Rain-Hi (short for Rainbow Tales Hi)
Hello, Reta Gallery visitors.
Today, we’re going to take a look at ‘Saint.’
Yes, that ghost of Yellow 1 I mentioned last time.
The reason I’m writing this is…
Link: https://yotube.com/watch.-
The video from the day before yesterday has 580,000 views. It’s getting some mentions on the gallery too.
The Saint MVP PotG (Play of the Game) video itself isn’t particularly special, so why did it go viral?
Well, it’s not hard to guess the reason.
Lately, almost no one picks the “Follower of Gaia” specialty for a priest.
It might be okay for a novelty build, but it’s definitely not for ranked climbing.
It’s a default specialty saved in the priest preset, and anyone who has played the game or has any interest in priest-related achievements or quests knows why it’s such a bad specialty.
I mean, it’s not like you’re casting magic or shooting arrows, so why would you even need aim for healing?
And those at least do their part if you fire at the clusters of enemies, but healing isn’t like that.
In the chaos of battle, it has to hit only your allies precisely, but since it’s projectile-based instead of instantaneous, there’s a high chance it will miss.
Sure, it’s not as fast as an arrow and doesn’t require precise trajectory, and it even has some homing functionality, but if it lands on the ground and just makes the weeds grow, or worse, heals the opposing team at critical moments, you’d want to kill our own team priest.
The game developers must be out of their minds.
How could they put something like this in the priest default preset?
Couldn’t they predict that newbies starting from Level 1 would get a poor impression of priests due to this awful mechanic?
It’s entirely the developers’ fault that there are so few priests in this game.
The difference between the ‘Elohim Church Priest’ build and this one is too huge.
While it’s true the healing amount is lower, that build has spell shields, an AoE stun removal, and, most importantly, instant heals once you’ve properly targeted, making it easier to handle emergencies.
In ranked games, priests with the ‘Follower of Gaia’ specialty have only a 42% win rate.
Though the win rate slightly improves as you move up the ranks, it still maxes out at 44% for Yellow rank.
‘Elohim Church Priest’ sits at 51%.
It’s solid and reliable.
Given the high pick rate, it’s borderline overpowered, so if you’re considering trying priest, check this one out.
I feel like I’m veering off topic here.
Ah, right. We were talking about the PotG.
Although there’s such a win rate difference, it’s sadly more likely for a ‘Follower of Gaia’ user to earn PotG than an ‘Elohim Church Priest’ user.
Statistics back this up too.
The odds are almost twice as high, despite there being nearly 20 times more users playing ‘Elohim Church Priest’ than ‘Follower of Gaia.’
That’s… because the ultimate skill for the ‘Follower of Gaia’ specialty is that flashy.
Rainbow Tales’ only resurrection skill.
And it’s a mass resurrection skill at that.
While there are skills like the Berserker’s ‘Wrath of the Undying’ or Elohim Church Priest’s ‘Second Sun’ that prevent users from dying, ‘Declaration of Gaia’s Domain’ is the only skill that actually revives already dead players.
It depends on the battlefield, but in a game where pushing and being pushed on the frontlines is crucial…
Misplaced, it has the potential to disrupt game balance.
Balance has indeed been disrupted.
Unfortunately, it’s in a bad way.
It varies a bit depending on which sub-specialty you select, but fundamentally, “Declaration of Gaia’s Domain” is a radial effect.
This means the skill’s effect activates around the priest themselves.
So, for this skill to work effectively, the priest has to be right in the middle of the battlefield.
One of the few advantages of “Follower of Gaia” healing over “Elohim Church Priest” healing is its relatively long range, which, although sacrificing accuracy, helps it avoid most arrows and spell interference.
But the ultimate skill nullifies that range, making the core concept of the specialty flawed.
And sadly, that’s not the end of it.
It’s a ‘Divine Possession’-type skill, which means Gaia is supposedly manifesting directly.
So, not only does it drain all your mana, but you also have to resolve a bunch of absurd issues using the “Prayer” mechanic.
Not only is it complicated, but there are also so many steps that it takes even experienced priest players nearly five minutes to complete.
By comparison, “Meteor Drop,” the ultimate skill of the “Understanding of Samsara” build, which can instantly turn the tide of battle, takes less than three minutes to cast.
It would be harder to keep a priest sitting idle on their knees in the middle of the battlefield for almost five minutes without them getting killed, wouldn’t it?
The skill’s penalty is massive, but with enough effect and spectacle, and if it activates successfully, it can reverse a losing game.
That’s why it’s featured in so many PotGs.
I was trying to talk about ‘Saint,’ but I ended up rambling about the priest specialty.
Anyway… let’s get to the point.
This lunatic pulled off something insane.
The play was a dream come true for any priest who uses the “Follower of Gaia” specialty.
They managed to reverse what was an obvious loss by resurrecting all five teammates.
Even the opposing team seemed stunned, as the MVP vote was unanimous.
It was the game where Saint took the MVP title with 11 votes.
But that’s not what matters.
The PotGs for MVPs who receive six or more votes (since at least one player from the opposing team must vote) are saved on the official site for everyone to view.
The video quickly started circulating, perhaps because it was surprising to see a unanimous vote in a game full of Yellow 1’s infamous prideful specters.
The footage itself was exceptionally well-captured.
The composition was impressive.
Saint’s customization was so stunning…
The wings that appeared during “Declaration of Gaia’s Domain”…
It made them look almost like a goddess…
Judging by the comments, people were going crazy, asking if it was a new PV.
If only that damn player hadn’t been so good at customization, this mess wouldn’t have happened.
