[Ruffian is now live!]
[Stream Title: New Vtuber Going for Challenger]
It was 6 PM on a weekday evening.
I felt a little shy turning on the stream waiting screen with the cute SD character on it.
Is this more embarrassing than streaming with my face revealed?
Thinking about acting like that character made me feel strange, like I had become a real anime voice actor.
-WhyNot?: Today, only half of the stream title is true. What kind of technique is this?
The chat was quick to come in. It was a familiar nickname. The fact that he came so quickly probably meant that he had set up a notification for my stream.
The fact that he had set up a notification to watch my stream as soon as it started was even more gratifying than just following me.
“I’ve never lied once in my life. I’m really a new vtuber and I’m planning to go to Challenger.”
-WhyNot?: I see, Teacher…. I didn’t know that….
Welcome. Nice to meet you. Thanks for following.
After playing some music and exchanging greetings, I started queuing for LoL when the number of viewers exceeded ten.
The silver account that I had demoted for smurfing in the lower ranks was already in a promotion series from Gold 1 to Platinum.
It’s easy to climb in the lower tiers. Still, I turned on my stats screen and said.
“Do you see? This devastating win streak? At this rate, I might really go to Challenger?”
-nadang: Breaking news) She’s on a winning streak in Gold and declares ‘I’m going to Challenger’
LastLightOfNation: Gold Slayer Ruffian! Gold Slayer Ruffian! Gold Slayer Ruffian! Gold Slayer Ruffian! Gold Slayer Ruffian! Gold Slayer Ruffian!
MorningRice: Don’t you play anything other than Trynd?
“Well, since you all seem to doubt my skills, I’ve prepared some flashy champions. I’ll mainly play Irelia, Zed, Yasuo, and Yone.”
Today, I was planning to make highlight reels with champions that Forbes selected as champions that shouldn’t be played below Master tier.
But what is Forbes?
-JungleIsHell: A comprehensive gift set of
champions ᄏᄏᄏ
LastLightOfNation: Summoner’s Rift martial law declared! Summoner’s Rift martial law declared! Summoner’s Rift martial law declared! Summoner’s Rift martial law declared! Summoner’s Rift martial law declared! Summoner’s Rift martial law declared!
-MorningRice: Oh
The opponent picked Camille first, and I picked Irelia.
A 50/50 matchup that is entirely dependent on skill.
If I played a mindless, attack-move tank champion like Warwick or Volibear, I could completely destroy Camille, but what I want is not just victory, but to win with style.
“Be careful. You might fall in love with my plays.”
There are many important things when playing Irelia with style.
Useless stop-moving. Eating CS with style. Winning 1v many fights.
I would experience terrible humiliation and shame if I lost the lane, so I focused very hard on the game.
Since it’s not my main champion, I’m a little short on experience. It’s easy to fail to stack Q if I rely on feeling alone, so I occasionally checked my damage and compared it to the minion’s health, playing seriously. The difference between having and not having the Sheen passive is huge, so I had to pay attention to it.
The opponent’s Camille, who was only Platinum 3, experienced overwhelming humiliation every time she tried to trade with me, failing to land her stun and getting stunned herself.
I got a solo kill at level 4, and after winning the subsequent trade, I
the lane and successfully denied her experience.
MorningRice: Why are you so good ᄏᄏᄏ
-JungleIsHell: Why play a
champion like Trynd when you’re so good at Irelia?
LastLightOfNation: The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian! The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian! The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian! The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian! The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian! The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian! The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian! The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian! The pinnacle of Yetis, Ruffian!
“Well, the crit animation is exhilarating! It’s a true man’s champion! That’s enough! Stop the baseless slander against Tryndamere!”
-JungleIsHell: What a manly man, Ruffian
-Economics101: How can the voice and the words not match at all ᄏᄏᄏ
: Forbes’ #1 vtuber whose brain you want to dissect ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
Unable to do anything about the frozen lane, the top laner committed the ultimate humiliation of calling his jungler to just push the lane.
