Chapter 6 : A Dullahan with a Face

Several image files arrived as attachments in the email.

They were SD (Super Deformed) characters of a girl with dog ears and a tail.

A simple animation version was also included, showing the ears twitching and the tail wagging.

Did he draw this based on the image I mentioned about wagging my tail?

The quality was extraordinary. I was surprised at how it looked like it could be sold as a product right away.

“Wow. Did you really draw this yourself and not just copy it?”

What if it’s a trick? What if it’s a copied image? I did a quick Google image search, but nothing came up.

-WhyNot?: You told us not to be easily fooled, but you’re the first to be suspicious. You’re truly consistent, Teacher.

“No, this is unbelievable. How can someone draw this in just one day?”

JejuBreadDept: It wasn’t drawn in a day

JejuBreadDept: It was a leftover from a canceled commission, so I touched it up

“Wow, are you a professional illustrator? That’s cool.”

-JejuBreadDept: It’s no big deal;

Compared to me, who has no talent, isn’t that an overflowing talent? I’m envious of people who have a clear dream. My only dreams are primitive instincts like not wanting to be in pain or suffering anymore. People who are working hard towards something look radiant.

“But can I really accept this for free? I won’t get sued later, right?”

-PigeonPigeon: Suing someone who gave you fan art

-nadang: This is dizzying

JejuBreadDept: Just think of it as a donation

-JejuBreadDept: An art donation

“I understand. Chairman. Thank you so much. I’ll give you a deep bow.”

I bowed deeply in front of the monitor. It’s meaningless since there’s no cam anyway.

“But Chairman, can you change the hair and eye color?”

-PigeonPigeon: Asking for revisions on free fan art ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-WhyNot?: I’m once again impressed by your progressive attitude of pursuing practical gains over conscience.

-LastLightOfNation: Owner of a perfectly circular conscience, Ruffian! Owner of a perfectly circular conscience, Ruffian! Owner of a perfectly circular conscience, Ruffian! Owner of a perfectly circular conscience, Ruffian!

“Well, I’m a native Korean, but my hair is silver and my eyes are red.”

-mumu3333: Silver hair and red eyes

-nadang: The concept is too much


“No, what can I do, it’s true.”

I don’t know why I look like this either.

Maybe my past memories are fake due to mental illness, and I actually look like this.

Am I a butterfly dreaming of being a human, or a human dreaming of being a butterfly?

Let’s put aside the complicated stuff. The important thing is that I look like this now.

-DesirableGirl: If it’s true, turn on the cam, you crazy

-mumu3333: She’s saying all sorts of things without a cam, this
-HawaiianPizzaLover: So when are you turning on the cam? So when are you turning on the cam? So when are you turning on the cam?

“Mentioning the cam is a ban. Please be careful.”

mumu3333: You wrote female streamer in the title, you

-nadang: Dizzy dizzy dizzy

-WhyNot?: I’ve learned another lesson from your excellent deception tactics, Teacher.

JejuBreadDept: I’ll send you the revised colors

“Wow! Really! Thank you, Chairman!”

JungleIsHell: Is Bread a saint?

-DesirableGirl: Not a saint, but a sucker

-PigeonPigeon: Probably a
who’s been enchanted by her voice ᄏᄏᄏᄏ slurp slurp ᄏᄏᄏ

“You can insult me, but don’t insult the viewers. This is your first and last warning.”

-nadang: Dance of Blades ON

-Economics101: Get down!!!!

-PigeonPigeon: If a
streamer dances with blades, will there be any viewers left?

“Even if I have to make enemies of the whole world, I will protect her. That’s my choice.”

I spoke in a rather serious tone and banned the guy who was talking

Economics101: Ah…. I see….. I understand…..

DesirableGirl: The one above was
, but he’s also a
“Don’t insult
are all friends. You, me, us. Got it?”


-nadang: Insider tip) They’re good at saying weird lines, but they can’t have simple conversations like everyday conversation or buying things

“Hey, isn’t your criticism too detailed? Isn’t this

I could smell a strong scent of ‘one of us’ from him.

Anyway, as we were having a nonsense chat, a new email arrived soon.

The illustration I just received was quickly revised with silver hair and red eyes.

