Chapter 5: I don’t think i can live like this…

[Origin Rift Gallery]

Title: Today… A mysterious archer master appeared on a VTuber’s stream……clip

Content: Miya surprised by the news of the opponent’s solo kill with a Destroyer Archer)

(Archer getting a triple kill in a 2v4 fight with movement shots)

(Archer jumping into Miya’s teammates as an enemy. Then dodging all skills and basic attacks to solo kill Miya at close range)

[Upvotes: 109 / Downvotes: 418]


-These scenes are from Blooming Core’s 2nd generation ‘Tsukishiro Miya’s’ stream! Please give our Miya a lot of attention~

-VTuber fans, stop escaping your containment again

-Please stop ruining the gallery’s quality with streaming topics

ㄴDid the Ori gallery even have quality?

– But he does look skilled, what tier is that?

ㄴDiamond promotion match. It’s a mix of Platinum 1 to low Diamond players

ㄴHow do you know that…?

ㄴAnother VTuber fan caught

Title: The archer master in the trending post is insane

Author: TrackTrack

Content: I can’t say much about the first clip because the archer’s point of view isn’t shown

But dodging every attack at that distance like in the third clip, I can only admire. It’s not something anyone can do

just because of a tier difference. You’d have to memorize the casting speed and cooldown of all the opponent’s skills

to even imitate it. On top of that, you’d need top-tier dynamic visual acuity and reaction speed.

Summary – I’m sure the archer’s main account tier is at least Challenger, and I even predict high Challenger.


-I’m replaying that clip over and over…

ㄴMe too, it’s like watching a martial arts movie, I’m mesmerized.

-Is the author’s frontal lobe damaged? Comparing him to a Challenger

ㄴSeriously, as if Challenger is a joke ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ㄴTrackTrack: I’m just analyzing it objectively. I’m Master so I have some insight.

ㄴFact) Anyone in Diamond can do that easily. I’m Grandmaster.

ㄴTrackTrack: You’re full of it, prove it

– I’m Silver) I think he’s just hacking?

ㄴYou don’t need to prove anything

[Blooming Core Minor Gallery]

Title: Do you think Miya will continue her Diamond climb?

Content: She looked mentally broken after getting solo-killed at close range… I think she’ll give up


– The opponent’s taunting was harsh

-Miya’s mentality isn’t that fragile.. She’ll definitely continue

ㄴFirst, there’s Just Chatting All Day in two days. After that, it might be pushed back a bit due to her schedule?

ㄴThis might make her grind even harder for two days

ㄴIt would have been cleaner if it ended today, it’s all because of that sniper

Title: Smurf sniper <<< Repulsive if you agree

Content: If you hate how he twists his body to show off every time he’s on stream, upvote

[Upvotes: 38 / Downvotes: 5]


– Automatic upvote

– Only this time…

-Throws after getting chat-blocked for acting up.. Taunting when met as an enemy.. He’s the epitome of a loser

-Hey, Elf Cho Eun just accepted my friend request? I’m going to teach him a lesson ᄏᄏᄏ

ㄴReally? Give us an update.


Let’s stop here for today. I was about to quit the game when I noticed a blinking notification in the corner of the waiting screen.

{Friend Requests+28}

I usually don’t accept friend requests that often come in after games. But I had never received 28 at once. With a bit

of curiosity, I accepted one request.

○qnzodla: Is it fun to act like an orphan? You’re just a loser with a ruined life in your room

○Elf Cho Eun: I don’t know what’s going on, but I suggest you speak with respect.

○qnzodla: Is this guy seriously mentally ill, he’s still roleplaying after the stream ended

○Elf Cho Eun: Know that I’m tolerating your disrespectful behavior because you have something to tell me. What stream are you talking about?

○qnzodla: What the…

The other person left the chat window. But it was okay. There were still 27 people left to explain the situation.

Most of them just left after being rude, but there were some who I could have a conversation with.

It turned out that it was because I was involved with a VTuber named Miya.

VTuber. I had never looked them up before. Still, I knew the basic fact that they were streamers who used 2D avatars.

Without my knowledge, I had participated in the same game as a streamer twice. That’s why I was being called a

sniper, and it was a misunderstanding caused by coincidence.

I couldn’t agree with being called a troll or a smurf either. My fighting style was always consistent. It was just that

people who only saw what they wanted to see were giving me arbitrary labels.

So, there was no reason to explain or apologize.

But I didn’t feel comfortable.

Not because of what they were saying, but because my existence had been exposed to an unspecified number of people.

I had been avoiding going out because I didn’t want to feel this way.