“A man should die standing. Are you going to live on your knees? So pathetic, calling the jungler to push the lane, saying it’s too hard, squealing like a baby!”
: Where did the squealing come from?
-DesirableGirl: The contrast is cute ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
MorningRice: The words are manly, but the voice is ᄏᄏᄏᄏ
[11:04][All] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia):
[11:07][All] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Camille is so bad
I couldn’t win a 2v1 because I hadn’t gone back yet and was lacking items.
So I was waiting for the pushed lane to reach my tower so I could farm it, when suddenly a ominous ping appeared.
[11:25] DUFO (Twisted Fate) pings that enemies are missing
As soon as the ping was placed, the enemy mid laner, Leblanc, peeked out from the bush behind our tower.
And the situation unfolded exactly as expected. The enemy Rek’Sai knocked me up and started taking tower shots, then Leblanc and Camille poured in the damage, and Rek’Sai used her ultimate to escape from the tower aggro.
I tried my best to resist, but I was too weak to do anything against a 3v1 with a 2,000 gold disadvantage.
Naturally, my character died. The enemy retreated without taking any damage, except for Rek’Sai losing a lot of health.
“How can you roam as soon as the ping is placed! If they’re missing, you should have told me 10 seconds earlier!”
-JungleIsHell: You can just look at the map ᄏᄏ
“How can I look at the map while I’m trying to last hit and trade with two enemies? If I could do that, I’d be a pro!”
???: Be careful. You might fall in love with my plays.
“Don’t roast me. Did I die because I’m bad? What the
was our jungler doing? If the enemy jungler is openly pressuring top, he should realize it’s a dive and come to back me up!”
[11:38] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Where is our jungler? If Rek’Sai is living top all day, shouldn’t you come back me up?
[11:43] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Did you hide your girlfriend in the jungle? You’re
in the jungle all day
[11:46] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): If you’re just going to farm all day, play ADC, you
-WhyNot?: Your ability to objectively analyze the situation and pinpoint the team’s mistakes is truly admirable, Teacher. -JungleIsHell: Blaming the jungler for everything ᄏᄏᄏᄏ That’s why I
hate playing jungle ᄏᄏᄏᄏ
: Are you perhaps a political science major? Your political skills are extraordinary
! It’s not blaming, it’s really the jungler’s fault! And why is this
Twisted Fate pinging MIA so late?”
If I had known that Leblanc was missing a little earlier, I probably would have stayed top to farm the CS anyway, but the fact that TF pinged MIA too late was true, so I blamed TF first.
[11:55] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): TF, why did you ping MIA so late?
[11:59] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): As soon as you pinged, Leblanc popped out
[12:03] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Why didn’t you follow? Why did you counter pick and still lose? Are you boosting?
After typing the chat, an even greater anger surged within me.
“This guy is too scared to follow the roam because he might get killed by Leblanc. Then why the
did he pick TF, he should have played a support mid instead! If you’re going to play like this, just quit the game! Just quit!”
-WhyNot?: Your typing speed is extraordinary. You’re truly the Teacher.
JungleIsHell: As soon as the game starts, she becomes a different person!
-Economics101: Is this really the same person as during just chatting? My heart is pounding
LastLightOfNation: Games are a disease, WHO 1 win Games are a disease, WHO 1 win Games are a disease, WHO 1 win Games are a disease, WHO 1 win Games are a disease, WHO 1 win Games are a disease, WHO 1 win
: A woman who turns her entire team into enemies
The jungle Graves and mid TF didn’t say anything, probably knowing they were at fault, but the ADC suddenly exploded.
[12:10] WhaleMiddle (Draven): So
[12:14] WhaleMiddle (Draven): Shut up and play
[12:25] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Are you TF’s mother?
[12:29] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Or his lawyer?