“Wow! You really did it! Thank you so much, Chairman! How can I ever repay this kindness!”

-JejuBreadDept: Just stream hard

“Thank you. I’ll work hard. Thank you. Thank you.”

-nadang: Forbes’ #1 streamer who frequently goes back and forth between an angel and a devil!

-JungleIsHell: There’s a streamer who turns into a beast only when playing LoL?

Economics101: That appearance is just like Lucifer!

HawaiianPizzaLover: Games are indeed a disease.

I immediately added the gifted illustration all over the stream.

“Wow, now I really feel like a vtuber.”

-nadang: Fact) It’s not that you feel like it, you are one

-Economics101: Teacher, your real self is very pretty

-WhyNot?: The cam quality is very good, Teacher.

LastLightOfNation: King of Vtubers, Ruffian! King of Vtubers, Ruffian! King of Vtubers, Ruffian! King of Vtubers, Ruffian! King of Vtubers, Ruffian! King of Vtubers, Ruffian! King of Vtubers, Ruffian! King of Vtubers, Ruffian! King of Vtubers, Ruffian!

“Don’t you think I’d be really good at anime dubbing? I’m waiting for calls from industry professionals.”

optimized talent

-nadang: Do you think you’ll get a call ᄏᄏᄏᄏ

Actually, the world is quite a livable place.

Maybe it’s because it’s a well-off country, but I’ve often seen people who help those in need without compensation or show kindness without expecting anything in return.

But even so, the reason I didn’t want to live anymore was because, despite receiving so much kindness, I couldn’t improve even a little.

Everything I did failed, and I got tired of trying, eventually concluding that it was less painful to not move than to struggle, not feeling any value in maintaining such a life, rotting while alive and gradually dying.

The determination to succeed, stand tall in front of the world, and make those who helped me proud faded away amid repeated failures, and now it was just a wound that stabs me whenever I think of it.

But this time, someone showed kindness to me again.

Then, the thought that I had long since abandoned, ‘Should I try again?’, stubbornly raises its head.

Even though it has never worked out before, I want to try again.

Foolishly, I want to work hard again.


Lying in bed, I held my phone and kept smiling as I looked at the illustration I received yesterday.

My barren streaming page now had something to decorate it with.

It was very gratifying to have my own unique touch engraved on a page that was just a ‘common nobody’, a ‘default setting’.

Since that person showed kindness because they liked my stream, I have to somehow grow the stream to repay them.

I will prove that my voice, which Bread liked, can reach the world.

I traced my much smaller face with my smaller hand.

It’s an unfamiliar sensation. A smaller hand on a smaller face, a much softer and moister skin.

This face, comparable to an anime character, is definitely an unrealistic beauty, a cheat key.

If I turned on the cam, I could succeed with that alone. An ordinary level of beauty requires good speaking skills and streaming ability, but with this level of overwhelming beauty, it’s a different story.

Even if I just turned on the cam and studied, or even just slept, I could captivate thousands or tens of thousands of people.

But I don’t want that. I don’t think I could truly open up to people who only like me for my face.

I don’t want to do something that would shatter the expectations that arise from seeing my face with my actions.

So I’m showing my ugliest side first.

A personality disorder that enjoys making others uncomfortable.

A social disorder with no speaking skills, a shut-in who doesn’t go outside.

I can only reveal that my voice makes me wonder if it’s really me.

That was an unavoidable compromise.

A person who would watch a stream without even a microphone is very rare.

There are many precedents of faceless streams becoming popular, but I’ve rarely seen a stream with no face and no voice become popular.

I know very well that I’m not talented enough to thread that impossible needle. In fact, I’m below average.

So I had to reveal my voice, and I don’t dislike the people who like my voice.

What can I do if they like what I’ve shown them?

I just want to ask them carefully.

You like my voice, but will you also like my personality?

I know it’s a lot to ask.

But there are 8 billion people on Earth, right? So maybe there’s one person out there.


This is a pretty good day. I’m usually 50 times more depressed than this.

In yesterday’s afternoon and today’s early morning stream, I gained about 10 more followers.

From 30 in 6 months. To 40 in two days.

With a good feeling that tomorrow will be better than today, my tired body fell into a deep sleep.

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