I was a member of a hero party and had even stood at the forefront of an army. I wasn’t afraid of people’s gazes.

Yeah. Even now, I don’t feel fear. It was closer to discomfort or unease.

I left the room with the VR device and went to the bedroom. I lay down on the bed as if collapsing. One arm covered my eyes.

There were no memories, no connections, no traces of the past. Just a place that somewhat resembled the scenery in my head.

Perhaps I still hadn’t escaped the feeling of being thrown alone into a strange land. That must be why I felt awkward

and uncomfortable facing people directly and being exposed to many people.

‘But I can’t keep living like this.’

If I continued like this, I might really end up as a shut-in with a ruined life… or something like that, as someone said.

I felt the need to change my lifestyle, even if I had to force myself.

‘Tomorrow, I should avoid Ori at all costs. And go outside and see people. Also……’

Why not find and watch the parts of the VTuber stream where I appeared? When it came to adjusting to this place, I

needed to face the situations I wanted to avoid and become familiar with them.


{Excessive game use can be harmful to your health. 10 hours have passed since login.}

Didn’t I have something to do today?

After spacing out for a moment, I was startled and quit the game. How did 10 hours pass already? I thought I

couldn’t completely avoid it, so I was going to play just one game. Really just one game.

I looked out the window and it was already completely dark outside. It was already late today, so maybe it would be

better to properly prepare and go out tomorrow? If I played one game of Ori, or maybe two, I could wake up early…


I did a series of backflips to get away from the device. I thought that if I started Ori again now, tomorrow would be the same.

Let’s go out right now, regardless of the time. I made up my mind and headed to the bathroom.


Hot water flowed down my skin.

When I quickly washed out of obligation before or after playing Ori, and when I prepared to go out without being

pressed for time, my mindset was completely different.

Also, I was. In order to blend into elf society as a half-elf, and later to set an example as a hero of humanity, I was

quite conscious of how I appeared to others.

It meant that it had been a long time since I had looked at my body in detail while showering.

From the wet hair to the collarbone. From the ample breasts to the slender waist. From the firm buttocks to the

straight calves. Water droplets rolled down the distinct curves.

The large breasts and hips reflected in the mirror, along with the human-like round ears, were parts that strongly

revealed that I was a half-elf. The body types of elves were mostly slender and slim.

So I was teased a lot… and I felt a little intimidated by it, but in the end, I regained my confidence completely.

As someone who knew well what men’s gazes were like, I couldn’t help but think that this body, which could only be

described as ‘sexy,’ was very pretty.

Well, it’s not like I get embarrassed or excited looking at my own body now. But the thought that it’s beautiful to look

at and touch still often occurs to me.

After soaping up the soft curves that could only be fully grasped with both arms, I stroked my belly just below. It was

smooth, but if you followed it while wiping away the water with your fingertips, you could also feel the firmness of

moderately defined muscles.

I hadn’t managed my diet or exercised for over three weeks. But my body shape and abs were still the same. Come to

think of it, the backflips earlier were also too easy.

Were elves originally like this? Maybe. I might not have noticed this fact because I was always repeating training and battles.

Or was it the goddess’s consideration? Maybe she gave me a blessing like <eternal body shape maintenance>. If

that were the case, I might be less angry even though I only had 7.81 million won left in my savings.

But the problem was that both hypotheses were just one-sided speculation. What if I suddenly gained weight while I

was being complacent?

When I thought about it that way, the past three weeks had definitely been careless. In order not to lose this pretty

body, and because it was easier to deal with any situation when my body was in top condition, I made a resolution to

never skip exercising from now on, letting the bubbles flow down to the floor.

I dried my body with a towel, and wearing only underwear, I grabbed the hairdryer on the sink.

One of the reasons I was able to stay inside for over three weeks was that there were so many things in the house.

Basic clothes and towels, toiletries, washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, computer, microwave, etc… It was almost

like there was no food and VR device, but I solved both by delivery.

Although I wasn’t very impressed when I started using modern civilization again, the element that I felt the biggest difference in was the bra.

Except for the aesthetic part, large breasts had quite a few inconveniences. My spirit bow had to be much larger than

other elves’ bows, and I often had to compress my chest with several layers of cloth for agile movement.

But the bra was less irritating to the skin and also fixed the movement moderately, so it was quite comfortable.

In that other world, they didn’t divide breasts into cups, so I was curious about the size of my breasts. I could check

the perfectly fitting bra that was provided without having to measure it myself or go to a store.

With a tagless design, the size and information were printed inside the bra.

When I checked on the first day, it was 80G. I hadn’t searched what 80 meant yet.

It’s G, that’s all that matters.


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