Chapter 7: Demon Slayer Blade, Part 2

Nezuko asked who I was.

I pondered. I hadn’t yet defined myself.

However, my contemplation was brief. Before acquiring the Demonic Sword Technique, I might have been uncertain, but now my path was clear.

“Demonic God.”

Nezuko, taken aback, repeated the word, “Demonic God…”

After a moment of contemplation, she expressed her gratitude, “I apologize. I should have said this first, but thank you for saving my family.”

She bowed her head, and her family followed suit, thanking me.

As I received their gratitude, a thought emerged.

That I had done the right thing.

I recalled someone saying that one shouldn’t act with expectations of reward.

However, I disagreed.

In this moment, I had received ample reward.

Their words of gratitude were my reward.

As I spoke with Nezuko, Tanjiro arrived.

He looked at us, panting.

“What happened…?”

Wary of me, a stranger, he approached his family. After hearing their account, he bowed his head in gratitude.

“Thank you for saving my family.”

“There’s no need for such gratitude. I simply helped those in danger.”

“I know it’s not as easy as it sounds.

I’ve seen many people ignore others in need unless they’re personally involved.

Therefore, you are our benefactor, Demonic God.”

Unaccustomed to praise, I scratched my head, hoping the heartwarming atmosphere would dissipate quickly.

Fortunately, it didn’t last long. Tomioka Giyu, the Water Hashira, one of the nine Pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps, arrived.

“Where’s the demon?”

He inquired immediately upon arrival, and I answered on behalf of Tanjiro’s family, “It escaped. Unfortunately… It was a chance to kill Kibutsuji Muzan.”

“What…? Kibutsuji Muzan?”

“Yes. The demon I just encountered was Kibutsuji Muzan.”

“Then how are you alive?”

“Because I’m strong. Regrettably, not strong enough to kill Kibutsuji Muzan, but it’s only a matter of time.

I will continue to grow stronger.”

Giyu stared at me with disbelief, but he eventually nodded in acceptance.

“With such overwhelming evidence of battle, I have no choice but to believe you. Especially since there are multiple witnesses.”

He looked at Tanjiro and his family, and Tanjiro stepped forward, declaring, “I won’t let you harm my family!”

Giyu looked at Tanjiro with confusion.

“What do you mean…? I’m a demon slayer, protecting people from demons.

I wouldn’t harm anyone.”

“Eh…? Oh, I apologize! I mistook you!”

I observed the comical exchange.

‘Well, with that expression and tone, anyone would misunderstand.’

As I chuckled, Giyu turned to me.

“Your wounds seem severe. Shouldn’t you seek treatment? I know an excellent healer.

I can take you there if you wish.”

I accepted his offer without hesitation.

While I had grown accustomed to pain, I wasn’t invulnerable.

I was now being carried by a stranger.

‘What were they called again…’

I vaguely remembered a term for people who carried and treated the injured in the original story, but it eluded me.

‘Well, it’s not important.’

After some time, we arrived at the Butterfly Mansion, where Kocho Shinobu, the Insect Hashira, resided.

I thanked the person who carried me and entered the mansion.

Kanzaki Aoi, who had nursed Tanjiro and his companions in the original story, stood at the entrance.

“Are you Demonic God?”


“Then follow me. I’ll escort you to Shinobu-sama.”

I followed Aoi through the mansion’s corridors.

She stopped at a room.

“Here it is.”

With that, she departed.

‘She’s quite cold towards a stranger.’

I felt slightly disheartened by her demeanor, which differed from the original story. However, I quickly dismissed the thought.

I knew that despite her outward coldness, Aoi possessed a kind heart.

She would open up if I approached her sincerely.

I opened the door.


Stepping inside, I saw Shinobu diligently writing something at her desk.

Hearing the door, she turned around.

“You must be Demonic God.”

Her characteristic upward inflection at the end of her sentences made the encounter feel real.

“I heard you encountered Kibutsuji Muzan. How was it?”

‘It’s best to tell her the truth.’

“He was strong. Extremely strong.”

“Such a vague answer isn’t helpful.

I’d like to know your assessment – if I were to fight Kibutsuji Muzan, what would the outcome be? ♪”



Shinobu’s expression turned serious.

“Frankly, if you encounter Kibutsuji Muzan, you’ll be killed. Brutally.”

She smiled brightly, seemingly unfazed by my bluntness.

“As expected. It’s only natural.

I’m the weakest among the Pillars…”

“But you have your poison, right? Your unique weapon.”

“Ahaha. That’s right. I have my poison…

How did you know I use poison…?”

“I asked the person who carried me here.”

“Aha… That makes sense.”

“Indeed. So, is your goal to defeat Kibutsuji Muzan?”

“It’s one of my goals.

However, my true desire is to kill Doma, who murdered my older sister.

I doubt my poison is strong enough, though…”

Seeing her self-deprecating tone, I said, “I’ll kill him for you.”


“I’ll kill him for you. Both Doma, your enemy, and Kibutsuji Muzan, who created this situation.

So, you just focus on developing your poison.

Even if it can’t kill him outright, it can still inflict significant damage.”

Shinobu lowered her head in thought.

I let her contemplate in silence.

After a while, she looked up.

“You promise? That you’ll kill Kibutsuji Muzan for me?”

“Yes, I promise. What about Doma?”

She gave a dark smile, “I’ll kill him myself.

All my efforts have been for the sake of killing him personally.”

“Alright. I understand.”

“Of course~ I’ll ask for your help if it seems impossible. ♪”


I answered without hesitation.

My unwavering response seemed to affect her.

She sighed, as if giving up.

“You really should hesitate a little…

Well, I guess overthinking it only hurts me…

Come over here.

Let me treat your wounds.”

Thus, on the day I encountered Kibutsuji Muzan, I met Kocho Shinobu.

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