.


As Kasil took over the phone that was streaming the Ruffian broadcast, the chat went wild.

-R7274: What, is she revealing her face all of a sudden?

YeN Yu: There’s no way she’d wear a mask for a pool/bikini stream 

-ILoveIdiots: Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

-DeunDeuNi : Now! Ruffian, please take off the mask!

The problem was Ruffian’s request to film from her feet to her head.

When she danced the Zero Two, she openly wore a mask, but you can’t go swimming with a mask on, right?

There have been streamers who danced the Zero Two with their faces covered, but there has never been a streamer who did a bikini broadcast without showing their face.

The viewers thought that Ruffian would finally reveal her face today.

The camera filmed Ruffian’s feet.

The fetishists who get aroused by women’s feet cheered, and then the camera moved up to her slender calves, her unbelievably thin and fair thighs, and then paused for a moment on her bikini bottoms.

-MindlessBackdoorRuffian : What’s with that pelvis??? Is she even Korean????

-sipaljogatne: She’s a silver-haired beauty, of course she’s not Korean 

LastLightOfNationRuffian : Switch’s best pelvis, Ruffian! Switch’s best pelvis, Ruffian! Switch’s best pelvis, Ruffian! Switch’s best pelvis, Ruffian! Switch’s best pelvis, Ruffian!

-HyeopRon: Heueung, unnie, my d*ck feels weird!!!!

Since Kasil was holding the phone, Ruffian couldn’t see the enthusiastic response in the chat, but she could roughly guess the reaction, so she put her hands on her waist and slightly shook the ribbon tied on the side of her bottoms, providing some fanservice.

Every time the ribbon shook and her pelvis moved slightly, the chat exploded.

Then the camera started to move up again, passing her navel, which is a popular area for many, and her impossibly slender waist, and finally, her chest, which is recognized as Ruffian’s greatest charm, filled the screen.


pikapikapika: I’m going crazy, seriously

-SuddenOutburst : I couldn’t take it anymore and took my pants off, f*ck

LastLightOfNationRuffian : Switch’s best real boobs, Ruffian! Switch’s best real boobs, Ruffian! Switch’s best real boobs, Ruffian! Switch’s best real boobs, Ruffian! Switch’s best real boobs, Ruffian! Switch’s best real boobs, Ruffian! Switch’s best real boobs, Ruffian!

Since it’s a ban if you focus too much on the chest, the camera paused as if to confirm its shape and then moved up.

And then, after passing the elegant line of her collarbone and her delicate neck that looks like it could break if you touch it, the camera finally went up to her face…………..

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