[12:40] WhaleMiddle (Draven): Getting
by Leblanc and blaming others
[12:50] WhaleMiddle (Draven):
[12:58] WhaleMiddle (Draven): Just quit
No, I died unfairly, and this guy who probably didn’t even see it because he was busy with the bot lane is starting
I’m really going crazy, I think I’m going insane.
Unable to contain my anger, I crossed the entire Rift from top to bot.
And I stole all the CS that Draven was trying to farm.
Draven is also a strong character in CS stealing battles, with each of his Q-empowered autos being very powerful, but he was no match for me, whose first Q was incredibly strong with the Divine Sunderer already completed.
If I took three CS, he would barely manage to get one.
[14:11] WhaleMiddle (Draven): Seriously, what the
[14:15] WhaleMiddle (Draven): Don’t you have a mother?
[14:19] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): I have more than you
[14:21] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): 0 to 1
Draven tried to keep playing the game in various ways, such as farming jungle camps or moving to the empty top lane, but I kept following him and hindering his growth.
[16:30][All] WhaleMiddle (Draven): This
Irelia got
on top and came bot to vent her anger
[16:30][All] WhaleMiddle (Draven):
this elo
FixedWithCrystalArrow (Ashe): This elo ᄏᄏ
FixedWithCrystalArrow (Ashe): Pretending not to be a local, but he’s totally a local ᄏᄏ
WhaleMiddle (Draven): Stop
, you were getting
WhaleMiddle (Draven): Are you happy because you’re getting a free win thanks to top?
[17:00][All] FixedWithCrystalArrow (Ashe): You’re mad because you lost ᄏᄏᄏ
FixedWithCrystalArrow (Ashe): Loser
[17:09] DUFO (Twisted Fate): Let’s just lose
[17:16] DUFO (Twisted Fate): Irelia is in her promotion series
[17:23] DUFO (Twisted Fate): Let’s tell her to go back to Gold
[17:30] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Yeah, it’s a smurf so I don’t care ᄏ
[17:34] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): I have a smurf, you have your main ᄏ
[17:39] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): What will you do when your main account’s LP drops ᅲᅲ
: Is this the true form of LoL? Is this the true form of LoL? Is this the true form of LoL? Is this the true form of LoL? Is this the true form of LoL? Is this the true form of LoL?
MorningRice: This is why I quit the game and just watch streams ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
승 ᄋᄌ
[17:50] WhaleMiddle (Draven): The smurf excuse is
[17:55] WhaleMiddle (Draven): If you’re a smurf, then I’m a Challenger on my main ᄏ
[17:59] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Want to bet on it?
[18:03] ThrowUntilChallenger (Irelia): Want to bet your mother on it?
“Hey guys, my main account is suspended, what do I do?”
This is a serious problem. I’m typing in the chat, but if I say my main account is suspended, I’ll be humiliated.
“Can anyone lend me an account above Diamond? The higher the tier, the better.”
-WhyNot?: I gain another great insight from your creative problem-solving ability, Teacher.
-JungleIsHell: Of course there are, the average viewer is Master-Grandmaster-Challenger ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
There’s no one below Diamond ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ
“Ah, can someone lend me one quickly? I’m in a hurry.”
-Jerobi: I have a Diamond 2, is that okay?
“Of course, that’s more than okay.”
-Jerobi: What will you give me if I lend it to you?
“Huh? What do you want?”
-Jerobi: Cuteness??
Being humiliated for pretending to be a smurf vs being humiliated for acting cute on stream.
The moment of choice has arrived.
The adventure continues! If you loved this chapter, Gender-Swapped Busty Murim is a must-read. Click here to start!
Read : Gender-Swapped Busty Murim
If You Notice any translation issues or inconsistency in names, genders, or POV etc? Let us know here in the comments or on our Discord server, and we’ll fix it in current and future chapters. Thanks for helping us to improve! 🙂