It may look like I’m praising Saint, but my intention is the opposite.
I’m drawing my sword to prevent newcomers, who may get a distorted view of Saint from that video alone, from being scarred.
That jerk’s a netkama. Just some guy with, you know, ‘equipment.’
Oh, you knew?
Fine, then I’ll tell you something you don’t know.
Saint is a player who has maintained this concept for over 10 years and is involved with several notable names.
Not just the Berserker, but it seems like “Sekaiichiban” doesn’t troll when they’re on the same team as Saint, so there might be something there.
There’s also a player named “Gold Sun.”
This is a player who’s been active since Season 4, but lately, they’ve been maintaining around 100 points in the Orange rank, which is why I didn’t mention them before.
This guy really lives up to his nickname.
His customization is just as insane.
If Saint is like a god, then Gold Sun is at least a king.
He’s exactly the type you’d imagine—a bleach-blonde, tanned punk.
Apart from his unusual customization, he’s not particularly special.
A straightforward knuckle warrior.
His playstyle is a bit reckless, but hey, that’s just how warrior players are.
But this guy…
Every time he encounters Saint, he completely loses it.
He doesn’t care about other female characters at all, only Saint.
…And what do I mean by “loses it”?
Let’s just say, when these two meet… Rainbow Tales is no longer a battle game, at least for that match.
They’re practically playing an erotic game together…
It’s hard to explain in words.
I’ll just show you the entire chat log I captured.
This happened when Saint and Gold Sun were on opposite teams.
The game had been a disaster for the Red team from the beginning, and the front line, where Saint was, got completely wiped out, leaving only Saint alone.
It seems Saint has come to understand that if Gold Sun gets close and starts spamming that insane chat, there’s no point in resisting.
Brace yourself; it might hurt your eyes.
[Saint: hic]
[Gold Sun: Yay~ Saint found~ Hey, Red Team, you’re watching, right? I’m going to have some fun with this Saint now~]
[Saint: P-Please… just let me off… just this once… hic!]
[Gold Sun: Huh? Did you already forget what I told you last time we met? Do you have a death wish?]
[Saint: whimper]
[Gold Sun: Oh? You’re in a promotion match? How dare a lowly player like you even dream of reaching Orange?]
[Saint: I don’t want this anymore… Get away!]
[Gold Sun: Can’t you see our whole frontline died because of you? Don’t you have any conscience? I’ll make sure you never climb back up again.]
And for real, Saint made an embarrassed face emote, took off all their gear (fortunately, they couldn’t take off their underwear or that crazy person would’ve been completely naked), and crawled around the entire map on all fours with a leash on, like an animal.
Until the game ended.
We basically had a 5-on-5 game without Saint and Gold Sun, damn it.
Right after, everyone on both teams reported them, so both Saint and Gold Sun got a week-long suspension, thank God.
Since then, I dodge any game where those two are on the same team.
If they’re on opposite teams, I block the all-chat right away.
Gold Sun’s an issue, sure, but you can see how much Saint, that insane netkama, has been consumed by their own act, right?
Lately, it’s been better since Gold Sun’s score is higher, so they don’t get matched together as often.
To that player, Gold Sun is just the stand-in male character, player C, at best.
There’s a reason people call Saint a “prostitute.”
It’s ridiculous to hear people calling her a goddess, saying she should star in a trailer, or even be invited to official Rainbow Tales broadcasts.
Just don’t forget it.
Saint is just a s*x-crazed netkama.
LMAO, nothing to admire about those plays.
└ Nothing to admire, sure—though, technically, the character’s a girl.
LMAO, how could there be “nothing to admire” after that five-person revive with Gaia’s Descent? Saint’s carry is undeniable, even if their personality’s trash.
OP, what’s your in-game nickname?? You seem to know way too much about this LOL.
They said it’s a secret. Last post had everything hinting at OP’s username deleted. Looks like OP removed it.
└ Does anyone not know that Saint is just a damn netkama LOL?
More than you’d think, especially the younger crowd… The kids see the vids, get interested, then end up traumatized.
I’m genuinely curious—why is Saint like this?
How would anyone know what goes on in the mind of a netkama who’s kept up a fake persona for ten years?
This post might give the wrong impression, but Gold Sun’s actually a nice guy. Plays fair, follows orders well, and is a strong player who’s a huge asset on your team.
It’s just… if he meets Saint, it’s over.
Saint’s the one who corrupted Gold Sun.
LMAO x10
Saint’s streaming live, and Gold Sun’s on the opposite team.
Take that kind of stuff to your containment forums, guys.
Is this post even real? I’m watching Saint’s stream right now, and Saint’s totally pissed. Hasn’t typed a single chat message, just going straight for Gold Sun’s head whenever they see him.
Frontline’s trashed, so Gold Sun keeps charging through the rear line, and Saint’s just taking him out at close range. LMAO
No way a priest can beat a warrior; there’s a huge skill gap. Seriously.
Saint’s usual preset has five sub-traits for close combat. It’s possible.
Gold Sun looks like a jilted ex, screaming to know what’s going on and where that crazy girl went, but Saint’s just ignoring him. LOL
— I heard Saint got hacked, looks like it might be true.
What kind of idiot hacker would steal Saint’s account only to use a trash priest build?
Hah, well, that’s true.
└ Maybe Saint has a separate main account? LOL This Saint fights better than a lot of hammer warriors LOL.
I know there are some hardcore Rainbow Tales players, but no way someone put 8,000 matches on an alt account.
Sounds like it’d be hilarious—I’m tuning in too LOL.
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